A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.



JOSESwift is a modular and extensible framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.


πŸ’‘ Please note that this implementation of the JOSE standards is not fully complete yet. For example, there is only a limited set of supported algorithms available at the moment. Moreover we currently only support compact serialization of JOSE types. If you are missing a specific feature, algorithm, or serialization, feel free to submit a pull request.



  • JWS: Digitally signing and verifying arbitrary data using the JWS standard.
  • JWE: Encrypting and decrypting arbitrary data using the JWE standard.
  • JWK: Encoding and decoding cryptographic keys.

If you are missing a specific feature, algorithm, or serialization, feel free to submit a pull request.

Cryptographic Algorithms

πŸ” JWS πŸ” JWE πŸ”‘ JWK
Digital Signatures and MACs Key Management Content Encryption Keys
HS256 βœ… RSA1_5 βœ… A128CBC-HS256 βœ… RSA βœ…
HS384 βœ… RSA-OAEP βœ… A192CBC-HS384 EC βœ…
HS512 βœ… RSA-OAEP-256 βœ… A256CBC-HS512 βœ… oct βœ…
RS256 βœ… A128KW βœ… A128GCM
RS384 βœ… A192KW βœ… A192GCM
RS512 βœ… A256KW βœ… A256GCM
ES256 βœ… dir βœ…
ES384 βœ… ECDH-ES
ES512 βœ… ECDH-ES+A128KW
PS256 βœ… ECDH-ES+A192KW
PS384 βœ… ECDH-ES+A256KW
PS512 βœ… A128GCMKW


For interchangeability JOSESwift currently supports compact serialization for JWS and for JWE.

Compact Serialization JSON Serialization

Compression Algorithms

JOSESwift supports the DEFLATE compression algorithm for JWE.


JOSESwift integrates nicely into your iOS and macOS projects. We support the following package managers:


To integrate JOSESwift into your Xcode project, include it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'JOSESwift', '~> 2.3'

Then install it by running pod install. More documentation on using CocoaPods can be found here.


To integrate JOSESwift in your Xcode project, include it in your Cartfile:

github "airsidemobile/JOSESwift" ~> 2.3

Then build it by running carthage update and drag the built framework into your Xcode project. More documentation on using Carthage can be found here.

Swift Package Manager

To integrate JOSESwift in your Xcode project as a Swift package, follow Apple's article on how to add package dependencies to your app.

Alternatively, when using Swift Package Manager manually include the following dependency in your Package.swift file. See Apple's documentation for more details on specifying dependency version requirements.

.package(url: "https://github.com/airsidemobile/JOSESwift.git", from: "2.3.0")


JOSESwift covers three functional aspects:

  1. JWS: Digital Signatures
  2. JWE: Encryption and Decryption
  3. JWK: Representing Keys

JWS: Digital Signatures

A JWS encapsulates and secures data using a digital signature which can be verified by the receiver of the JWS.

Signing Data

In order to construct a JWS we need to provide the following parts:

  1. Header
  2. Payload
  3. Signer
let header = JWSHeader(algorithm: .RS512)

Optionally you can set addtitional parameters:

header.kid = "2018-10-08"

header.typ = "JWS"
let message = "Summer β›±, Sun β˜€οΈ, Cactus 🌡".data(using: .utf8)!

let payload = Payload(message)

The signer algorithm must match the header algorithm.

let privateKey: SecKey = /* ... */

let signer = Signer(signingAlgorithm: .RS512, privateKey: privateKey)!

The JWS compact serialization is a URL-safe string that can easily be transmitted to a third party using a method of your choice.

guard let jws = try? JWS(header: header, payload: payload, signer: signer) else { ... }

print(jws.compactSerializedString) // ey (...) J9.U3 (...) LU.na (...) 1A

More details about constructing a JWS can be found in the wiki.

Verifying Data

let publicKey: SecKey = /* ... */

let serialization = "ey (..) n0.HK (..) pQ.yS (..) PA.AK (..) Jx.hB (..) 7w"
do {
    let jws = try JWS(compactSerialization: serialization)
    let verifier = Verifier(verifyingAlgorithm: .RS512, publicKey: publicKey)!
    let payload = try jws.validate(using: verifier).payload
    let message = String(data: payload.data(), encoding: .utf8)!

    print(message) // Summer β›±, Sun β˜€οΈ, Cactus 🌡

More details about verifying an existing, serialized JWS can be found in the wiki.

