RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X


Carthage compatible


Create public and private RSA keys in DER format

let (privateKey, publicKey) = try! CC.RSA.generateKeyPair(2048)

Convert them to PEM format

let privateKeyPEM = try SwKeyConvert.PrivateKey.derToPKCS1PEM(privateKey)
let publicKeyPEM = SwKeyConvert.PublicKey.derToPKCS8PEM(publicKey)

Or read them from strings with PEM data

let privateKeyDER = SwKeyConvert.PrivateKey.pemToPKCS1DER(privateKeyPEM)
let publicKeyDER = SwKeyConvert.PublicKey.pemToPKCS1DER(publicKeyPEM)

Or encrypt, decrypt the private key (OpenSSL compatible)

try SwKeyConvert.PrivateKey.encryptPEM(privateKeyPEM, passphrase: "longpassword", mode: .aes256CBC)
try SwKeyConvert.PrivateKey.decryptPEM(privEncrypted, passphrase: "longpassword")

Get public key from private keys in DER format

let publicKeyDER = try? CC.RSA.getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(privateKeyDER!)

Encrypt, decrypt data with RSA

try CC.RSA.encrypt(data, derKey: publicKey, tag: tag, padding: .oaep, digest: .sha1)
try CC.RSA.decrypt(data, derKey: privateKey, tag: tag, padding: .oaep, digest: .sha1)

Sign, verify data with RSA

let sign = try? CC.RSA.sign(testMessage, derKey: privKey, padding: .pss, 
 digest: .sha256, saltLen: 16)
let verified = try? CC.RSA.verify(testMessage, derKey: pubKey, padding: .pss,
 digest: .sha256, saltLen: 16, signedData: sign!)

Elliptic curve functions

let keys = try? CC.EC.generateKeyPair(384)
let signed = try? CC.EC.signHash(keys!.0, hash: hash)
let verified = try? CC.EC.verifyHash(keys!.1, hash: hash, signedData: signed!)

let shared = try? CC.EC.computeSharedSecret(keys!.0, publicKey: partnerPubKey)

let privComponents = try? CC.EC.getPrivateKeyComponents(keys!.0)
let pubComponents = try? CC.EC.getPublicKeyComponents(keys!.1)

let pubKey = try? CC.EC.createFromData(keySize, x, y)
let pubKey = try? CC.EC.getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(keys!.0)

Diffie-Hellman functions

let dh = try CC.DH.DH(dhParam: .rfc3526Group5)
let myPubKey = try dh.generateKey()
let commonKey = try dh.computeKey(partnerPubKey!)

Encrypt, decrypt data with symmetric ciphers

try CC.crypt(.encrypt, blockMode: .cbc, algorithm: .aes, padding: .pkcs7Padding, data: data, key: aesKey, iv: iv)
try CC.crypt(.decrypt, blockMode: .cfb, algorithm: .aes, padding: .pkcs7Padding, data: data, key: aesKey, iv: iv)

Encrypt, decrypt data with symmetric authenticating ciphers

try CC.cryptAuth(.encrypt, blockMode: .gcm, algorithm: .aes, data: data, aData: aData, key: aesKey, iv: iv, tagLength: tagLength)
try CC.cryptAuth(.decrypt, blockMode: .ccm, algorithm: .aes, data: data, aData: aData, key: aesKey, iv: iv, tagLength: tagLength)

Digest functions

CC.digest(data, alg: .md5)
CC.digest(data, alg: .sha256)
CC.digest(data, alg: .sha512)

HMAC function

CC.HMAC(data, alg: .sha512, key: key)

CMAC function

CC.CMAC.AESCMAC(input, key: key)

CRC function

let output = try? CC.CRC.crc(input, mode: .crc32)


CC.KeyDerivation.PBKDF2(password, salt: salt, prf: .sha256, rounds: 4096)

Symmetric Key Wrapping

try CC.KeyWrap.SymmetricKeyWrap(CC.KeyWrap.rfc3394IV, kek: kek, rawKey: rawKey)
try CC.KeyWrap.SymmetricKeyUnwrap(CC.KeyWrap.rfc3394IV, kek: kek, wrappedKey: wrappedKey)

