I will combine few youtube tutorials and try to implement some of my ideas for learning purposes.
Dicee-SwiftUI This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button
Monkey for GitHub 中文README Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client. Monkey for GitHub is my first App,open source project.Welcome to download. GitHub op
Create an easy to peek SwiftUI View to showcase your own data, catalog, images, or anything you'd like.
Snapify A simple tweak to remove the send button in messages, replaced by keyboard key What is Snapify? Snapify is an opensource tweak to make the mes
A Simple way help you drop or drag your source (like UIImage) between different App.
Quiz-Swift It's a quiz game like TRUE OR FALSE Working.mp4
Google Blogger iOS App Using Google Blogger API to build an iOS app like Medium!
Qeepsake React Native File Utils Extracts information from image and video files including MIME type, duration (video), dimensions, and timestamp. The
hello hello is application onboarding macOS devices. Inspired by Kandji's Liftoff Logo created with Type with Pride font family Warning DO NOT USE THI
Blurrable Demo app to demonstrate native blur capabilities. You can customize th
Joplin® is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are sea
BasicCompiler A compiler with very basic capabilities written in Swift. This project is not intended for real-world use; it's implemented just for fun
react-native-wallet-manager Provides some Apple Wallet's functionality, like adding passes, removing passes and checking passises for existing. Instal
FinanceReactNative iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance
Assemblies Where Developers Connect Assemblies is an open-source mobile app built with React Native which developers can use to connect through 'assem
ortho-remote C program for interfacing with the Teenage Engineering Ortho Remote. Currently only implemented for macOS Puts the remote into MIDI mode
HelpfulSwiftSnippets Some helpful swift code snippets Network Manager - a generic network manager that deals with downloading data from the internet u
Attach-Detach-Sw A Swift Recreation of Attach-Detach, with some configurable options Usage To use, you'll need to specify if you are attaching or deta
CombineExpanded Package that extends Combine with some useful APIs. New API: then shareReplay Future.deferred then Wait for completion of self, then f