A Swift Recreation of Attach-Detach, with some configurable options



A Swift Recreation of Attach-Detach, with some configurable options


To use, you'll need to specify if you are attaching or detaching, See below:


To Attach a DMG, the following command should be run: attachdetachsw --attach/-a DMGFILE. Where DMGFile is the path of the DMG to attach. Example usage:

iPhone:~ mobile% attachdetachsw -a attachdetachsw.dmg
Attached as disk6


To detach/eject a disk, the following command should be run: attachdetachsw --detach/-d diskWithNumebr Where diskWithNumebr is the disk to eject. Example usage:

iPhone:~ mobile% attachdetachsw -d disk6
Detached /dev/disk6


Though these aren't necessary, the following options can be used:

Attach Options

  • -f, --file-mode=FILEMODE Where FILEMODE is a number, sets the filemode while attaching
  • -s, --set-auto-mount Sets automount to true while attaching
  • -g, --get-reg-entry-id Prints the RegEntryID of the disk that the DMG was attached to

Detach Options

There are currently no options for detaching.


To build, you must have Theos and the swift-toolchain, you also must be building with a patched SDK.

git clone https://github.com/dabezt31/Attach-Detach-Sw/
cd Attach-Detach-Sw
make package
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