JWE: Encryption and Decryption

A JWE encapsulates and secures data by encrypting it. It can be decrypted by the receiver of the JWE.

Encrypting Data

In order to construct a JWE we need to provide the following parts:

  1. Header
  2. Payload
  3. Encrypter
let header = JWEHeader(keyManagementAlgorithm: .RSA1_5, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)

Optionally you can set addtitional parameters:

header.kid = "2018-10-08"

header.typ = "JWE"
let message = "Summer β›±, Sun β˜€οΈ, Cactus 🌡".data(using: .utf8)!

let payload = Payload(message)

The encrypter algorithms must match the header algorithms.

let publicKey: SecKey = /* ... */

let encrypter = Encrypter(keyManagementAlgorithm: .RSA1_5, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512, encryptionKey: publicKey)!

Note that the type of the provided encryption key must match the specified key management algorithm as shown in the following table.

Key Management Algorithm Encryption Key Type
RSA1_5 SecKey
A128KW Data
A192KW Data
A256KW Data
direct Data

The JWE compact serialization is a URL-safe string that can easily be transmitted to a third party using a method of your choice.

guard let jwe = try? JWE(header: header, payload: payload, encrypter: encrypter) else { ... }

print(jwe.compactSerializedString) // ey (..) n0.HK (..) pQ.yS (..) PA.AK (..) Jx.hB (..) 7w

More details about constructing a JWE can be found in the wiki.

Decrypting Data

let privateKey: SecKey = /* ... */

let serialization = "ey (..) n0.HK (..) pQ.yS (..) PA.AK (..) Jx.hB (..) 7w"
do {
    let jwe = try JWE(compactSerialization: serialization)
    let decrypter = Decrypter(keyManagementAlgorithm: .RSA1_5, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512, decryptionKey: privateKey)!
    let payload = try jwe.decrypt(using: decrypter)
    let message = String(data: payload.data(), encoding: .utf8)!

    print(message) // Summer β›±, Sun β˜€οΈ, Cactus 🌡

More details about decrypting an existing, serialized JWE can be found in the wiki.

Note that the type of the provided decryption key must match the specified key management algorithm as shown in the following table.

Key Management Algorithm Decryption Key Type
RSA1_5 SecKey
A128KW Data
A192KW Data
A256KW Data
direct Data

JWK: Representing Keys

A JWK is a JSON data structure that represents a cryptographic key. You could use it, for instance, as the payload of a JWS or a JWE to transmit your public key to a server.

Encoding RSA Public Keys

let publicKey: SecKey = /* ... */

let jwk = try! RSAPublicKey(publicKey: publicKey)

let json = jwk.jsonString()! // {"kty":"RSA","n":"MHZ4L...uS2d3","e":"QVFBQg"}

More details about encoding RSA public keys can be found in the wiki.

Decoding RSA Public Keys

let json: Data = /* ... */

let jwk = try! RSAPublicKey(data: json)

let publicKey: SecKey = try! jwk.converted(to: SecKey.self)

More details about decoding RSA public keys can be found in the wiki.

⚠️ We currently ignore the key parameters "key_ops" and "x5c" when decoding. This is due to a bug in our decoding implementation. See #117 for details.


JOSESwift uses Apple's Security framework and Apple’s CommonCrypto for cryptography.

For security disclosures or related matters, please contact joseswift@airsidemobile.com.

See our security policy for more information.


Contributions to the project are encouraged and more than welcome. πŸ€“

If you want to contribute, please submit a pull request. For feature requests, discussions, or bug reports, just open an issue.

See our contributing guidelines for more information.


You can find detailed information about the relevant JOSE standards in the respective RFCs:

Don’t forget to check our our wiki for more detailed documentation.


Feel free to contact the project maintainers at joseswift@airsidemobile.com.


JOSESwift is maintained by Airside Mobile.

