A set of UIKit helpers that simplify the usage of UIKit view's and controller's in SwiftUI.

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UIKit Helpers

Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection โ€“ just add it to Xcode 13+

A set of UIKit helpers that simplify the usage of UIKit view's and controller's in SwiftUI. Many of these helpers are useful even in a pure UIKit project.


UIWrapping<UILabel> { view in
    view.numberOfLines = 0
    view.text = "Lets enable\nmultiple lines."
    view.textAlignment = .center


Works exactly as you'd expect. Essentially just a UIView version-ish of a ViewBuilder.

It improves container-like APIs.


The code is packaged as a framework. You can install manually (by copying the files in the Sources directory) or using Swift Package Manager (preferred)

To install using Swift Package Manager, add this to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/SwiftUI-Plus/UIKitHelpers.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.0"))

Other Packages

If you want easy access to this and more packages, add the following collection to your Xcode 13+ configuration:


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