A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux.



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A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux. Flywheel is built on top of Corotuines using the concepts of structured concurrency. At the core, lies the State Machine which is based on actor model.

Why Flywheel?

The goal was to make the state management concept of Redux simple, understandable & easy to use in Kotlin based projects. To achieve that, we adapted only the core concepts from Redux and slightly modified them. We excluded Android, Apple or any platform-specific dependencies. It is just pure Kotlin. By doing so, you are free to choose your architecture that best suits your codebase, no need to make any big refactor to fit in Flywheel. Don't be fooled by its simplicity, Flywheel got you covered for all practical use-cases. Even if we missed anything, it can be easily extended to support your use cases.

Getting started

In Kotlin Multiplatfrom project:

kotlin {
  sourceSets {
      val commonMain by getting {
          dependencies {

In Android / Gradle project:

dependencies {


In Apple platforms

You can use CocoaPods to install Flywheel by adding it to your Podfile:


target 'MyApp' do

    pod 'Flywheel', '~> 1.1.4-RC'


You can use the Swift Package Manager to install Flywheel by adding the proper description to your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/abhimuktheeswarar/Flywheel.git", from: "1.1.4-RC"),

Then run swift build whenever you get prepared.


This is how a simple counter example looks like.

  1. Define a state.

    data class CounterState(val counter: Int = 0) : State
  2. Define actions that can change the state.

    sealed interface CounterAction : Action {
        object IncrementAction : CounterAction
        object DecrementAction : CounterAction
  3. Define a reducer that updates the state based on the action & current state.

    val reduce = reducerForAction<CounterAction, CounterState> { action, state ->
        with(state) {
            when (action) {
                is CounterAction.IncrementAction -> copy(counter = counter + 1)
                is CounterAction.DecrementAction -> copy(counter = counter - 1)
  4. Create a StateReserve.

    val stateReserve = StateReserve(
        initialState = InitialState.set(CounterState()),
        reduce = reduce)
  5. Listen for state changes

    stateReserve.states.collect { state -> println(state.counter) }
  6. Send actions to StateReserve to update the state.


To learn more about Flywheel, head on over to our wiki.


Copyright (C) 2021 Abhi Muktheeswarar

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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  • How would you unit test Actions/Side Effects

    How would you unit test Actions/Side Effects

    Love the library! Great work. I really like the structure and design of it. I am, however, struggling to write unite tests for some code I wrote using this library. Most likely it's just a lack of understanding on my part, but I seem to keep running into deadlock issues when running tests. I'm using the new coroutine test library for testing common code. How would you go about testing SideEffects or Actions in this library?

    opened by alexwhb 0
  • Could not cast value of type '' to 'SharedKotlinx_coroutines_coreFlowCollector'

    Could not cast value of type '' to 'SharedKotlinx_coroutines_coreFlowCollector'


    I am trying to implement a very simple State in my KMM project and I run into an exception. I don't know if I am doing things correctly, here are some details.


    • kotlin : 1.5.30
    • flywheel : 1.1.4-RC
    • kotlinxCoroutines : 1.5.2-native-mt

    use case

    I would like to State defined in the shared kotlin code base and I would like to collect this State in my Swift view model.

    On Kotlin side

    • I made an State and corresponding Actions in shared (my state has a boolean value modified by the actions)
    • I have SDK kotlin class where I have put a Reducer and a StateReserve

    Now on Swift side :

    • I have imported flywheel framework and the CoroutinesHelper.swift file
    • I have defined the following state in a ViewModel :
    final class MyViewModel: ObservableObject {
        let sdk: MySDK
        @Published var myState: MyState = MyState(myBoolean = false)
        init() {
            sdk = MySDK()
            sdk.myStateReserve.states.collect(collector: Collector<MyState> { myState in
                self.myState = myState
            } as! Kotlinx_coroutines_coreFlowCollector) { (unit, error) in
                // code executed if the Flow object is completed

    what is happening

    So the first thing different from the sample code you provided is that I am forced to cast Collector<MyState> to Kotlinx_coroutines_coreFlowCollector

    And surely the problem is here as the Exception is the following, calling init():

    Could not cast value of type '_TtGC6iosApp9CollectorCSo18SharedMyState_' (0x11046c4d0) to 'SharedKotlinx_coroutines_coreFlowCollector' (0x10218ae48).

    Am I doing the most simple thing to collect a state in Swift ? If not I am interested to know how I can improve my code ! Thank you so much !

    (BTW wiki documentation is great !)

    opened by Benoye 1
Abhi Muktheeswarar
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