Simple examples that help you get started with Appwrite + Swift for Server (=❤️)


Playground for Swift

Simple examples that help you get started with Appwrite + Swift (= ❤️ )

This is Appwrite server side integration with Swift. For Apple integration please look at our Apple playground and Apple SDK

Work in progress

Appwrite playground is a simple way to explore the Appwrite API and Appwrite Swift SDK. Use the source code of this page to learn how to use different Appwrite Swift SDK features.

Get Started

This playground doesn't include any Appwrite best practices, but rather intended to show some of the most simple examples and use cases of using the Appwrite API in your Swift application.

System Requirements

  • You have readily available Appwrite running instance (localhost in most cases).
  • Create a project in Appwrite instance using console
  • Generate a secret key in the Appwrite instance using console


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open Sources/PlaygroundForSwiftServer/main.swift file
  3. Copy the project id, endpoint, secret key from the Appwrite Console
  4. Update project id, endpoint, secret key by copying from the console in the Sources/PlaygroundForSwiftServer/main.swift file
  5. Run the main function in the file
  6. You will see the JSON response in the console

API Covered in Playground.

  • Create Collection
  • List Collection
  • Delete Collection
  • Add Document
  • List Documents
  • Upload File
  • Delete File
  • Create Function
  • List Function
  • Delete Function
  • Create User
  • List User
  • Delete User


All code contributions - including those of people having commit access - must go through a pull request and approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure proper review of all the code.

We truly ❤️ pull requests! If you wish to help, you can learn more about how you can contribute to this project in the contribution guide.


For security issues, kindly email us instead of posting a public issue in GitHub.

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