A Simplenote client for iOS.


Simplenote for iOS

A Simplenote client for iOS. Learn more about Simplenote at Simplenote.com.

Build Instructions

Download Xcode

At the moment Simplenote for iOS uses Swift 5 and requires Xcode 10.2 or newer. Xcode can be downloaded from Apple.*

Third party tools

We use a few tools to help with development. To install or update the required dependencies, run the follow command on the command line:

rake dependencies


Simplenote for iOS uses CocoaPods to manage third party libraries. Third party libraries and resources managed by CocoaPods will be installed by the rake dependencies command above.


We use SwiftLint to enforce a common style for Swift code. The app should build and work without it, but if you plan to write code, you are encouraged to install it. No commit should have lint warnings or errors.

You can set up a Git pre-commit hook to run SwiftLint automatically when committing by running:

rake git:install_hooks

This is the recommended way to include SwiftLint in your workflow, as it catches lint issues locally before your code makes its way to Github.

Alternately, a SwiftLint scheme is exposed within the project; Xcode will show a warning if you don't have SwiftLint installed.

SwiftLint is integrated directly into the Xcode project, so lint errors appear as warnings after you build the project

If your code has any style violations, you can try to automatically correct them by running:

rake lint:autocorrect

Otherwise you have to fix them manually.

Open Xcode

Launch the workspace by running the following from the command line:

rake xcode

This will ensure any dependencies are ready before launching Xcode.

You can also open the project by double clicking on Simplenote.xcworkspace file, or launching Xcode and choose File > Open and browse to Simplenote.xcworkspace.

Once you have opened Simpleonte iOS in Xcode, depending on your setup, you may need to make a few changes before you can build the app. In Xcode hit Command + B and see if you get any errors.

Known Xcode Issues

There are some common errors that can happen when first getting Simplenote iOS setup. Check these instructions to see how to fix those.

If you see The server SSH fingerprint failed to verify before you can build Simplenote you will need to mark the app as trusted. To do this, tap on the warning and hit Trust

If the build fails with an Authentication failed because the credentials were missing error most likely you need to update the Swift Packages before being able to build the app. We use Swift Package Manager for some internal dependencies which can be found on Github. To fetch these packages, connect Xcode to Github by going to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, then enter your Github account details. To be able to fetch these dependencies Xcode will need to be connected to a Github account via SSH

Once you have trusted the app and the SPM packages are downloaded you should be able to build the app. Try Command + B again and make sure that it builds correctly.

Setup Credentials

Simplenote is powered by the Simperium Sync'ing protocol. To be able to connect a development build of Simplenote iOS to the Simperium syncing service you will first need to setup app credentials. We distribute testing credentials that help us authenticate your application, and verify that the API calls being made are valid.

Please copy the testing Simperium credentials as follows:

mkdir -p ~/.configure/simplenote-ios/secrets && cp Simplenote/SPCredentials-demo.swift ~/.configure/simplenote-ios/secrets/SPCredentials.swift

This will copy the demo SPCredentials file into the correct directory with the basic details for an OSS contributor. Then edit the new Simplenote/Credentials/SPCredentials.swift file and change the simperiumAppID and simperiumApiKey fields to the correct values that appear in your Simperium app. If you don't see the file there, try doing a build by pressing Command + B and then restarting Xcode. You should see it then.

This will allow you to compile and run the app on a device or a simulator. With the app running in the simulator you can connect to Simplenote. Note that for testing builds you can only connect to Simplenote account using the email address and password of your account onSimperium.com. You can not connect to regular Simplenote accounts in development builds.

Note: Simplenote API features such as sharing and publishing will not work with development builds.


If you want to try the screenshots generation locally, also create your own testing credentials for that target:

mkdir -p ~/.configure/simplenote-ios/secrets && cp Simplenote/ScreenshotsCredentials-demo.swift ~/.configure/simplenote-ios/secrets/ScreenshotsCredentials.swift

Style Guidelines

We follow the WordPress iOS Style Guidelines, and we're constantly improving / adopting latest techniques.


Read our Contributing Guide to learn about reporting issues, contributing code, and more ways to contribute.


