BRD - the simple and secure wallet for bitcoin, ethereum, and other digital assets


This repository is unmaintained, BRD iOS has moved to


BRD is the simple and secure wallet for bitcoin, ethereum, and other digital assets. Today, BRD is one of the largest non-custodial mobile wallets used by over 6 million users and protects an estimated nearly $7B USD.

BRD is the best way to get started with bitcoin. Our simple, streamlined design is easy for beginners, yet powerful enough for experienced users.


Fastsync is a new feature in the BRD app that makes Bitcoin wallets sync in seconds, while also keeping BRD technology ahead of the curve as SPV slowly phases out. When Fastsync is enabled the BRD wallet uses our server technology, Blockset to sync, send and receive instantly!

Your Decentralized Bitcoin Wallet

Unlike other iOS bitcoin wallets, BRD users have the option to disable Fastsync converting the wallet into a standalone bitcoin client. It connects directly to the bitcoin network using SPV mode, and doesn't rely on servers that can be hacked or disabled. If BRD the company disappears, your private key can still be derived from the recovery phrase to recover your funds since your funds exist on the blockchain.

Cutting-edge security

BRD utilizes the latest iOS security features to protect users from malware, browser security holes, and even physical theft. The user’s private key is stored in the device keychain, secured by Secure Enclave, inaccessible to anyone other than the user. Users are also able to backup their wallet using iCloud Keychain to store an encrypted backup of their recovery phrase. The backup is encrypted with the BRD app PIN.

Designed with New Users in Mind

Simplicity and ease-of-use is BRD's core design principle. A simple recovery phrase (which we call a recovery key) is all that is needed to restore the user's wallet if they ever lose or replace their device. BRD is deterministic, which means the user's balance and transaction history can be recovered just from the recovery key.



  • Supports wallets for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, Ripple, Hedera, Tezos
  • Single recovery key is all that's needed to backup your wallet
  • Private keys never leave your device and are end-to-end encrypted when using iCloud backup
  • Save a memo for each transaction (off-chain)

Bitcoin Specific Features


BRD is available in the following languages:

  • Chinese (Simplified and traditional)
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repo: git clone 2 Update submodules git submodule update --recursive
  2. Install imagemagick and ghostscript brew install imagemagick && brew install ghostscript
  3. Open the breadwallet.xcworkspace file

Advanced Setup

Blockset Client Token

Add your Blockset client token to your app’s public CloudKit database with a record id of: BlockchainDBClientID


Installation on jailbroken devices is strongly discouraged.

Any jailbreak app can grant itself access to every other app's keychain data. This means it can access your wallet and steal your bitcoin by self-signing as described here and including application-identifier * in its .entitlements file.

BRD is open source and available under the terms of the MIT license.

Source code is available at

  • Crash on launch – v.114 (2.0)

    Crash on launch – v.114 (2.0)

    Just updated my application, it crashes on launch.

    Using an iPhone 7+ (iOS 11). Attached is a compressed IPS, it will need symbolicating. Crashes on the main thread.

    Edit: A reinstall works for me.

    opened by AaronMT 15
  • Can I haz SegWit Plz?

    Can I haz SegWit Plz?

    I am a big fan of Bread Wallet and I really can't thank you guys enough for all the hard work you guys are doing. Love being able to just scan a QR code and press send.

    I would really, really, really, like to be able to use SegWit to avoid paying high fees and to help the network add more capacity.

    opened by ChuckSRQ 12
  • Please consider using this repository for active development

    Please consider using this repository for active development

    I'd like you to reconsider your stance on using this repository as a primary target for active development.

    In voisine/breadwallet-ios#98, @voisine said:

    I like to point out that closed source wallets require the same level of trust in the provider as hosted wallets.

    In #17, @samuraisam mentioned:

    We only push to this repo on releases now, but would be happy to receive any pull requests!

