I've isolated the class - and made a complete minimal example using bazel.
git clone https://github.com/wweevv-johndpope/DemoBazel/tree/supabase
./xcodegen app
you may need to enable auto signing of app
Please help - I'm a bit behind on timelines because of this crash.
related - duplicated
(it seems like because the xcframework is not around - the keychain is deallocated - and not retaining itself?)
I'm not sure the approach using self inside xcframework is doable?
I made this cheatsheet for bazel + XCFRAMEWORKS
there's a way to do xcframeworks via zip + sha - but for now just dumping them into repo works for me.
I don't know why the zombies doesn't work for these xcframeworks... that should stop the deallocation - and allow app to continue...

I made some effort to rewire the classes so that a chunk is instantiate from swift file locally from app.
Good news is - it doesn't crash.
it's less than ideal - but can live with it for time being.
So there's no supabase.xcframework
and there's no gotrue.xcframework
The BUILD files x2 compile the swift files
not the bundle is dirty and there's problem some clean up necessary but it's working locally.
We need to get the classes working within framework.