Upsert, get, delete keys from KeyStore

try SwKeyStore.upsertKey(privateKeyPEM, keyTag: "priv", options: [kSecAttrAccessible:kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly])
try SwKeyStore.getKey("priv")
try SwKeyStore.delKey("priv")

Check availability

SwCrypt uses dlopen and dlsym to load the CommonCrypto's functions, because not all of them are available in public header files. You have to check the availability before using them.

let digestAvailable : Bool = CC.digestAvailable()
let ramdomAvailable : Bool = CC.randomAvailable(()
let hmacAvailable : Bool = CC.hmacAvailable()
let cryptorAvailable : Bool = CC.cryptorAvailable
let keyDerivationAvailable : Bool = CC.KeyDerivation.available()
let keyWrapAvailable : Bool = CC.KeyWrap.available()
let rsaAvailable : Bool = CC.RSA.available()
let dhAvailable : Bool = CC.DH.available()
let ecAvailable : Bool = CC.EC.available()
let crcAvailable : Bool = CC.CRC.available()
let cmacAvailable : Bool = CC.CMAC.available()
let gcmAvailable : Bool = CC.GCM.available()
let ccmAvailable : Bool = CC.CCM.available()

or all in one turn:
let ccAvailable : Bool = CC.available()


Just copy SwCrypt.swift to your project or use the Carthage dependency manager.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install SwCrypt with CocoaPods:

  1. Make sure CocoaPods is installed.

  2. Update your Podfile to include the following:

    pod 'SwCrypt'
  3. Run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

SPM is built into new versions of Xcode. To install SwCrypt with SPM:

  1. Open your project in Xcode

  2. Click "File" -> "Swift Packages" -> "Add Package Dependency..."

  3. Paste the following URL:

  4. Click "Next" -> "Next" -> "Finish"

Inspired from


This project is copyrighted under the MIT license.

  • Private key decrypt

    Private key decrypt

    Hi there,

    Do you know if iOS supports Public Key decryption?

    My use case needs me to encrypt some data with the private key, and decrypt it with the public key. The opposite of normal operation

    All the best!


    opened by johnnytshi 6
  • Import secp256k1 key

    Import secp256k1 key

    I'm trying this:

    let privateKey = "my-own-secp256k1-key-in-hex".dataFromHexadecimalString()
    let publicKey = "my-own-secp256k1-key-in-hex".dataFromHexadecimalString()

    But then I get a CC.CCError.memoryFailure with:

    let shared = try CC.EC.computeSharedSecret(privateKey, publicKey: publicKey)

    It doesn't happen when I import keys that have been generated with:

    let pair = try! CC.EC.generateKeyPair(256)
    let privateKey = pair.0.hex.dataFromHexadecimalString()
    let publicKey = pair.1.hex.dataFromHexadecimalString()
    let shared = try CC.EC.computeSharedSecret(privateKey, publicKey: publicKey)

    Instead of use CC.EC.generateKeyPair to get a keypair.

    • How can I import my own keypair? Is it supported?
    • What kind of EC keys are generated by default?
    opened by rseibane 6
  • Migrate to Swift 3.0

    Migrate to Swift 3.0

    Tests pass, except testUpsert and testDel. They fail on my machine: function SecItemAdd inside of SwKeyStore.upsertKey method returns status -34018. This happens before and after migration.

    opened by Nodepad 5
  • Maintainer needed

    Maintainer needed

    I don't have a Swift5, Xcode 10.2, OS X 10.14 compatible Mac, and I don't want to buy one only for this project.

    If you want to be a SwCrypt maintainer, please apply here.


    • Review, test, accept pull requests
    • Release new versions, push them to cocoapods
    • If you want, you can write better documentation or you can add new features.


    • My GitHub account (@soyersoyer) should continue to be one of the owners of the project, but you will have full control over its future direction.
    opened by soyersoyer 4
  • AES key derivation is vulnerable to brute force attack

    AES key derivation is vulnerable to brute force attack

    The getAES128Key and getAES256Key methods are prone to brute-force attacks. Basically the key is computed as MD5(password + iv[0..7]). Given that the IV is a public info, the implementation can be reduced to MD5(password).