Simplenote for iOS is an Open Source project covered by the GNU General Public License version 2.

Happy noting!

  • Users can access notes without entering passcode

    Users can access notes without entering passcode

    With the latest update, it is possible to open Simplenote and access notes without entering a passcode or using Touch ID even when these options are enabled.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Setup a passcode and Touch ID on the app.
    2. Leave the app on the main notes list and close the app.
    3. Reopen the app and notice you're prompted for the passcode or Touch ID.
    4. Once you're back in the app, open a specific note. Then, press the home button to return to the homescreen.
    5. Click on Simplenote again to open it. You will not be prompted for a passcode or Touch ID.

    Here's a video of the issue: https://cloudup.com/cB6kVLzpyVw

    This was reported in 2816916-t and confirmed through testing.

    cannot reproduce 
    opened by jeremeylduvall 27
  • iOS Widgets Final PR

    iOS Widgets Final PR


    After many months, this PR encompasses the entire iOS widgets feature. Fixes #1289

    All of the changes in this branch have been tested before, but never hurts to do a final pass. There are a few things to check here.

    Widgets: There are three widgets. New note widget, Note Widget, and List Widget. The new note widget creates a button that gives you a quick home screen button to create a new note

    The note widget displays a preview of the content from a selected note

    The list widget shows the top few notes from a given tag (or all notes)


    New Note Widget (for more details about this widget check out #1293 ):

    1. create a new note widget
    2. tap on the button to make sure a new note is created.

    Note Widget (for more details about this widget check out #1375 ):

    1. add the note widget. By default the note at the top of your notes list should appear
    2. choose a note to display, make sure it is showing the same content (checkboxes will not render yet #1388 )
    3. tap on the widget and you will be taken into the app and that note will load

    List Widget (for more details about this widget check out #1389 ):

    1. add the list widget. by default all notes will be the tag that is selceted
    2. choose a tag to display, once selected tap on the title of the tag to load into the app showing the tag list
    3. return to the home screen and tap on one of the note titles, the note will load
    4. tap on the new note button and see that a note is created tagged with the note the widget is displaying


    (Required) Add instructions for reviewers. For example:

    Only one developer is are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    (Required) Add a concise statement to RELEASE-NOTES.txt if the changes should be included in release notes. Include details about updating the notes in this section. For example:

    RELEASE-NOTES.txt was updated in 646382 with:

    • Added home screen widgets #1416
    [feature] Widgets 
    opened by charliescheer 21
  • Update Intents

    Update Intents "Distribution AppStore" configuration to match other extensions


    While checking what discussed here, I noticed that the entitlements for the "Distribution AppStore" build configuration was pointing to the Alpha build. That was inconsistent with the other apps, but most importantly incorrect: "Distribution AppStore" is the build configuration we use to App Store builds and needs to point to a valid app group (the Alpha one exists only in the Enterprise account).


    In Xcode, verify the "Signing & Capabilities > App Groups" are consistent between extensions


    Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 3 10 49 pm


    Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 3 18 23 pm


    Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 3 11 06 pm


    Only one developer required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    These changes do not require release notes.

    opened by mokagio 19
  • Navigating/Scrolling issue on iOS14

    Navigating/Scrolling issue on iOS14



    Be able to scroll and select where I want to position myself.



    When the cursor is somewhere and scrolling few pages then select where to position next, it does not, instead it position somewhere in between (which is undesired)



    1.make a few pages text on a note on iOS 14 2. Navigate to first page 3.scroll down 2 pages and position somewhere in the page 4. It should not position there but somewhere in between

    (Optional) If applicable, add screenshots, animations, or videos to help illustrate your problem.

    (Optional) If you reproduced the bug on a specific device, please replace DEVICE_MAKE, DEVICE_MODEL, IOS_VERSION, and APP_VERSION below with the details for that device. If you reproduced the bug on multiple devices, please add a row for each device.

    Make|Model|iOS Version|App Version -|-|-|- IPhone |8 plus|IOS 14| 4.23

    opened by jgwill 19
  • Feature/in app notifications

    Feature/in app notifications


    This PR is to merge the In App Notifications feature into develop!! The different components of this change have been tested along the way but here is a chance to test them all together again before moving into develop.

