WireGuard for iOS and macOS


WireGuard for iOS and macOS

This project contains an application for iOS and for macOS, as well as many components shared between the two of them. You may toggle between the two platforms by selecting the target from within Xcode.


  • Clone this repo:
$ git clone https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple
$ cd wireguard-apple
  • Rename and populate developer team ID file:
$ cp Sources/WireGuardApp/Config/Developer.xcconfig.template Sources/WireGuardApp/Config/Developer.xcconfig
$ vim Sources/WireGuardApp/Config/Developer.xcconfig
  • Install swiftlint and go 1.15:
$ brew install swiftlint go
  • Open project in Xcode:
$ open WireGuard.xcodeproj
  • Flip switches, press buttons, and make whirling noises until Xcode builds it.

WireGuardKit integration

  1. Open your Xcode project and add the Swift package with the following URL:

  2. WireGuardKit links against wireguard-go-bridge library, but it cannot build it automatically due to Swift package manager limitations. So it needs a little help from a developer. Please follow the instructions below to create a build target(s) for wireguard-go-bridge.

    • In Xcode, click File -> New -> Target. Switch to "Other" tab and choose "External Build System".

    • Type in WireGuardGoBridge under the "Product name", replacing the placeholder with the name of the platform. For example, when targeting macOS use macOS, or when targeting iOS use iOS. Make sure the build tool is set to: /usr/bin/make (default).

    • In the appeared "Info" tab of a newly created target, type in the "Directory" path under the "External Build Tool Configuration":

    • Switch to "Build Settings" and find SDKROOT. Type in macosx if you target macOS, or type in iphoneos if you target iOS.

  3. Go to Xcode project settings and locate your network extension target and switch to "Build Phases" tab.

    • Locate "Dependencies" section and hit "+" to add WireGuardGoBridge replacing the placeholder with the name of platform matching the network extension deployment target (i.e macOS or iOS).

    • Locate the "Link with binary libraries" section and hit "+" to add WireGuardKit.

  4. In Xcode project settings, locate your main bundle app and switch to "Build Phases" tab. Locate the "Link with binary libraries" section and hit "+" to add WireGuardKit.

  5. iOS only: Locate Bitcode settings under your application target, Build settings -> Enable Bitcode, change the corresponding value to "No".

Note that if you ship your app for both iOS and macOS, make sure to repeat the steps 2-4 twice, once per platform.

MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Bug: Fix incorrect IP address allocation size

    Bug: Fix incorrect IP address allocation size

    Documentation for withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:_:) is available below: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/unsafepointer/withmemoryrebound(to:capacity:_:)

    According to it, the capacity parameter is specified as "the number of instances of T in the re-bound region," and not the total size of the rebound struct. This can lead to crashes in the extension with the following error:

    Fatal error: self must be a properly aligned pointer for types Pointee and T

    Since the subsequent line in the code only reads sizeof(in_addr) or sizeof(in6_addr) anyway, change the capacity parameter to just be a count of 1.

    opened by protonjohn 0
  • Handle dock icon click to open Tunnel Manager (`applicationShouldHandleReopen`)

    Handle dock icon click to open Tunnel Manager (`applicationShouldHandleReopen`)

    One thing that bugs me about the WireGuard macOS app is that clicking on its Dock icon does not open the Tunnel Manager window. This is non macOS-like, and limits the ability to show that window programatically via shell scripts, AppleScript, JXA, Alfred etc.

    My poor-man's kludge to automate this is to literally quit the app and re-open it, like this (JXA):

    function run(argv) {
      var WG = new Application("WireGuard");

    ...but that's embarrassingly inefficient. I believe after looking at the code that it's because there's no applicationShouldHandleReopen() func handler.

    So this is not a full working PR, just a bit of starter code I was hoping to get refined into a working fix. I do believe the fix is small and fairly easy to implement.


    • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplicationdelegate/1428638-applicationshouldhandlereopen
    • https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/706772?answerId=715063022#715063022
    opened by luckman212 1
  • Support Simulator and Catalyst targets

    Support Simulator and Catalyst targets

    Make Go library build correctly on iPhone Simulator and Mac Catalyst.

    Script adjustments might appear inelegant, but the generated library has worked 100% on these targets. Tested in my production app for 6+ months.

    opened by keeshux 0
  • Adding -fembed-bitcode flag to enable bitcode in XCode

    Adding -fembed-bitcode flag to enable bitcode in XCode

    "Currently libwg-go.a doesn't support bitcode in the Xcode project. It crashes with the following message:

    libwg-go.a does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. for architecture arm64

    Disabling Bitcode for the whole project is very bad for dSYMs and Crashlytics reporting, though"

    Full discussion is here

    opened by ponkin 1
  • Add DNSMatchDomains property to Interface (split DNS)

    Add DNSMatchDomains property to Interface (split DNS)

    Based on the work of Stephen Larew stephen@slarew.net.

    This adds split DNS capability. MacOS and iOS don't fully support the separation of search domains and match domains so a best effort is made to implement to what the configuration intends.

    Signed-off-by: Frank Riley fhriley@gmail.com

    opened by fhriley 3
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