iOS custom controller used in Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards



iOS custom controller used in the Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards.

This controller behaves very similar to UINavigationController, maintaining a stack of ViewControllers. The presentation of new view controllers is different though. New view controllers are presented as a new “Card” in front of the current context. The next GIFs show the control in action.

Gif from the example project supplied:

Gif from the Jobandtalent app:


Use Cocoapods to install this custom control in your project.

pod ‘CardStackController’, '~> 0.1.0


Use the main and only public class CardStackController to present or stack new view controllers. After creating and configuring CardStackController, present it modally (it doesn’t need to be animated). Once the controller itself is presented, you can start stacking cards by calling stack(viewController:) method.

Example of usage:

cardStackController.delegate = self
cardStackController.cardScaleFactor = CGFloat(firstSlider.value)
cardStackController.firstCardTopOffset = CGFloat(secondSlider.value)
cardStackController.topOffsetBetweenCards = CGFloat(thirdSlider.value)
cardStackController.verticalTranslation = CGFloat(fourthSlider.value)
cardStackController.automaticallyDismiss = false
present(cardStackController, animated: false, completion: nil)

let root = newController()
root.delegate = self
cardStackController.stack(viewController: root)

This control is highly customisable and contains many features, among the ones we highlight:

  • The user can dismiss cards by dragging them down.
  • It is possible to tune the damping and frequency values of the presenting animation to achieve all kinds of animation curves.
  • It is possible to customise the top distance between cards, the amount each card gets resized, the size of each card…
  • There are many convenient methods to unstack cards: unstackAll, unstackUntilRoot, unstackLast, etc.

Under the hood

CardStackController uses UIKit Dynamics to present or stack cards. It creates an attachment behaviour between a card and a fix point on the screen. To prevent the card moving sideways, there is a collision behaviour between each card and the borders of the screen. Finally, there is a DynamicItem behaviour for each card to prevent rotation (this behaviour could also be used to apply density/friction/etc to them, but we didn’t find it necessary).

CardStackController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Transition snapshots

    Transition snapshots

    Hi, This component is awesome. I was testing it and I get stuck trying to reload a collectionview in the original view with data added in stack view. I was debugging layers and I realize that screen snapshoots on transitions are not updated.

    I was trying snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates and all related methods but I couldn't solved it. I'm newbie in iOS transitions, I don't know if that's correct.

    Original Screen: captura de pantalla 2017-02-06 a les 0 25 43 After add 1 player: captura de pantalla 2017-02-06 a les 0 26 32 After add 2 player: captura de pantalla 2017-02-06 a les 0 28 29

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by oscarbc96 2
  • Remove snapshot image on controller dismissal

    Remove snapshot image on controller dismissal

    This fixes #5. Admittedly haven't tested it too thoroughly, but it's a pretty straightforward fix. Forgot to use a topic branch, hopefully that's okay!

    opened by timglorioso 1
  • Unable to read license file

    Unable to read license file

    Cocoapods complains: [!] Unable to read the license file ... /Pods/CardStackController/LICENSE for the spec CardStackController (0.1.0)

    Pretty sure it's because the filename has a .txt extension while the podspec specifies an extension-less file.

    Because of this your awesome package isn't included in Cocoapods auto-generated acknowledgments file! :(

    opened by timglorioso 1
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    opened by TofPlay 1
  • fix: unstack all completion

    fix: unstack all completion

    The completion block passed to API method unstackAllViewControllers(completion:) wasn't getting passed along to private method unstack(viewControllers:completion:), so this is just a minor fix for that.

    opened by timglorioso 0
  • fix: remove snapshot view on controller dismissal

    fix: remove snapshot view on controller dismissal

    These changes are identical to #8, just using a topic branch as per best practices. Fixes #5.

    Worth noting you can witness #5 in action in the README gif when the slider values flash after card dismissal!

    Thanks again for such an awesome package ❤️

    opened by timglorioso 1
  • iOS 10 rotation issue

    iOS 10 rotation issue

    When rotating to landscape, card will be show as in portrait. After closing the opened card, new one opens in correct orientation. Same goes when rotating back to portrait. First card is always messed up.

    Also when I open cards on different view controller, it shows the last image of it not the current one.

    opened by akotulu 7
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