    In app notifications builds a tool that allows us to send simple messages to users about the activity in the app, such as copying a link or publishing a note. Some of these messages have actions associated with them like undoing the previous change. They look like this:


    Here are some things to test with these notifications:

    1. copy a link (internal or public) you should see a notice
    2. Copy a link from the options view, you should see a notice and the options view will be dismissed
    3. Delete a note from the options view, a notice will be presented and the options view will be dismissed
    4. delete a note from the notes list. Tap on the undo button to make sure the note restores
    5. In the options menu publish a note. You should see two notices "Publishing..." and then "Publish Successful" Make sure to tap the copy link button on the "Publish successful" notice
    6. Unpublish a note and you should see two notices "unpublishing..." and "Unpublish Successful" with an undo action
    7. Make sure that the notices stay aligned correctly if you rotate the device


    Only one developer and one designer are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    Added in app notifications to alert users of different activities in the app

    beta-tested In App Notifications 
    opened by charliescheer 18
  • Simplenote Always Opens to a Tag List Instead of All Notes

    Simplenote Always Opens to a Tag List Instead of All Notes


    Switching to All Notes before closing the app should force the app to open to All Notes again when reopening.


    If you force quit the app, when relaunching the app, it will always launch to a tag list.


    1. Open a note from All Notes.
    2. Add a tag to the note.
    3. Go back to All Notes
    4. Tap on Menu then tap on a tag from the list.
    5. Force quit the app.
    6. Relaunch Simplenote.
    7. Switch to the All Notes view.
    8. Force quit the app.

    It will now always open to the tag view, even if the tag is removed from the note and the tag is deleted from the tag list.

    Make|Model|iOS Version|App Version -|-|-|- Apple|iPhone 11 Pro|14.4.1|

    opened by mdrockwell 18
  • Edit mode/Action Bar updates

    Edit mode/Action Bar updates


    Fixes #1326

    This PR removes the Action bar from Simplenote iOS. This has affects the new note button and edit mode.

    Edit mode has been moved into the long press context menu

    when in edit mode the new note button is replaced with the Cancel button. When edit mode is exited the new note button returns.

    This also puts the new note button back in the top navigation bar


    1. Load the app and confirm that in the note list and the editor you don't see the bottom bar and that the new note button is in the top right navigation toolbar
    2. Long press on a note from the note list to see the select option
    3. tap on the select option. Notice the new note button changes to cancel.
    4. Try canceling and select/deleting to make sure the new note button returns after edit mode is exited


    (Required) Add instructions for reviewers. For example:

    Only one developer and one designer are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    RELEASE-NOTES.txt was updated in 4e5ad8 with:

    • Moved edit mode into a long press action and removed the new note bar #1328
    spring cleaning 
    opened by charliescheer 15
  • Dismiss notice on external tap

    Dismiss notice on external tap


    This PR Fixes #1229

    Currently it is possible to make a series of changes in simplenote iOS that would create more notices, however because you can't queue several of the same notices at once, the subsequent actions receive no notification. This could be problematic in the case that a user deletes multiple notes really quickly. In that case the "restore" button on the trashed notice would refer to the first note trashed, not the last note trashed.

    In this PR, I have made a change so that if the passthru view that the notice is contained in is interacted with, the notice will be dismissed. That way you would never be able to create multiple notices at once, as they are dismissed once you interact with the rest of the app in anyway.

    ### Test 1. From the note list try to delete a note using the contextual actions, a note will appear 2. now delete a another note, you will see the first notice is dismissed before the second one can be trashed.


    Only one developer and one designer are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    These changes do not require release notes.

    In App Notifications 
    opened by charliescheer 15
  • Nü Onboarding: Mark III

    Nü Onboarding: Mark III


    This PR implements the new Authentication Interface, along with a new class, in charge of wrapping Simperium and OnePassword interactions.

    cc @bummytime cc @SylvesterWilmott This one definitely could use your feedback sir!!