    MD5 is a very fast hashing function and is also vulnerable to collisions. This means that an attacker can compute hashes fast and also needs to search a smaller space.

    But even if the IV was not public, or if another hashing function would have been used (e.g. SHA2) the issue remains.

    The key derivation should be based on a password based key derivation function such as bcrypt or PBKDF2 (with high number of iterations).

    opened by pmilosev 4
  • RSA decrypt failure on iOS 8.1,please help

    RSA decrypt failure on iOS 8.1,please help

    Xcode: 9.3.1 Code:

    let data = "Hello Test".data(using: .utf8)!
    let (privateKey, publicKey) = try! CC.RSA.generateKeyPair(1024)
    // encrypt
    let encrypted = try! CC.RSA.encrypt(data, derKey: publicKey, tag: Data(), padding: .pkcs1, digest: .none)
    // decrypt
    do {
        let (decrypted,_) = try CC.RSA.decrypt(encrypted, derKey: privateKey, tag: Data(), padding: .pkcs1, digest: .none)
        print("decrypted:\(String(data:decrypted, encoding:.utf8)!)")
        print("decrypt fail")

    decypt failure on Simulator:iPhone 5s 8.1,but success on Simulator: iPhone SE 11.3.

        CCRSACryptorRef privateKey, 
        CCAsymetricPadding padding, 
        const void *cipherText, 
        size_t cipherTextLen,
        void *plainText, 
        size_t *plainTextLen, 
        const void *tagData, 
        size_t tagDataLen, 
        CCDigestAlgorithm digestType)

    It should be support iOS 5.0 and upper,But why decrypt failure on iOS 8.1?

    opened by dearwayne 4
  • How to  use method crypt(_:algorithm:data:key:iv:aData:tagLength:) for GCM? Gettingg error  [crypt(_:algorithm:data:key:iv:aData:tagLength:)] AppName.CC.CCError: paramError (-4300)

    How to use method crypt(_:algorithm:data:key:iv:aData:tagLength:) for GCM? Gettingg error [crypt(_:algorithm:data:key:iv:aData:tagLength:)] AppName.CC.CCError: paramError (-4300)

    Hi, I am using SwCrypt to implement GCM in my app. Below is the list of Parameter values I pass: opMode: .encrypt algorithm: .aes data: .utf8)! key: .utf8)! iv: Random data of length 12 bytes aData: Random data of length 20 bytes (I'm not sure what this parameter is for) tagLength: 128

    I get the error [crypt(_:algorithm:data:key:iv:aData:tagLength:)] AppName.CC.CCError: paramError (-4300) I am unable to understand which parameter I am passing with wrong value

    opened by yogeshpadekar 4
  • Incorrect documentation on sign/verify?

    Incorrect documentation on sign/verify?

    Hey there,

    I've been using your swcrypt code in my app. Its very useful, so thank you very much. Its the only one that seems to include both pub key and symmetric algs together, without forcing me to use the keychain (like Heimdall does).

    However I was signing some data and found that the signature kept failing.

    Your doc says:

            let sign = try? CC.RSA.sign(testMessage, derKey: privKey, padding: .pss,  digest: .sha256, saltLen: 16)
             let verified = try? CC.RSA.verify(testMessage, derKey: pubKey, padding: .pss, digest: .sha256, saltLen: 16, signedData: sign!)

    which kind of implies that you pass the message data in to the sign and verify function. But I found it fails with more than about 100 bytes. Looking at your code for sign, the first parameter is actually:

            func sign(hash: NSData, derKey: NSData...