Project Authors and Maintainers

@carol-mohemian, @daniel-mohemian, @gigi-mohemian


@haeser, @michael-mohemian


The logo was designed by Ivan Leuzzi.


To the following projects, which served us as reference and inspiration during development:


JOSESwift is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.

  • Add Elliptic Curve variants for JWS and JWK utilities

    Add Elliptic Curve variants for JWS and JWK utilities

    Hello Airside/Mohemian team,

    I needed EC algorithms for signing/verifying JWTs, and for decoding/encoding JWKs, so I thought it prudent to fork JOSESwift. The functionality for JWS and JWK should be complete and working, but I've yet to mirror your comprehensive test suite for RSA to the EC domain. I will be doing so over the coming weeks πŸ™‚

    Anecdotally, JWK decoding/encoding and JWS verification are working for ES256 public keys for the project I'm working on.

    This is a WIP, tell me if there's any issues with it. It would be good to see this eventually hit upstream so we can retarget to master.



    opened by jarrodmoldrich 20
  • WIP: Add RSAES-OAEP support

    WIP: Add RSAES-OAEP support

    Still working on it guys. Will also add tests but would be nice to get a quick review.

    Wondering about the Encrypter.swift and Decrypter.swift changes. If something else is needed there, can you point me to some documentation?


    opened by garrefa 15
  • RFC: A256-GCM

    RFC: A256-GCM

    Hey guys. Ill be working in closing the RSAES-OAEP PR today. Wanted to open this request for comments in order for us to start discussing what would be the best approach to add support to A256-GCM, Ill be offline tomorrow, flying to Brazil and would be nice if I have some ideas to read during the weekend. ;)

    opened by garrefa 13
  • JWS Signing with Secure Enclave keys

    JWS Signing with Secure Enclave keys


    I've tried to sign JWS ES256 with a key generated from the Secure Enclave (kSecAttrTokenID = kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave).

    The signing fails inside EC.swift -> let status = SecKeyRawVerify(publicKey, .sigRaw, digest, digest.count, signatureBytes, curveType.signatureOctetLength).

    I've also tried changing the code a bit, with: SecKeyCreateSignature(privateKey, .ecdsaSignatureMessageX962SHA256, test as CFData, &error) instead. The signing passes, but the JWS is invalid.

    Do you have any suggestions regarding this issue?

    Thanks, Martin

    bug help wanted 
    opened by martinmitrevski 10
  • Add asymmetric key algorithm RSA-OAEP-256 support

    Add asymmetric key algorithm RSA-OAEP-256 support


    • Added a more secure asymmetric key algorithm to support industry standard encryption: RSA-OAEP-256. RSA1_5 is deprecated and not recommended for use in securing sensitive data.
    • Documented all changes and provided external links to RFC pages.
    • Added a few helper methods to provide easier testing coverage.
    • refactored encryption and decryption unit tests to allow for future growth by allowing a developer to iterate over all the AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm enum cases.

    Incremented version number to 1.4.1

    Example Use (Swift String extension methods)

    JWE Encryption using an RSA public key

    func encrypt(with publicKey: SecKey) -> String? {
        let header = JWEHeader(algorithm: AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm.RSAOAEP256, encryptionAlgorithm: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.A256CBCHS512)
            let messageData = self.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8),
            let encrypter = Encrypter(keyEncryptionAlgorithm: AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm.RSAOAEP256, encryptionKey: publicKey, contentEncyptionAlgorithm: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.A256CBCHS512),
            let jwe = try? JWE(header: header, payload: Payload(messageData), encrypter: encrypter) else {
                    return nil
        return jwe.compactSerializedString

    JWE Decryption using an RSA private key

    func decrypt(privateKey: SecKey? = nil) -> String? {
            let privateKey = privateKey ?? CryptoEngineState.keyChainPrivateKey,
            let decrypter = Decrypter(keyDecryptionAlgorithm: AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm.RSAOAEP256, decryptionKey: privateKey, contentDecryptionAlgorithm: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.A256CBCHS512),
            let jwe = try? JWE(compactSerialization: self) ,
            let payload = try? jwe.decrypt(using: decrypter),
            let decrypted = String(data: payload.data(), encoding: .utf8) else {
                return nil
        return decrypted

    Unit Tests

    Provided full unit test coverage for the new asymmetric RSA-OAEP-256 algorithm.

    opened by stulevine 10
  • Add setters for additional JOSEHeader parameters

    Add setters for additional JOSEHeader parameters

    Fixes #109


    Add an additional argument for the kid parameter (defaults to nil) when initializing JWEHeader. So it can be called with a kid parameter or easily without. So this is not a breaking change.