    Ref. #359

    Scenario: UX

    • [ ] Verify rotations are disabled in every screen.
    • [ ] Verify the Input Text Views's outer border (in both SignIn and SignUp screens) is slightly different when they become the first responder.
    • [ ] Verify the Keyboard always matches the kind of input text we're expecting.
    • [ ] Verify the Reveal Password button effectively displays the (hidden) text. Upon release, the password should get hidden again.
    • [ ] Verify that the Primary Action Button (SignIn / SignUp) is grayed out whenever the input is actually invalid.
    • [ ] Verify the Authentication UI is not dismissable in iOS 13.
    • [ ] Verify that both SignUp / SignIn display a spinner during activity.
    • [ ] Verify the new UI reacts well in iPhone / iPad devices (including multitasking).
    • [ ] Verify that no matter what the System Theme is, both Onboarding and Authentication UI's will be in light mode (with the statusBar visible, and navigation title in black, when applicable)

    Scenario: Login

    1. Launch Simplenote
    2. Press over the LogIn Button
    3. Enter a set of valid credentials
    4. Verify you're shortly after into the app

    Please: Repeat with 1Password fill-in

    Scenario: SignUp

    1. Launch Simplenote
    2. Press over the SignUp Button
    3. Enter a set of valid credentials
    4. Verify you're shortly after into the app, and that a new user was effectively created

    Please: Repeat with 1Password fill-in

    Scenario: 1Password Availability

    1. Launch the app in the Simulator
    2. Verify 1P is unavailable
    3. Launch the app in a device with 1P installed
    4. Verify the 1P button becomes visible, in both, SignIn and SignUp screens

    Scenario: Signup fallback to Login

    1. Launch Simplenote and open the Signup Screen
    2. Enter a set of valid credentials and press Signup
    3. Verify that an Alert shows up, offering to Login Instead
    4. Press over the Sign In button
    5. Verify the Login UI shows up onScreen, and shortly after, you're into the app

    Scenario: Warnings

    1. Launch Simplenote and open the Login Screen
    2. Press over the Username field and press Next
    3. Verify a warning shows up onscreen
    4. Type a valid username
    5. Verify that the second the username is valid, the warning goes away on its own
    6. Repeat the same steps for the Password field

    Screenshot Time!

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2019-08-06 at 12 57 42 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2019-08-06 at 12 57 45 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2019-08-06 at 12 57 50

    opened by jleandroperez 15
  • Note Widget

    Note Widget


    This PR is the next step in the widgets project. Here I have added the ability to connect to the shared database with intents and widgets, parse those details, and then display them on the note widget.


    1. Open simplenote while logged out
    2. try to setup the note widget and confirm that you get an error
    3. log into simplenote
    4. return to the widget setup and tap on the Note option, you should see a list of all of your not deleted notes
    5. choose a note with a title and some content in it
    6. tap outside of the setup to return to the homescreen
    7. after a second your note content should appear


    (Required) Add instructions for reviewers. For example:

    Only one developer and one designer are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    These changes do not require release notes.

    [feature] Widgets 
    opened by charliescheer 14
  • Issue/1043 add multi select

    Issue/1043 add multi select


    This PR fixes #1043

    This PR is intended to add multiple selection support to Simplenote iOS. Currently there is not way to select and trash multiple notes at a time in SNiOS. In this PR the ability to enter an edit mode, select multiple notes at a time and then trash them is now possible!


    1. enable and disable edit mode. Make sure that the mode animates in and out. While active ensure that you can select multiple notes, that you can't transition to seeing a note and that entering search mode dismisses edit mode
    2. Make sure when you go in and out of edit mode the button in the new note bar at the bottom transitions from the new notice icon to the trash icon
    3. While in edit mode, select multiple notes to make sure that the view title changes from the standard note list name to "X Selected" Exit edit mode to ensure that the note list returns to its regular name.
    4. Test selecting multiple notes and then using the trash button to trash the notes
    5. Test changing the note list tag while in edit mode to ensure that edit mode exits
    6. While in edit mode you should see a Select All/Deselect all button in the top left where the main menu usually is. Enable/disable edit mode to make sure that appears and disappears
    7. Tap on the Select All button and confirm all notes are selected. Tap Deselect and make sure they are deselected
    8. Delete a selection of notes to see a new in app notification. Make sure the correct number of notes is marked as being deleted in the notification. Test the undo button to make sure that all the bulk deleted notes are restored


    (Required) Add instructions for reviewers. For example:

    Only one developer and one designer are required to review these changes, but anyone can perform the review.


