This repository contains the code written during my course of taking the iOS app development tutorial.
- List view with customizable cards
- Timer screen with audio alert for each speaker
- Data binding and stateful data
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Parstagram - Part II This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comm
ACCESSIBILITY EXAMPLE This project is built to show how to support accessibility features in iOS applications in a blog post. For the sake of Accessib
InstagramClone Bu instagram klon uygulamasında CoreLocation, Snapkit, Firebase, KingFisher, IQKeyboardManagerSwift kütüphaneleri kullanılmıştır. Kulla
GhibliLog About: I wanted to test my ability to create an application with a responsive SwiftUI interface that would format and display data pulled fr
TastyRecipes Description This app is a simple portfolio project. Goal of this app is to download and display content from Tasty API. Users can- search
Tipsy 💵 Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift cla
Destini The App Brewery Complete App Development course project. "A Choose Your
CustomPhotoImporter A simple app that I created to migrate my photos from Lightroom Classic to Apple's This is optimised for my specific n
This project showcases the implementation of the redesigned Safari app UI on iOS 15. It features keyboard animations, collapsing and expanding toolbar
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📝 docs | :octocat: repo | 🙋🏾 issues | 🏪 marketplace
~Imgbot - Part of Optimole family
VIP (Clean Swift) - Delivery App ?? Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura VIP para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo. Desenvolv
SwiftUI Challenge - Space App ?? Neste desafio, desenvolveremos a interface de u
Real Estate Challenge Vamos integrar com uma API e implementar funcionalidades e testes de um aplicativo de anúncios imobiliários. Iniciando os trabal
Main Purpose is to create a simple project for Clean-Swift This project wrote with using Clean-Swift and MVP Design Pattern
NasaAPOD Technical Description: App Runs on Swift 5 + iOS 15 (for testing only traget can be changed) App Folows MVVM+R pattern where R = router for n
A social feed screen created using Texture framework for UI purposes only.
A Dribbble app build with React Native.
Den is an iPhone app built with React Native for viewing houses for sale in the NW from After being frustrated with a site that hasn't changed since 2004, I decided to build a better viewing experience in the phone.
Sandwhich Website | Twitter Sandwhich is a mobile app built to solve the sandwich debate by determining if the picture you've taken is a sandwich usin
Weather Forecast Assigment - iOS - MVP + Clean Architecture Description Weather Forecast Assigment is an iOS application built to highlight MVP (Model