FlutterNativeDragAndDrop - A package that allows you to add native drag and drop support into your flutter app



A package that allows you to add native drag and drop support into your flutter app.


Currently supported features

  • Support iPadOS 11 and iOS 15 and above
  • Only has drop support (can drag data from outside of the app and drop into your flutter application)
  • Supports text, urls, images, videos, audio, and pdfs
  • Can drop multiple items at once


import 'package:native_drag_n_drop/native_drag_n_drop.dart';

List<DropData> receivedData = [];

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return NativeDropView(
    allowedTotal: 5,
    child: receivedData.isNotEmpty
        ? ListView.builder(
            itemCount: receivedData.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                var data = receivedData[index];
                if (data.type == DropDataType.text) {
                    return ListTile(
                    title: Text(data.dropText!),

                return ListTile(
                    title: Text(data.dropFile!.path),
        : const Center(
            child: Text("Drop data here"),
    loading: (loading) {
        // display loading indicator / hide loading indicator
    dataReceived: (data) {
        setState(() {

The dataReceivedCallback returns List<DropData>.

enum DropDataType { text, url, image, video, audio, pdf }

class DropData {
  File? dropFile;
  String? dropText;
  Map<String, dynamic>? metadata;
  DropDataType type;
  DropData({this.dropFile, this.dropText, this.metadata, required this.type});

It is safe to assume that if the dataType is text or url then the dropText will be non null.

As for image, video, audio, pdf it is safe to assume the dropFile will be non null


  • specify the number of items allowed to be dropped at a time
  • Only allow certain data types
  • Android Support
  • Drag support (Dragging data within app to a source outside of flutter app)


This is a very early release. I will take as much help as possible.

Please make a pr and show an example if possible.

These are some resources that may help you when it comes to adding drag and drop support:
  • Fix Dropping Bugs

    Fix Dropping Bugs

    Closes #4

    Added a boolean flag to allow non-allowed items to be dropped if at least one item in the dropping session was allowed Fixed a potential bug where files such as PDF would be categorized as DropDataType.pdf even if only DropDataType.file was allowed Fixed a bug where documents (.numbers) dropped from iCloud would not be accepted Refactor code to be more readable

    opened by getBoolean 34
  • Able To Drop Non Allowed Items

    Able To Drop Non Allowed Items

    Problem: It is possible to drop items that have not been allowed as long as one item in the drop session is allowed


    Proposed solution: In the handle drop method, check the item if it conforms to an allowed type identifier or file extension. Code from the can drop method should be pulled into private functions so it can be reused (if possible).

    opened by getBoolean 7
  • Some file types (apk) can't be dropped from Files' iCloud

    Some file types (apk) can't be dropped from Files' iCloud

    I've run into the issue while testing that some filetypes can't be dropped from iCloud in the Files app, specifically apk. It works fine using Dropbox. This may not be limited to just apk files, I suspect its something related to iOS' Uniform Type Identifier system.

    I'm not entirely sure of the reason, but theres two issues I've found related to iCloud. If DropDataType.file is enabled, apks cannot be dropped from iCloud unless "apk" is added to allowed file extensions. A second issue is that even when "apk" is added to the file extensions and it looks like it should accept, it does not load the file if dragged from iCloud.

    In the first gif, you can see that the apk cannot be uploaded if it is on the iCloud drive, while it can if it is stored locally.


    This second gif shows that other files work fine through iCloud


    bug help wanted 
    opened by getBoolean 5
  • Set Allowed DropDataTypes and File Extensions

    Set Allowed DropDataTypes and File Extensions

    Add DropDataType.file to allow dropping any file Support restricting what types of DropDataType and file extensions can be dropped

      allowedDropDataTypes: const <DropDataType>[
      allowedDropFileExtensions: const <String>[

    Dropping is allowed when the dropping session contains an item that conforms to one of the allowedDropDataTypes OR when the file extension is included in allowedDropFileExtensions

    I see that you've made some commits since I started working which has caused some conflicts. Let me know if you need me to resolve them.

    opened by getBoolean 5
  • [Feature] Android Support

    [Feature] Android Support

    This issue will track android support's overall development. Individual features may get split into its own issue. Research on APIs and their implementation should also be posted here.