    It seems that the code is actually used to sign a hash rather than to sign raw data. Do your sample code probably should be something like this:(from my unit tests)

            let data = randomLargeData(10240)
            let hash = CC.digest(data, alg: .sha256)
            let sign = try? CC.RSA.sign(hash, derKey: privateKey, padding: .pkcs1,
                                        digest: .sha256)
            XCTAssertNotNil(sign, "Failed to sign")
            let verified = try? CC.RSA.verify(hash, derKey: publicKey, padding: .pkcs1, digest: .sha256, signedData: sign!)
            XCTAssertNotNil(verified, "Failed to calculate verification")
            XCTAssertTrue(verified!, "Failed to verify")

    This raises a question... why are we passing a digest name to the signing function? Is it required? The call to CCRSACryptorSign does seem to require it, but why? Does the digest passed in to sign() need to be the same as the digest used to hash the message?

    Also... note that your doc indicates "padding: .pss". That doesn't exist. lastly the saltLen parameter is no longer used.

    Again... thanks for the library.

    opened by tussock 4
  • Added SPM Support

    Added SPM Support

    • Added Package.swift
    • Updated with SPM instructions
    • Updated .gitignore for swiftpm folder

    A new release would need to be created for SPM to see the manifest. Or just change my instructions in the readme to have them select the master branch when importing package.

    opened by mattmaddux 2
  • Swift 4.1 compile warnings

    Swift 4.1 compile warnings

    since Apple just formally released Swift 4.1, I have found this library has some compile warnings. SwCrypt.swift:742:18: Overlapping accesses to 'result', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable

    opened by chenyunguiMilook 2
  • How to use

    How to use

    Hello, everyone! Can you please help me to use SwCrypt?

    The task is to:

    1. Generate public and private keys
    2. Covert them to String format
    3. Encrypt some other string with a public key and receive another string as result of encryption
    4. Decrypt string received at the previous step with the private key

    To be honest, I'm new in cryptography and know a little about it's principles. Are actions mentioned above possible?

    I've read all the issues and still can't get how to use the library.

    1. I've generated public and private keys with. let (privateKey, publicKey) = try! CC.RSA.generateKeyPair(512) let privKeyStr = privateKey.base64EncodedString() let pubKeyStr = publicKey.base64EncodedString()

    2. I have a string which i want to encode and than decode let testString: String = "Test string"

    3. Trying to encode it: let testStringData = .utf8)! let pubKeyData = .utf8)! let tagStr = "L" //still can't get what should I use there let tag = .utf8)! let encryptedData = try! CC.RSA.encrypt(testStringData, derKey: pubKeyData, tag: tag, padding: .oaep, digest: .sha1)

    4. Get an error:

    CCError: decodeError (-4304)

    Can you please help me to use the library? Thanks!

    opened by jookovjook 2
  • Support for converting DER key pair in SecKey format

    Support for converting DER key pair in SecKey format

    I am using an external library that expects RSA based private/public key pair in SecKey format. I couldn't find a way to convert DER based key pair in SecKey format properly. Any help would be highly appreciated?

    opened by rohit3d2003 0
  • SwCrypt crashing on ref = CCDHCreate!(kCCDHRFC3526Group5!)

    SwCrypt crashing on ref = CCDHCreate!(kCCDHRFC3526Group5!)

    Application using SwCrypt crashing on ref = CCDHCreate!(kCCDHRFC3526Group5!)

    In the following Code "fileprivate static let kCCDHRFC3526Group5M: kCCDHRFC3526Group5TM? = getFunc(dl!, f: "kCCDHRFC3526Group5") fileprivate static let kCCDHRFC3526Group5 = kCCDHRFC3526Group5M?.pointee"

    kCCDHRFC3526Group5M value is nil on iPadOS 15.4 and 15.4.1 value is correctly calculated in iPadOS 14.x

    opened by BiraSha 0
  • not working when test with web

    not working when test with web

    hi, after generate keypair, i test with this website, it's success encrypt but fail to decrypt. You can see image here Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2021-12-07 lúc 20 50 44

    if using keypair from this website, it's work normally, can u explain why it's not working?

    opened by fukemy 0
  • Add / strip header to / from public PEM

    Add / strip header to / from public PEM

    String representation of Android RSA keys does not make use of standard PEM headers. In order to simplify export / import of public keys to / from Android, PEM headers should be made optional. A first step is opening up the add / strip header functions.

    opened by dbtech 0
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