    (Required) Add a concise statement to RELEASE-NOTES.txt if the changes should be included in release notes. Include details about updating the notes in this section. For example:

    RELEASE-NOTES.txt was updated in d3adb3ef with:

    Added markdown support

    If the changes should not be included in release notes, add a statement to this section. For example:

    These changes do not require release notes.

    enhancement spring cleaning 
    opened by charliescheer 14
  • Issues with the highlighted terms when searching for more than one term

    Issues with the highlighted terms when searching for more than one term


    The search functionality should highlight the correct words when opening a note containing those terms.


    When you search for more than one term, the words highlighted aren't related to the search terms.


    1. Ensure you have a lot of notes
    2. Search for some terms which are in a sentence; in my case, I am using "run the"
    3. Open a result
    4. Look at the highlighted words in the note


    Apple | iPhone 14 Pro Max | 16.1.2 | 4.47


    bug [feature] search 
    opened by joashrajin 1
  • Slow UI in the latest update

    Slow UI in the latest update


    Work fast


    Works slow


    Before the last update everything was working really fast. Like if you pulled the menu from the left, it just had f* flashed into the screen - now it crawls out of there.. The swipe left on the note brought the note menu almost instantly - now slowly and hardly. Even typing speed has changed... I am talking about fractions of a second - but still noticable by eye. Is it. possible to revert, or resolve this speed issue?

    iPhone 8 iOS 15.6.1 SN app 4.48

    opened by vstepaniuk 2
  • New notes not syncing between iPhones

    New notes not syncing between iPhones


    I'd expect that when a new note is added, it would sync to all devices.


    A user has reported that new notes only sync between iPhones after logging in and out. Works as expected when a note is created from the iPad, but when it's created from the iPhone it will not sync until it's logged in and out.


    (user reported steps, I don't have 2 iPhones to test this)

    1. Make sure you have Simplenote installed a two different iPhones.
    2. Create a new note on one of the iPhones.
    3. It does not appear on the second iPhone.
    4. Log out of the second iPhone and back in.
    5. The note appears. And any subsequent changes also appear, including deleting the note.
    6. Create a new note.
    7. It won't appear unless you log out and in again.

    Same happens if the you reversed the roles, i.e. created on the second iPhone and had to log out/in on the first one to get the new note.

    If you create a new note on the iPad, it just works as it should on both iPhones. The issue is specific to the iPhone.

    Users has Simplenote on 2 iPhones and one iPad. All have the latest app 4.47.

    The two iPhones are different versions, one iPhone SE runs 15.7.1, the other iPhone 11 runs 15.6.1. They suspect it's new to the latest iOS update as wasn't an issue before.

    User reported in zen-5734202

    opened by rezzap 2
  • Apply RuboCop corrections

    Apply RuboCop corrections

    This PR includes:

    • Added a rubocop.yml file
    • Applied the rubocop corrections

    There are definitely a lot more Fastfile changes that can be made to Simplenote to bring it up-to-date, but those are going to go on the backburner for now since it's still not in very active development. I figured these would be a nice, quick formatting win for now.

    opened by spencertransier 2
  • Add repo automation to register new devices

    Add repo automation to register new devices

    We may or may not want to merge this PR, given that we have new internal automation for devs to self-serve when adding new devices to the Developer Portal. Still, I just used this automation and thought it useful to track the changes I made.

    opened by mokagio 1
  • Ability to check a task from preview mode

    Ability to check a task from preview mode


    The purpose of a checklist is to check things off.

    I often create checklists within notes that contain added context, such as markdown images etc.

    These notes are mostly viewed in preview mode. Checkboxes are rendered in preview mode, but it would be amazing if we could also mark any task as done when in preview mode.


    Currently I find myself switching to editing mode to try and find the checkbox on the page so I can check the box, after which I need to switch back to the preview mode, which is an annoying journey and not at all 'simple'.

    feature request 
    opened by frvkl 2
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