    Android 7+

    Android Drag and Drop API: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/drag-drop#DragPermissionsMultiWindow Multi-Window guide: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/large-screens/multi-window-support Multi-Window/Multi-Instance: https://developer.samsung.com/galaxy-z/multi-window.html DropHelper (min API level 24), simplified drag and drop: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/drag-drop#drophelper_for_simplified_drag_and_drop

    Galaxy Fold, Z Fold2, or Z Fold3: https://developer.samsung.com/codelab/galaxy-z/multi-window-drag-drop.html Emulator: https://developer.samsung.com/galaxy-z/testing.html

    Surface Duo: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dual-screen/android/sample-code/drag-drop?tabs=java Emulator: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dual-screen/android/emulator/surface-duo-download Java SDK Examples: https://github.com/microsoft/surface-duo-sdk-samples App Examples: https://github.com/microsoft/surface-duo-app-samples


    The following permissions are required for drag and drop in different scenarios: (info from here)

    For public files, to use the media library MediaProvier, permissions for reading and writing external storage are required.

    The FileProvider is used to share private app data. Use the per-URI permission mechanism for authorization. The source app can set Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION to grant the read or write permission to the Intent data or the URI specified in ClipData.


    • [x] NativeDropView (Drop Items Into App)
    • [ ] NativeDragView (Drag Items Outside App)
    • [x] Allowed Data Types
    • [x] Allowed File Extensions
    • [x] Item Types
      • [x] text
      • [x] urls (Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(url).matches())
      • [x] images
      • [x] videos
      • [x] audio
      • [x] pdfs
      • [x] files
    • [x] Change parameters during runtime

    Other possible features

    • [ ] Callback to update UI according to result of drag events. This is all conceptual, implementation has not been decided yet but the idea is that the UI should be able to react to drag events.
      • [ ] ACTION_DRAG_STARTED: Drag started. Includes can/cannot accept, x/y location, and description of drag contents.
      • [ ] ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED: Drag entered NativeDropView's bounds. Includes can/cannot accept, and description of drag contents.
      • [ ] ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION: Drag is in NativeDropView's bounds and not in a child view that can accept. Includes x/y location.
      • [ ] ACTION_DRAG_EXITED: Drag moved out of NativeDropView's bounds or into a child view that can accept. Includes description of drag contents.
      • [ ] ACTION_DROP: Dragged contents dropped on NativeDropView and can accept and not in a child view that can accept the drop. Includes x/y location, and description of drag contents.
      • [ ] ACTION_DRAG_ENDED: Drag and drop session concluded. Includes if data was received and the x/y location of the drop in the view.
    • [ ] DraggableText (Tap and hold to drag entire text)
    • [ ] DraggableSelectableText (Tap and hold to select text, then tap and hold on selected text to drag)
    • [ ] DraggableImage
    opened by getBoolean 2
  • Fix Some Files Can't Be Dropped

    Fix Some Files Can't Be Dropped

    This fixes a bug where some files, specifically apk, could not be dropped even when DropDataType.file was allowed. A workaround was to add that file's file extension, but now that is no longer needed.

    This issue was discussed in #2

    opened by getBoolean 1
  • v0.0.4(Feb 2, 2022)

  • v0.0.3+4(Jan 26, 2022)

    Fixed Issues #7 & #8 Images/videos are being sent correctly from safari and messages Text is sent as a string instead of a text file when DropDataType == .file

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.3+3(Jan 25, 2022)

  • v0.0.3+2(Jan 25, 2022)

    • Programmers can add the ability to allow certain data types or custom file extensions.
    • There is an option to allow other data types as long as one of the dragged items is allowed (thank you @getBoolean).
    • Can add a limit of how many items can be dropped at once. There is no limit by default.
    • Only has iPadOS 11 and iOS 15 and above support
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Alex Rabin
Alex Rabin
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.

Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.

Sparrow Code 31 Jan 3, 2023
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.

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