🎗 Super lightweight ISO8601 Date Formatter in Swift



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ISO8601 in Swift

Version Carthage Compatible License Platform


My answer on How do I get ISO 8601 date in iOS?



Create a new formatter

var config = Config()
config.timeZoneIdentifier = " +0000"
let formatter = Formatter(config: config)

or use the default


Convert string to date

Formatter.shared.date(string: "2016-04-08T10:25:30Z")		// extended format with Z
Formatter.shared.date(string: "20160408 10:25:30Z")			// basic format with Z
Formatter.shared.date(string: "2016-04-08 112530 +010000")	// extended format with timezone offset
Formatter.shared.date(string: "2016-04-08 202530GMT+1000")	// extended format with GMT
Formatter.shared.date(string: "2016-04-08T10:25:30.000Z")	// milliseconds

Convert date to string

let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1460111130)
Formatter.shared.string(date: date) // 2016-04-08T10:25:30Z	// timezone Z


ISO8601 is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ISO8601', git: 'https://github.com/onmyway133/ISO8601'

ISO8601 is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "onmyway133/ISO8601"


Khoa Pham, onmyway133@gmail.com


We would love you to contribute to ISO8601, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


ISO8601 is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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