    There are a few issues:

    1. A lot of users are running your beta release and have no way to verify what they're running.

    2. It appears that you haven't updated this repository; the latest commit, 47c17e4ddf12c3db6176e7b1649e31257e454f6b, is from October 3rd but the most recent App Store release was November 20th.

    I understand that it makes sense to work on some features in private but I really hope you'll consider using this repository as the target for most changes.

    Why do I care? A key reason for why I picked Bread was transparency. From a trust perspective, it's much easier to follow along with incremental changes than every few months when most files in the project have changed. Another argument is being able to contribute pull requests; that's difficult if the source trees diverged significantly.

    opened by tt 7
  • iPhone X Support

    iPhone X Support

    ~~Not yet complete. Most of the UI should look fine now.~~


    • [x] FaceID references
    • [x] cleanup
    • [x] PIN Required menu constraints

    Not the best way to do things, but acceptable I think. I'll try to finish everything tomorrow :)

    opened by losh11 5
  • Missing package product 'WalletKit'

    Missing package product 'WalletKit'

    Hi, When building iOS project on XCode 12.4, it gives a build error: /Users/.........................../breadwallet-ios/breadwallet.xcodeproj Missing package product 'WalletKit'

    How can i add WalletKit to the project? Through SPM or cocoapods? Thanks for help.

    opened by burhanaras 4
  • BRD Crashes on IOS after XRP transaction

    BRD Crashes on IOS after XRP transaction

    BRD wallet crashed after attempting to send XRP. Won't go past the PIN screen and sometimes crashes on launch now.


    1. open BRD on IOS 13.3.1
    2. Add XRP to wallet
    3. copy address into clipboard
    4. use address to send XRP to BRD
    5. BRD crashes. Won't reopen. Crash then repeat and crash again when entering PIN.


    1. reinstall
    2. reboot
    opened by jkinum 4
  • iPhone X optimization

    iPhone X optimization

    Breadwallet already supports iPhone X, but there are a bunch of layout issues, too small images and the tight coupling of Touch ID == biometrics auth.

    opened by blommegard 4
  • Add an option to show unconfirmed transactions

    Add an option to show unconfirmed transactions

    Currently the wallet only shows the transaction after one confirmation. It would be nice to have an option to show the unconfirmed transactions. For those who want to take the risks or for coins that uses zero-conf.

    One example, I would like to show my friend how easy it's to send and receive and I don't want to wait 10 minutes or so for confirmations.

    opened by damascene 3
  • Secure Enclave Keys

    Secure Enclave Keys

    In your README, you mention this:

    Private keys are stored only in the secure enclave of the user's phone, inaccessible to anyone other than the user.

    Is this true? I thought that the Secure Enclave used secp256r1 to generate private keys, whereas Bitcoin used secp256k1 (r vs k). So, I don't understand how it works.

    Can you explain in details, how do you use Secure Enclave on iOS?

    opened by ydeveloperios 3
  • Translations for Polish 🇵🇱

    Translations for Polish 🇵🇱

    I can't find this project on PhraseApp :/

    Here are translations for iOS app:

    "Buy Bitcoin" -> "Kup Bitcoina"

    "Trade" -> "Wymiana"

    "Menu" -> "Opcje"

    "Scan QR Code" -> "Skanuj kod QR"

    "Syncing XXX%" -> "Synchronizowanie XXX%"

    "Manage Wallets" -> "Zarządzaj portfelami"

    "Preferences" -> "Preferencje"

    "Security Settings" -> "Ustawienia Bezpieczeństwa" lub "Bezpieczeństwo"

    "Support" -> "Wsparcie"

    "Leave us a Review" -> "Napisz nam opinię"

    "About" -> "O aplikacji"

    "Total Assets" -> "Łącznie posiadasz"

    "Send" -> "Wyślij"

    "Receive" -> "Otrzymaj"

    "Balance" -> "Stan konta"

    "sent" -> "wysłane"

    "received" -> "otrzymane"

    "pending" -> "oczekujące"

    "complete" -> "zakończone"

    "Your transactions will appear here." -> "Twoje transakcje pojawią się tutaj."

