A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift

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Text SwiftString


CI Status Version License Platform Swift-2.1

SwiftString is a lightweight string extension for Swift. This library was motivated by having to search StackOverflow for common string operations, and wanting them to be in one place with test coverage.


SwiftString is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftString"


import SwiftString


between(left, right)

"<a>foo</a>".between("<a>", "</a>") // "foo"
"<a><a>foo</a></a>".between("<a>", "</a>") // "<a>foo</a>"
"<a>foo".between("<a>", "</a>") // nil
"Some strings } are very {weird}, dont you think?".between("{", "}") // "weird"
"<a></a>".between("<a>", "</a>") // nil
 "<a>foo</a>".between("<a>", "<a>") // nil


"os version".camelize() // "osVersion"
"HelloWorld".camelize() // "helloWorld"
"someword With Characters".camelize() // "somewordWithCharacters"
"data_rate".camelize() // "dataRate"
"background-color".camelize() // "backgroundColor"


"hello world".capitalize() // "Hello World"


"foobar".chompLeft("foo") // "bar"
"foobar".chompLeft("bar") // "foo"


"foobar".chompRight("bar") // "foo"
"foobar".chompRight("foo") // "bar"


"  String   \t libraries are   \n\n\t fun\n!  ".collapseWhitespace() // "String libraries are fun !")


"foobar".contains("foo") // true
"foobar".contains("bar") // true
"foobar".contains("something") // false


"hi hi ho hey hihey".count("hi") // 3


"The Weekend &#8216;King Of The Fall&#8217;".decodeHTML() // "The Weekend ‘King Of The Fall’"
"<strong> 4 &lt; 5 &amp; 3 &gt; 2 .</strong> Price: 12 &#x20ac;.  &#64; ".decodeHTML() // "<strong> 4 < 5 & 3 > 2 .</strong> Price: 12 €.  @ "
"this is so &quot;good&quot;".decodeHTML() // "this is so \"good\""


"hello world".endsWith("world") // true
"hello world".endsWith("foo") // false


"/subdir".ensureLeft("/") // "/subdir"
"subdir".ensureLeft("/") // "/subdir"


"subdir/".ensureRight("/") // "subdir/"
"subdir".ensureRight("/") // "subdir/"


"hello".indexOf("hell"), // 0
"hello".indexOf("lo"), // 3
"hello".indexOf("world") // nil


"First".initials(), // "F"
"First Last".initials(), // "FL"
"First Middle1 Middle2 Middle3 Last".initials() // "FMMML"


"First Last".initialsFirstAndLast(), // "FL"
"First Middle1 Middle2 Middle3 Last".initialsFirstAndLast() // "FL"


"fdafaf3".isAlpha() // false
"afaf".isAlpha() // true
"dfdf--dfd".isAlpha() // false


"afaf35353afaf".isAlphaNumeric() // true
"FFFF99fff".isAlphaNumeric() // true
"99".isAlphaNumeric() // true
"afff".isAlphaNumeric() // true
"-33".isAlphaNumeric() // false
"aaff..".isAlphaNumeric() // false


" ".isEmpty() // true
"\t\t\t ".isEmpty() // true
"\n\n".isEmpty() // true
"helo".isEmpty() // false


"abc".isNumeric() // false
"123a".isNumeric() // false
"1".isNumeric() // true
"22".isNumeric() // true
"33.0".isNumeric() // true
"-63.0".isNumeric() // true


",".join([1,2,3]) // "1,2,3"
",".join([]) // ""
",".join(["a","b","c"]) // "a,b,c"
"! ".join(["hey","who are you?"]) // "hey! who are you?"


"šÜįéïöç".latinize() // "sUieioc"
"crème brûlée".latinize() // "creme brulee"


"test".lines() // ["test"]
"test\nsentence".lines() // ["test", "sentence"]
"test \nsentence".lines() // ["test ", "sentence"]

pad(n, string)

"hello".pad(2) // "  hello  "
"hello".pad(1, "\t") // "\thello\t"

padLeft(n, string)

"hello".padLeft(10) // "          hello"
"what?".padLeft(2, "!") // "!!what?"

padRight(n, string)

"hello".padRight(10) // "hello          "
"hello".padRight(2, "!") // "hello!!"


