💾 Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage written in Swift!


Storez 💾

Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage

Version Version Swift Platforms


  • Fully Customizable:
    Customize the persistence store, the KeyType class, post-commit actions .. Make this framework yours!

  • Batteries Included:
    In case you just want to use stuff, the framework is shipped with pre-configured basic set of classes that you can just use.

  • Portability, Check!:
    If you're looking to share code between you app and extensions, watchkit, apple watch, you're covered! You can use the NSUserDefaults store, just set your shared container identifier as the suite name.


final class WeatherService {

  private enum Keys: Namespace {
    static let id = "weather-service"
    static let temperature = Key<Keys, Double>(id: "temp", defaultValue: 0.0)

  private let store: UserDefaultsStore
  var temperature: Double {
    return store.get(Keys.temperature)

  init(store: UserDefaultsStore) {
    self.store = store

  func weatherUpdate(temperature: Double) {
    store.set(Keys.temperature, temperature)


Available Stores

Store Backend Subspec
UserDefaultsStore NSUserDefaults Storez/UserDefaults
CacheStore NSCache Storez/Cache

For all stores, simply use pod "Storez"

Type-safe, store-agnostic, nestable Key definitions

// Entries must belong to a "group", for namespacing
struct Animals: Namespace {
    static let id = "animals"

let kingdom = Key<Animals, Void?>(id: "mammals", defaultValue: nil)
kingdom.stringValue // "animals:mammals"

// Nesting
struct Cats: Namespace {
    typealias parent = Animals
    static let id = "cats"

    // Namespaces also have pre and post commit hooks
    func preCommitHook() { /* custom code */ }
    func postCommitHook() { /* custom code */ }

let cat = Key<Cats, Void?>(id: "lion", defaultValue: nil)
cat.stringValue // "animals:cats:lion"

Initialize the store you want

// Use UserDefaultsStore for this example
let store = UserDefaultsStore(suite: "io.kitz.testing")
let key = Key<GlobalNamespace, Int?>(id: "key", defaultValue: nil)

// With three simple functions
store.set(key, value: 8)
store.get(key) // 8
store.clear() // Start fresh every time for testing

Optionality is honored throughout

let nullable = Key<GlobalNamespace, String?>(id: "nullable", defaultValue: nil)
store.get(nullable)?.isEmpty   // nil
store.set(nullable, value: "")
store.get(nullable)?.isEmpty   // true

let nonnull = Key<GlobalNamespace, String>(id: "nonnull", defaultValue: "!")
store.get(nonnull).isEmpty  // false
store.set(nonnull, value: "")
store.get(nonnull).isEmpty  // true

Custom objects easily supported

NEW Simply conform to Codable!

(You can still use UserDefaultsConvirtable if needed)

struct CustomObject: Codable {
    var strings: [String]

// custom objects properly serialized/deserialized
let customObject = CustomObject(
    strings: ["fill", "in", "the"]

// let's add a processing block this time
let CustomValue = Key<GlobalNamespace, CustomObject?>(id: "custom", defaultValue: nil) {

    var processedValue = $0
    return processedValue

store.set(CustomValue, value: customObject)
store.get(CustomValue)?.strings.joinWithSeparator(" ") // fill in the blank!

Make your own KeyType

// For example, make an key that emits NSNotifications
struct MyKey<G: Namespace, V>: KeyType {

    typealias NamespaceType = G
    typealias ValueType = V

    var stringValue: String
    var defaultValue: ValueType

    func didChange(oldValue: ValueType, newValue: ValueType) {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(stringValue, object: nil)

Getting Started

Swift Package Manager

TODO: Write me


CocoaPods is fully supported. You can choose which store you want to use (see above). Simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Storez/UserDefaults'


I've seen a lot of great attempts at statically-types data stores, but they all build a tightly coupled design that limits the end-developer's freedom. With this framework, you can start prototyping right away with the shipped features, then replace the persistence store and KeyType functionality with your heart's content and keep your code the way it is!