    "XX zł per XX" -> "XX zł za XX"

    "Cancel" -> "Anuluj"

    "Trade Your:" -> "Wymień twoim:"

    "Search..." -> "Szukaj..."

    "Search" -> "Szukaj"

    "History" -> "Historia"

    "Loading" -> "Wczytywanie"

    "Status" -> "Status"

    "Service" -> "Usługa"

    "Delivery Date" -> "Data otrzymania"

    "Total price paid" -> "Całkowity koszt zakupu"

    "Display Currency" -> "Lokalna waluta"

    "Bitcoin Settings" -> "Ustawienia Bitcoina"

    "Bitcoin Cash Settings" -> "Ustawienia Bitcoin Cash"

    "Share Anonymous Data" -> "Wyślij anonimowe dane"

    "Reset to Default Currencies" -> "Przywróć domyślne waluty"

    "Add Wallets" -> "Dodaj portfele"

    "Hide" -> "Ukryj"

    "Bitcoin Display Unit" -> "Wyświetlana jednostka bitcoina"

    "Exchange Rate" -> "Kurs Wymiany"

    "Face ID Spending Limit" -> "Limit przelewów z Face ID"

    "Sync Blockchain" -> "Synchronizacja łańcucha"

    "When to Sync?" -> "Kiedy zsynchronizować?"

    "If a transaction shows as completed on the network but not in your BRD." -> "Jeśli transakcja jest zakończona w sieci, ale niema jej w Twoim portfelu."

    "You repeatedly get an error saying your transaction was rejected." -> "Gdy ciągle pojawia się błąd informujący, że transakcja została odrzucona."

    "Start Sync" - "Rozpocznij synchronizację"

    "You will not be able to send money while syncing with the blockchain." -> "Nie będziesz w stanie wysyłać środków podczas synchronizacji z łańcuchem."

    "Redeem Private Key" -> "Wykorzystaj klucz prywatny"

    "Import Wallet" -> "Zaimportuj portfel"

    "Wallet to be imported" -> "Portfel do zaimportowania"

    "Your BRD Wallet" -> "Twór portfel BRD"

    "Importing a wallet transfers all the money from other wallet into your BRD wallet using a single transaction." -> "Importowanie portfela przenosi wszystkie pieniądze z innego portfela do portfela BRD za pomocą pojedynczej transakcji."

    "Importing a wallet does not include transaction history or other details." -> "Importowanie portfela nie obejmuje historii transakcji ani innych szczegółów."

    "Scan Private Key" -> "Skanuj klucz prywatny"

    "Share Data?" -> "Udostępnić dane?"

    "Help improve BRD by sharing your anonymous data with us. This does not include any financial information. We respect your financial privacy." -> "Pomóż ulepszyć BRD, udostępniając nam anonimowe dane. Nie obejmuje to żadnych informacji finansowych. Szanujemy twoją prywatność."

    "Share Anonymous Data?" - "Udostępnić Anonimowe Dane?"

    "Update PIN" -> "Zaktualizuj PIN"

    "Face ID" -> "Face ID" or "Skanowanie twarzy"

    "Paper Key" -> "Papierowy klucz"

    "Enter your current PIN" -> "Wprowadź twój aktualny PIN"

    "Use your face to unlock your BRD and send money up to a set limit." -> "Użyj swojej twarzy, aby odblokowywać BRD i wysyłać pieniądze bez podawania PINu."

    "Enable Face ID for BRD" -> "Włącz Face ID w BRD" or "Włącz skanowanie twarzy w BRD"

    "Spending limit:" -> "Limit autoryzacji dla przelewów"

    "You can customize your Face ID spending limit from the" -> "Możesz dostosować limit przelewów wykonanych za pomocą Face ID z poziomu:"

    "Face ID Spending Limit Screen" -> "ekranu ustawień Face ID"

    "Paper Key" - "Papierowy Klucz"

    "Your paper key is the only way to restore your BRD if your phone is lost, stolen, broken, or upgraded." -> "Twój papierowy klucz to jedyny sposób na przywrócenie portfelu BRD w przypadku zgubienia, kradzieży, uszkodzenia lub zmiany telefonu."