"hello world".startsWith("hello") // true
"hello world".startsWith("foo") // false


"hello world".split(" ")[0] // "hello"
"hello world".split(" ")[1] // "world"
"helloworld".split(" ")[0] // "helloworld"


"hi".times(3) // "hihihi"
" ".times(10) // "          "


"asdwads".toBool() // nil
"true".toBool() // true
"false".toBool() // false


"asdwads".toFloat() // nil
"2.00".toFloat() // 2.0
"2".toFloat() // 2.0


"asdwads".toInt() // nil
"2.00".toInt() // 2
"2".toInt() // 2


"asdwads".toDate() // nil
"2014-06-03".toDate() // NSDate


"asdwads".toDateTime() // nil
"2014-06-03 13:15:01".toDateTime() // NSDate


"asdwads".toDouble() // nil
"2.00".toDouble() // 2.0
"2".toDouble() // 2.0


"        How are you? ".trimmedLeft() // "How are you? "


" How are you?   ".trimmedRight() // " How are you?"


"    How are you?   ".trimmed() // "How are you?"


"Global Thermonuclear Warfare".slugify() // "global-thermonuclear-warfare"
"Crème brûlée".slugify() // "creme-brulee"


"My, st[ring] *full* of %punct)".stripPunctuation() // "My string full of punct"

substring(startIndex, length)

"hello world".substring(0, length: 1) // "h"
"hello world".substring(0, length: 11) // "hello world"


"hello world"[0...1] // "he"
"hello world"[0..<1] // "h"
"hello world"[0] // "h"
"hello world"[0...10] // "hello world"


Andrew Mayne, [email protected]


SwiftString is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Added 2 functions with tests and ReadMe info:

    Added 2 functions with tests and ReadMe info:

    • initials: Get the initials of all the words in a string
    • initialsFirstAndLast: Gets the initial of the first word and the initial of the last word of the string
    opened by spinach 1
  • Better conditions for `between`

    Better conditions for `between`

    Add documentation for between and handle the conditions where the two bookends are the same and the if there is no text between the bookends. Updated tests.

    opened by Abizern 1
  • Stash formatters in thread-local storage for performance.

    Stash formatters in thread-local storage for performance.

    Hey, NS*Formatter initialization is expensive. This PR caches formatters in thread-local storage.

    Tested a few methods on my MBP with -Os optimization:

    | Method | Speedup | | --- | --- | | .isNumeric() | 84% | | .toDouble() | 51% | | .toDate() | 58% |

    With thousands of strings, the speedup amounts to seconds.

    opened by peyton 0
  • Carthage support + XCTests

    Carthage support + XCTests

    @amayne I used your code to learn how to create Carthage packages using Thoughtbot's tutorial on creating frameworks.

    I have also turned your phenomenal list of examples into XCTests that verify the code does what it's intended to do. The two functions that return NSDate are not as well-covered as the rest. I have to dig into my notes on how the class works.

    Finally, I have tweaked the setup for Travis according to Carthage's instructions.

    I have not properly tested support of Cocoapods, but I have edited the paths in the .podspec file, so that should probably do it.

    This would close #5, making the package more robust.

    opened by catalandres 0
  • cocoapods 1.0.0 beta 6 support

    cocoapods 1.0.0 beta 6 support

    Updated to cocoapods 1.0.0 beta 6 from 0.39.0. Can't compile your lib as pod.

    got this error:

    error: SwiftString/SwiftString.bundle: No such file or directory

    From what I see you have these lines in .podspec

    s.resource_bundles = {
        'SwiftString' => ['Pod/Assets/*.png']

    As far as there is no image files under Pod/Assets/I assume new cocoapods doesn't build anything to bundle.

    opened by xNekOIx 0
  • Make camelize consistently use lower camel case

    Make camelize consistently use lower camel case

    Looks like camelize was only ensuring that the first letter was lowercase when there was only one word. This applies does that for the multi-word case. I also removed an unnecessary cast to NSString and moved the call to lowercaseString to the end so that it only needs to be applied to the one character.

    opened by raylillywhite 0
  • " ".trimmed() does not trim

    print(" ".trimmed())
    print(" ".trimmed().characters.count) // returns 1
    print("  ".trimmed())
    print("  ".trimmed().characters.count) // returns 2
    print("   ".trimmed())
    print("   ".trimmed().characters.count) // returns 3

    Would expect all to return a "" string with 0 length

    opened by MaximusMcCann 0
  • Add new extension method rindexOf

    Add new extension method rindexOf

    rindexOf is used to get the last occurrence of the given substring. It is a reverse version of indexOf.

    Sample usage as below: rindexOf(substring)

    "hello".rindexOf("hell"), // 0
    "helloll".rindexOf("ll"), // 5
    "hello".rindexOf("world") // nil

    Test case for the new method is provided.

    opened by enix223 0
  • Swift 2.3 and 3 support

    Swift 2.3 and 3 support

    Hello there,

    I would like to know if someone's already working on updating this library, and if not if you intend to, I would also like to help in this.

    Thank you, tiferrei

    opened by tiferrei 11
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