Testable Combine Publishers - An easy, declarative way to unit test Combine Publishers in Swift


Testable Combine Publishers

An easy, declarative way to unit test Combine Publishers in Swift

Example Combine Unit Test


Combine Publishers are notoriously verbose to unit test. They require you to write complex Combine chains in Swift for each test, keeping track of AnyCancellables, and interweaving XCTestExpectations, fulfillment requirements, and timeouts.

This Swift Package aims to simplify writing unit tests for Combine Publishers by providing a natural spelling of .expect(...) for chaining expectations on the Publisher subject. The resulting PublisherExpectation type collects the various expectations and then provides a way to assert that the expectations are fulfilled by calling .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

Under the hood, PublisherExpectation is utilizing standard XCTest framework APIs and forwarding those assertion results to the corresponding lines of code that declared the expectation. This allows you to quickly see which specific expectation, in a chain of expectations, is failing in your unit tests, both in Xcode and in the console output.


In an XCTestCase, add a new unit test function, as normal, preparing the Publisher test subject to be tested. Utilize any combination of the examples below to validate the behavior of any Publisher in your unit tests.


For a Publisher that is expected to emit a single value and complete with .finished

func testSingleValueCompletingPublisher() {
        .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

For a Publisher that is expected to emit multiple values, but is expected to not complete

func testMultipleValuePersistentPublisher() {
        .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

For a Publisher that is expected to fail

func testPublisherFailure() {
        .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

For a Publisher that is expected to emit a value after being acted upon externally

func testLoadablePublisher() {
    let test = someDataSource.publisher
    test.waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

For a Publisher expected to emit a single value whose Output is not Equatable

func testNonEquatableSingleValue() {
        .expect({ value in
            if case .loaded(let model) = value, !model.rows.isEmpty { } else {
                XCTFail("Expected loaded and populated model")
        .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

For a Publisher that should emit a specific non-Equatable Error

func testNonEquatableFailure() {
        .expectFailure({ failure in 
            switch failure {
            case .noInternet, .airPlaneMode:
                XCTFail("Expected connectivity error")
        .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)

Available Expectations

Value Expectations

  • expect(_ expected: Output) - Asserts that the provided Equatable value will be emitted by the Publisher
  • expectNot(_ expected: Output) - Asserts that a value will be emitted by the Publisher and that it does NOT match the provided Equatable
  • expect(_ assertion: (Output) -> Void) - Invokes the provided assertion closure on every value emitted by the Publisher. Useful for calling XCTAssert variants where custom evaluation is required

Success Expectations

  • expectSuccess() - Asserts that the Publisher data stream completes with a success status (.finished)

Failure Expectations

  • expectFailure() - Asserts that the Publisher data stream completes with a failure status (.failure(Failure))
  • expectFailure(_ failure: Failure) - Asserts that the provided Equatable Failure type is returned when the Publisher completes
  • expectNotFailure(_ failure: Failure) - Asserts that the Publisher completes with a Failure type which does NOT match the provided Equatable Failure
  • expectFailure(_ assertion: (Failure) -> Void) - Invokes the provided assertion closure on the Failure result's associated Error value of the Publisher. Useful for calling XCTAssert variants where custom evaluation is required

Completion Expectations

  • expectCompletion() - Asserts that the Publisher data stream completes, indifferent of the returned success/failure status
  • expectNoCompletion() - Asserts that the Publisher data stream does NOT complete. ⚠️ This will wait for the full timeout in waitForExpectations(timeout:)
  • expectCompletion(_ assertion: (Completion) -> Void) - Invokes the provided assertion closure on the recieveCompletion handler of the Publisher. Useful for calling XCTAssert variants where custom evaluation is required

Upcoming Features

  • Support for working with Schedulers to avoid relying on timeouts
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  • AutomaticallyEquatable


    Added the AutomaticallyEquatable protocol. Custom types that conform to this protocol by way of extension will automatically conform to Equatable. This default equatable implementation uses reflection to recursively compare each member's values.


    The main purpose of this type is to further reduce the amount of code required to use the Publisher.expect(...) extension.

    As an additional benefit, it provides a custom unit test failure message concatenated to the XCTAssertEqual error message which tells you exactly what's different about the two compared values. For example, it might read this if one of the array elements in some sub-object is missing:

    Person.relationships.7: friend(Person(name: "Bar", relationships: [])) is not equal to nil


    It has the following important limitations:

    • Cannot anticipate the consequences of observing a calculated property. (ie, code that changes the state of data when a property is observed).
    • Cannot respect custom Equatable implementations of the values being compared or any of the subsequent members. It will use its own comparison logic instead.
    • Skips over members that cannot be reasonably compared, such as closures. These are assumed to be equal.
    • Does not support recursive evaluation of reflexive types (it will crash if a property on a type references itself)


    class Baz {
        let answer: Int
        init(answer: Int) {
            self.answer = answer
    enum MyCustomType {
        case foo
        case bar(Baz)
    extension MyCustomType: AutomaticallyEquatable { /*no-op*/ }
    func testSomePublisher() {
            .expect(MyCustomType.bar(Baz(answer: 42))
            .waitForExpectations(timeout: 1)
    opened by albertbori 0
  • Async Publisher support for asserting first value

    Async Publisher support for asserting first value

    Wanted to leverage async await for the times where you only need a single value from a publisher. This API will improve testing ergonomics and will improve test stability because tests will always wait for an appropriate time instead of guessing how long a test needs to run with waitForExpectations.

    opened by PorterHoskins 0
  • 1.1.0(Sep 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • AutomaticallyEquatable by @albertbori in https://github.com/albertbori/TestableCombinePublishers/pull/2

    New Contributors

    • @albertbori made their first contribution in https://github.com/albertbori/TestableCombinePublishers/pull/2

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/albertbori/TestableCombinePublishers/compare/1.0.4...1.1.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.4(Jun 15, 2022)

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