    "We will show you a list of words to write down on a piece of paper and keep safe." -> "Pokażemy ci listę słów, zapisz je na kartce i zachowaj w bezpiecznym miejscu."

    "Write Down Paper Key Again" -> "Zapisz ponownie papierowy klucz"

    "You last wrote down your paper key on XXX" -> "Ostatnio zapisałeś swój papierowy klucz XXX"

    "Privacy Policy" - "Polityka Prywatności"

    "Made by the global BRD team." -> "Stworzone przez zespół BRD"

    "Unlink from this device" -> "Odłącz od tego urządzenia"

    "Bitcoin Nodes" -> "Węzły bitcoina"

    "received from" -> "otrzymano od"

    "Show Details" -> "Pokaż szczegóły"

    "Hide Details" -> "Ukryj szczegóły"

    "Total Fee" -> "Całkowita opłata"

    "Via" -> "Z"

    "Initialized" -> "Zainicjowano"

    "Memo -> "Opis"

    "Add memo..." -> "Dodaj opis..."

    "Transaction ID" -> "ID Transakcji"

    "Confirmed in Block" -> "Potwierdzone bloki"

    "Not Confirmed" -> "Niepotwierdzone"

    "Receiving" -> "Odbieranie"

    "receiving via xxx" -> "odbieranie od xxx"

    "sending to xxx" -> "wysyłanie do xxx"

    "Confirm Trade" -> "Potwierdź wymianę"

    "For" -> "Za"

    "Price:" -> "Cena:"

    "Delivery:" -> "Czas realizacji:"

    "Total Charge:" -> "Łączna opłata:"

    "Buy" -> "Kup"

    "Confirmation" -> "Potwierdzenie"

    I don't know: "Synced through"

    I spent some time on it, please add it in the update.

    Greetings from Poland ❤

    opened by michaldev 3
  • When using Ropsten testnet for ETH,

    When using Ropsten testnet for ETH, "Could not create transaction, invalid sender" is returned when sending ETH.

    When the IOS BRD wallet code is modified to point to the Ropsten testnet, there is a present behavior that all send operations of ETH are resulting in the following error "Could not create transaction" "invalid sender". I re-tested this with a local build which previously passed testing using Ropsten, and this version has experienced the same results.

    please note I have not tested this using the official BRD IOS Ropsten build, so I would like to confirm that this is not some problem with my local environment, or application.

    I first inquired to the BRD support email, and they have asked that I open an issue on this. I look forward to any further information that may become available regarding this error.

    opened by edrotthoff 3
  • How to transfer out of BTC

    How to transfer out of BTC

    How to migrate BTC from bread wallet to Coinbase wallet now that Bread wallet is acquired by Coinbase When I extract BTC from bread wallet to other wallet, it shows that ETH should pay the fee, but my bread wallet does not have ETH currency, and bread has stopped the virtual currency conversion function now. I cannot convert ETH currency, so I cannot transfer BTC out

    opened by 5201413 0
  • Importing Wallet taking time

    Importing Wallet taking time

    I am trying to import a wallet from a 'paper wallet' in to the digital wallet, it was been on the Importing Wallet screen for sometime now (20 mins) and the wheel is still turning. How long does this process take and has anyone else experienced this before?

    opened by andyoungy1 0
  • Xcode 12.5 won't compile from tip, needs WalletKit

    Xcode 12.5 won't compile from tip, needs WalletKit

    Hey team! Long time.

    Per the Readme, I cloned this repo, then executed git submodule update --recursive, which exited quietly and quickly.

    Xcode now says: "Missing Package product 'WalletKit'".

    I'm an Xcode beginner; if I wanted to add WalletKit library directly to the build, how do I do that? Failing that, is there a working commit that will pull WalletKit in with the git submodule update command?

    opened by vessenes 5
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