    // With kid
    JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512, keyIdentifier: "kid")
    // Without kid
    JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512)

    The additional parameter gets set to the internal parameter dictionary, so when reading out the value of kid the value gets returned.

    let header = JWEHeader(algorithm: .RSA1_5, encryptionAlgorithm: .A256CBCHS512, keyIdentifier: "kid")
    print(header.kid) // "kid"


    I added a test for this.

    Update Documentation

    I am not quite sure how the contribution-flow should look like for editing the Wiki as I can't put the changes of the Wiki here into this PR. So, I updated the README and added the keyIdentifier parameter when initializing the JWEHeader. But, I think, an extra information in the wiki would be nice. I opened a new issue #111 with updated content for the wiki, you can then use the content from there to update the wiki.

    opened by fbernutz 10
  • Add parsed JWK header parameter

    Add parsed JWK header parameter

    The JWS and JWE specifications dictate that the 'jwk' header parameter should be represented as a JWK (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515#section-4.1.3 & https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7516#section-4.1.5). The JWK representation is a JSON dictionary, and not a string, as currently implemented by JOSESwift.

    This pull request is a suggested solution. It is also a work in progress, as the implementation of the 'jwk' header getters is sub-optimal and a better approach may be more desirable.

    This pull request also does not provide test coverage, and short-circuits some tests in benefit of successful compilation.

    opened by johanfylling 9
  • A128KW, A192KW and A256KW encryption and decryption was added

    A128KW, A192KW and A256KW encryption and decryption was added

    An algorithm for symmetric JWE key (A128KW, A192KW and A256KW) encryption and decryption was added. Marius (@mtamu) is the owner of this implementation.

    opened by ramunasjurgilas 8
  • Adding claim names

    Adding claim names


    Is it possible to include claim names https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519#section-4.1 like:

    iss (issuer): Issuer of the JWT
    sub (subject): Subject of the JWT (the user)
    aud (audience): Recipient for which the JWT is intended
    exp (expiration time): Time after which the JWT expires
    nbf (not before time): Time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
    iat (issued at time): Time at which the JWT was issued; can be used to determine age of the JWT
    jti (JWT ID): Unique identifier; can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed (allows a token to be used only once)

    on the payload? Is there a proposed way to do this? I see that that JWSHeader contains some exposed properties.


    opened by netgfx 7
  • Add support for EC256 keys that are stored inside the Secure Enclave

    Add support for EC256 keys that are stored inside the Secure Enclave

    This PR changes the EC crypto implemenation to use SecKeyCreateSignature and SecKeyVerfiySignature for signature creation and verification and adds the required conversions to and from BER encoded ASN.1 format for the signatures. It also introduces negative tests for EC signature verification, to detect trivial false acceptances for the signature validation. This is important because the tests for the signing also rely on the validation implementation.

    See #155 for the discussion which lead to this PR.

    Please be thorough with the iOS side of the review, since I do not have that much experience as developer for iOS.

    opened by mschwaig 7
  • [117]


    Resolves #117.

    Implemented this today throughout the day. Submitting the pull request now, so I can continue implementing feedback tomorrow at work.

    • Allows encoding and decoding of [String] JWK parameters in addition to String parameters.

    Tell me what you think!

    ⚠️ This contains two API changes in JWS.swift (major release needed):

    subscript(parameter: String) -> String?
    // becomes
    subscript(parameter: String) -> Any?
    let parameters: [String: String]
    // becomes
    let parameters: [String: JWKParameterType]
    opened by ghost 7
  • Private header parameters

    Private header parameters


    Enable the use of private header parameters by exposing the parameters dictionary

    Private header parameters are currently not supported by JOSESwift. However, RFC-7516 describes their use. One way to support this is to publicly expose the parameters used by the JWEHeader and JWSHeader classes. This enables users of the library to extend the header classes with any custom parameters they require.