Mazyod (@Mazyod)


Storez is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Get all of a kind

    Get all of a kind

    Hi there! How can I get all items stored under a certain Namespace? For example, I have the following namespace:

    struct ListsNamespace: Namespace {
        static let id = "lists"

    and I want to fetch all 'List' items.


    opened by nicolasalliaume 3
  • Cannot create Custom objects

    Cannot create Custom objects

    I try to create some custom objects,

    struct StorezArray {
        var arrStr: [String]
    extension StorezArray: UserDefaultsConvertible {
        typealias UserDefaultsType = String
        var encodeForUserDefaults: StorezArray.UserDefaultsType? {
            return arrStr.joined(separator: ";")
        static func decode(userDefaultsValue value: StorezArray.UserDefaultsType) -> StorezArray? {
            return self.init(arrStr: value.components(separatedBy: ";"))

    but xcode always says

    Type 'StorezArray' does not conform to protocol 'UserDefaultsConvertible'

    even though i add the protocol stub

    opened by aphe 2
  • clear() does not seem to clear user defaults

    clear() does not seem to clear user defaults

    The following code passes the first time. When the test is run a second time it fails.

    func testUserDefaultsBuggyClear() {
        var testStore = UserDefaultsStore(suite: "io.kitz.storez.test")
        let key = Key<GlobalNamespace, Int?>(id: "foo", defaultValue: nil)
        testStore.set(key, value: 666)
        XCTAssertEqual(testStore.get(key), 666)
        testStore = UserDefaultsStore(suite: "io.kitz.storez.test")
        testStore.set(key, value: 666)

    Run the following code several times and it eventually will always pass:

    func testUserDefaultsClear() {
        var testStore = UserDefaultsStore(suite: "io.kitz.storez.test")
        let key = Key<GlobalNamespace, Int?>(id: "foo", defaultValue: nil)
        testStore.set(key, value: 666)
        XCTAssertEqual(testStore.get(key), 666)
        testStore = UserDefaultsStore(suite: "io.kitz.storez.test")
        testStore.set(key, value: 666)
    opened by maguro 2
  • the newest version build failed in carthage

    the newest version build failed in carthage

    build failed in carthage and when i build in Xcode i get the incurrent headers. the season is like this: The following build commands failed: Check dependencies (1 failure) ** BUILD FAILED **

    The following build commands failed: Check dependencies (1 failure) warning: no umbrella header found for target 'Storez-ios', module map will not be generated warning: no umbrella header found for target 'Storez-ios', module map will not be generated A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace ~/Carthage/Checkouts/Storez/Storez.xcworkspace -scheme Storez-ios -configuration Release -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65: --- xcodebuild: WARNING: Unable to open project file '~/Carthage/Checkouts/Storez/Playground/Playground.playground' in workspace '~/Carthage/Checkouts/Storez/Storez.xcworkspace'. ** CLEAN FAILED **

    opened by strangeliu 2
  • Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    This pull requests corrects the spelling of CocoaPods 🤓 https://github.com/CocoaPods/shared_resources/tree/master/media

    Created with cocoapods-readme.

    opened by ReadmeCritic 0
  • Cocoapods support

    Cocoapods support

    Probably makes sense to support Cocoapods using subspecs, so users can perhaps add support to Realm, SQLite, CoreData ... etc, without affecting light-weight stores.

    opened by Mazyod 0
  • UserDefaults Migration

    UserDefaults Migration

    Add user defaults migration helper, which takes a list of of MigrationInfo. MigrationInfo is a struct that contains a KeyType to be migrated to, String which is the old key, and a processing block, that takes the old value and processes it to to return a new suitable value for KeyType.

    This is the actual use case that I have. I have simplified it so it makes more sense:

    old value: "CityId" -> "kw-city-asimah" new key: "general-settings:city" -> ""

    so, we can do this:

    let migrationInfo = MigrationInfo(
      keyType = Key<GeneralSettings, City>(id: "city", defaultValue: City.asimah),
      oldKey = "CityId",
      processor = { oldValue in
        // process from a string to a City type
        return mydb.getCity(oldValue)
    opened by Mazyod 1
  • v1.0.0(Dec 19, 2015)

    The library has been in private beta, and I only made it public after shipping it with my apps to the AppStore. You can rest assured it is battle tested.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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