Unit conversion library for Swift.

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Utility MKUnits


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MKUnits is extremely precise unit conversion library for Swift. It provides units of measurement of physical quantities and simplifies manipulation of them.

NB For Objective-C implementation, please refer to MKUnits pod 2.2.1 or visit [archived branch][archive-branch]. [archive-branch]:https://github.com/michalkonturek/MKUnits/tree/archive-objc


MKUnits is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


MKUnits is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MKUnits"


Let's create 1.5 kilograms [kg],

let kilograms = 1.5.kilogram()

0.5 [kg] in grams [g]

let grams = 500.gram()

and 10 pounds [lb] (which is 4.5359237 [kg])

let pounds = 10.pound()

Then we add all of the above togehter and subtract 0.0001 [kg] in milligrams [mg].

let milligrams = 100.milligram()
var result = kilograms + grams + pounds - milligrams

The result amount is 6.5358237 [kg].

Now we subtract 0.5358237 [kg] in ounces [oz], which is 18.900624805 [oz] according to Google converter, but as MKUnits is very precise, it is in fact 18.900624805483390296005199558361177 [oz].

let ounces = 0.5358237.kilogram().converted(MassUnit.ounce)
result = result - ounces

The result amount is ~6 [kg]; 6.00000000000000000000000000000000003 [kg] to be exact.

Now we want the result to be in stones [st], so:

result = result.converted(MassUnit.stone)
// 0.94483873964811055873038869091017890993 st

As the result is too precise for our needs, we want to round it.

let rounded = result.rounded(3)
// 0.945 st

Supported Units

At the moment MKUnits supports the following group units:

  • Area (base unit: square meter)
  • Mass (base unit: kilogram)
  • Length (base unit: meter)
  • Time (base unit: second)
  • Volume (base unit: litre)

You can easily extend MKUnits by adding new group units or units.

Extending MKUnits

Adding a new group unit

To add a new group unit, simply create a class that extends Unit and follow the convention below.

Please make sure that unit symbols are unique across your new group unit.

public final class NewUnit: Unit {

    public static var unitA: NewUnit {
        return NewUnit(
            name: "unit A",
            symbol: "uA",
            ratio: NSDecimalNumber.one() // as it is a base unit
    public static var unitB: NewUnit {
        return NewUnit(
            name: "unit B",
            symbol: "uB",
            ratio: NSDecimalNumber(mantissa: 2, exponent: 0, isNegative: false)

extension NSNumber {

    public func unitA() -> Quantity {
        return Quantity(amount: self, unit: NewUnit.unitA)
    public func unitB() -> Quantity {
        return Quantity(amount: self, unit: NewUnit.unitB)

Adding new units to existing group unit

To add additional units to existing group unit simply create a category for that group unit.

Do not sublcass as units are only interconvertible with units belonging to the same group unit.

extension NewUnit {
    public static var unitC: NewUnit {
        return NewUnit(
            name: "unit C",
            symbol: "uC",
            ratio: NSDecimalNumber(mantissa: 4, exponent: 0, isNegative: false)

extension NSNumber {
    public func unitC() -> Quantity {
        return Quantity(amount: self, unit: NewUnit.unitC)


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added new-feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin new-feature).
  5. Create new Pull Request.
  • Proposal: Add NSNumber category.

    Proposal: Add NSNumber category.

    You can make code more readable, if you'll make a category for NSNumber for units, so id kilograms = [MKQuantity mass_kilogramWithAmount:@1.5]; you can write as id kilograms = (@1.5).mass_kilogram;

    type-enhancement status-accepted 
    opened by shmidt 4
  • Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    This pull requests corrects the spelling of CocoaPods 🤓 https://github.com/CocoaPods/shared_resources/tree/master/media

    Created with cocoapods-readme.

    opened by ReadmeCritic 3
  • Update dependency on MKFoundationKit to 1.3.x

    Update dependency on MKFoundationKit to 1.3.x

    Pod outdated says:

    • MKFoundationKit 1.2.3 -> (unused) (latest version 1.3.0)

    It would be nice to get the dependency up to date.

    Thanks for a really useful library!

    type-enhancement status-accepted 
    opened by weibel 2
  • 'Unit' class conflicts with iOS 10's 'Unit' class from NSMeasurement.

    'Unit' class conflicts with iOS 10's 'Unit' class from NSMeasurement.

    This issue arises when extending MKUnits, for example:

    public final class TemperatureUnit: Unit {
      public static var kelvin: TemperatureUnit {
        return TemperatureUnit(
          name: "kelvin",
          symbol: "K",
          ratio: NSDecimalNumber.one // base unit

    Produces a compiler error: 'Unit' is only available on iOS 10.0 or newer. (Swift 3, Xcode 8.1)

    opened by cjmconie 1
  • Added: US Short Ton

    Added: US Short Ton

    Added the US Short Ton to MKMassUnit+Imperial. The symbol is technically “t”, but that’s being used by Metric Ton, so I set it to “tn” to avoid confusion. I also considered “ust”, “USt”, and “ton”. If anyone has a better symbol for it, please change it.

    opened by glowcap 1
  • Using MKUnits for OS X with CocoaPods

    Using MKUnits for OS X with CocoaPods

    I am sure I can integrate it by hand but if I try to use MKUnits in an OS X application: The platform of the target ... (OS X 10.10) is not compatible withMKUnits (2.0.0)which has a minimum requirement of iOS 7.0.

    opened by edasque 1
  • Added Energy unit (+tests, example).

    Added Energy unit (+tests, example).

    Added new unit - Energy, containing cal, kcal, J, kJ, MJ, GJ (values based on http://www.unitjuggler.com/convert-energy-from-J-to-kJ.html). Extended tests and example to cover new feature.

    type-enhancement status-accepted 
    opened by natalia-osa 1
  • REQUEST: Serialization and string conversion (examples)

    REQUEST: Serialization and string conversion (examples)

    Awesome library. I love the way it's built, and the philosophy of ease of use. Clearly lots of thought has gone into this.

    At present, there's no obvious way to parse a string and obtain the relevant units object, right? To do so would require extra type conversion methods on the MKUnit class, much in the same spirit as what NSNumber class does for all number types (e.g. boolValue, intValue etc.). These might be called timeQuantity or asMass or whatever.

    Well, I'd like to use this in an real app, and am interested in persisting MKUnits in two ways:

    Since both make use of NSValueTransformer it might make sense to supply an implementation that converts MKQuantity to and from NSString, or alternatively, NSData.

    type-enhancement status-under-review 
    opened by fatuhoku 1
  • NSDecimalNumber on watchOS

    NSDecimalNumber on watchOS

    It looks like NSDecimalNumber().multiplying(by: NSDecimalNumber) returns -1 on watchOS.

    Reproducible sample to convert a number from square foot to square meter:

    let squareFootRatio = NSDecimalNumber(mantissa: 9290304, exponent: -8, isNegative: false) // 0.09290304
    NSDecimalNumber(value: 446).multiplying(by: squareFootRatio) // -1, expected: 41.43475584
    opened by iosdeveloper 0
Michal Konturek
Michal Konturek
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This package will contain the standard encodings/decodings/hahsing used by the String Conversion Tool app. It will also, however, contain extra encoding/decoding methods (new encoding/decoding)

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