    Makes the parameters dictionaries used by JWEHeader and JWSClasses public.


    There might be reasons we do not want to allow direct access and modification of the parameters variable on headers. In that case, a different implementation is needed to comply with RFC-7516. Any and all feedback is welcome.


    The tests pass. No changes needed.

    opened by taavi224 0
  • Support for tvOS and Xcode 14.0.1

    Support for tvOS and Xcode 14.0.1

    Compilation fixes for tvOS and XCode 14.0.1

    Includes the change from https://github.com/airsidemobile/JOSESwift/pull/273, and updates for Xcode 14.0.1

    opened by mrstux 0
  • [JWE] Added support for `A256GCM` and `A128GCM`

    [JWE] Added support for `A256GCM` and `A128GCM`

    After considering the comments in #251, I've added support for content encryption using AES GCM according to JWE standard. As I've mentioned there, I increased the minimum iOS target to 13.0 because of CryptoKit.

    opened by tobihagemann 3
  • Custom Header Parameter Names

    Custom Header Parameter Names

    Currently, the header parameters are strictly defined and I couldn't find a way to extend them with custom ones.

    In JOSEHeader and its implementations, parameters can only be accessed internally so that you can't define custom parameters outside of this library.

    Would it make sense to make parameters public? Or any other idea how custom header parameter names can be accomplished?

    opened by tobihagemann 2
  • 2.4.0(Apr 20, 2021)

    • Use timing safe byte comparison for AES CBC MAC checks (#259)
    • Add support for JWS HS256, HS384, and HS512 algorithms (#258)
    • Bump kramdown from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (#255)
    • Update SPM installation instructions (#252)
    • Automate publishing releases on GitHub (#249)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.3.1(Dec 14, 2020)

  • 2.3.0(Nov 12, 2020)

  • 2.2.1(Jun 24, 2020)

  • 2.2.0(Jun 19, 2020)

  • 2.1.0(Feb 24, 2020)

    • Deprecated old encrypter and decrypter APIs (#216)
    • Added A128KW, A192KW, and A256KW algorithms (#211)
    • Changed internal JWE encryption and decryption flows (#210)
    • Changed CI to CircleCI (#205)
    • Dried up signing roundtrip tests (#198)
    • Added full Sonarqube analysis to pull requests (#201)
    • Updated Sonarqube lane to work with the Xcode 11 coverage report format (#193)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Nov 26, 2019)

    • Fixes copyright update in prepare lane (#191)
    • Updates travis build environment (#190)
    • Adds support for RSA PSS and RS384 signatures (#188)
    • Removes twitter handle from readme again (#187)
    • Removes .swift-version file (#185)
    • Adds Ivans twitter handle (#184)
    • Updates fastlane (#182)
    • Adds missing license headers and automate their yearly updates (#179)
    • Extends JOSESwift Errors with localAuthentication (#173)
    • Bumps swift version in podspec and version file (#167)
    • Bumps fastlane to resolve mini_magic dependency warning (#164)
    • Adds security policy (#159)
    • Adds simple Sonarqube setup (#158)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8.1(Jun 27, 2019)

    • Adds tests for conversion from ASN.1 encoded EC signatures to raw EC signatures (#160)
    • Adds support for EC256 keys that are stored inside the Secure Enclave (#156)
    • Changes swift version to Swift 5 (#154)
    • Adds pull request linting in Danger (#153)
    • Adds a SwiftLint build phase and fixes many violations (#151)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8.0(Mar 18, 2019)

  • 1.7.0(Feb 19, 2019)

  • 1.6.0(Jan 25, 2019)

  • 1.5.0(Jan 25, 2019)

    • Changes the way elliptic curve keys are decoded to work around #86 until #120 is merged (#137)
    • Adds a changelog (#136)
    • Changes travis to use builtin homebrew addon (#133)
    • Security: Change fastlane version to fix #129 (#130)
    • Adds support for elliptic curve algorithms for JWS and elliptic curve keys for JWK (#88)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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