Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind



[![CI Status]( Boddy/CBZSplashView.svg?style=flat)]( Boddy/CBZSplashView) Version License Platform

Inspired by the Twitter Splash screen.

Create a splash view not dissimilar to the one Twitter use.

Just drop in your raster/vector logo and choose a background color and you are ready to go.

I have also added some customization options if you are that way inclined.

Twitter: @callumboddy

Easy as pie:

  • Using a rasterized image:
  UIImage *icon = [UIImage imageNamed:kMyIcon];
  UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithHexString:kMyColor];
  CBZSplashView *splashView = [CBZSplashView splashViewWithIcon:icon backgroundColor:color];
  // customize duration, icon size, or icon color here;
  [self.view addSubview:splashView];
  [splashView startAnimation];
  • Using a vector image:
  UIBezierPath *icon = [UIBezierPath myIcon]; // Generate path from vector using something like paintCode
  UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithHexString:kMyColor];
  CBZSplashView *splashView = [CBZSplashView splashViewWithBezierPath:icon backgroundColor:color];
  // customize duration, icon size, or icon color here;
  [self.view addSubview:splashView];
  [splashView startAnimation];

or you can animate on completion if you want to..

  [self downloadLoadsOfAmazingContentWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
    [splashView startAnimation];


CBZSplashView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CBZSplashView', '~> 1.0.0'

Coming Soon

  • creating new and unique transitions to select from

  • adding support for a background image.

  • adding support for colorWithPatternImage

  • a vector based implementation, closer to the twitter implementation

  • If you would like to request a new feature, feel free to raise as an issue.



  • feature: full support for bezier paths - which is awesome. Massive thanks to @Mazyod
  • cleanliness
  • bugfixes


  • feature: added propery to manipulate the icon size, eg. splashView.iconStartSize = CGSizeMake(200, 200);

  • feature: added propery to manipulate the icon color, eg. splashView.iconColor = [UIColor redColor];

  • feature: added propery to manipulate the animation Duration, eg. splashView.animationDuration = 2; (in seconds)

  • change: animtion no longer fires automatically, you must call [splashView startAnimation];

0.1.0 - done on the train, very messy


Callum Boddy,


CBZSplashView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • podspec issue

    podspec issue

    Hi. Thank you for your fantastic library. This pull request fixes some problem. I hope it will be nice for you. FIXED:

    opened by akiroom 7
  • CocoaPods Issue

    CocoaPods Issue

    Either there's files missing when installed through CocoaPods or your example code is wrong? As this doesn't seem to work:

    CBZSplashView *splashView = [CBZSplashView splashViewWithIcon:icon backgroundColor:color];

    opened by alexsaidani 2
  • CocoaPod is outdate, have to use :head for examples to work

    CocoaPod is outdate, have to use :head for examples to work

    Thanks for the great Pod. Just an FYI, in order to use your current examples, I have to set my pod to :head . The 1.0 seems to not support the splashViewWithBezierPath method.

    opened by neilabdev 1
  • Update git ignore

    Update git ignore


    Thanks for the great component. I noticed the gitignore isn't covering all the cases, so I updated that.

    Please take a look here for more info:


    opened by Mazyod 1
  • Vector mask animation

    Vector mask animation

    With this, the vector based masking is implemented. An important note, though, is now the vector based splash uses CAAnimation while the raster splash uses UIView animation blocks. It's probably better to use the CAAnimation for both, to achieve a consistent affect.

    opened by Mazyod 0
  • Issue when adding the splash view in viewDidLoad

    Issue when adding the splash view in viewDidLoad


    Right now, sometimes you can only add the view in viewDidAppear. Trying to add it in viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad would not work, since the the key window is not yet available.

    To solve this, I have changed the frame code to [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]. Now, the splash view can be added at an earlier stage of the app launch without any issues.


    opened by Mazyod 0
  • (Suggestion) Mention the need to

    (Suggestion) Mention the need to "reverse" bezier paths to get a "cut out"

    As a suggestion, I spent an entire day playing around with a bunch of bezier paths, some complicated, some very simple, until it hit me, the direction of the winding would affect the result.

    So, it might be worth mentioning, if you're not seeing any results using bezier paths, try using reversing (Swift)/beziePathByReversingPath (Objective C) and use the resulting path

    opened by RustyKnight 0
  • Icon properties not working!

    Icon properties not working!

    __unused UIImage *icon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"circle"]; //UIBezierPath *bezier = [UIBezierPath twitterShape]; UIColor *color = kATOrangeColor;

    self.splashView = [CBZSplashView splashViewWithIcon:icon backgroundColor:color];
    self.splashView.iconColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
    self.splashView.animationDuration = 1.1;
    [self.view addSubview:self.splashView];

    Not working!

    opened by suhailrashidbhat 2
  • Allows user to modify scale transforms

    Allows user to modify scale transforms

    Same pull request as this one but cleaner.

    It allows user to modify the scale tranforms, which was usefull for me.

    I remove the Pod folder and indicate in the podspec to use the Classes folder (Pod folder was a duplicate of Classes). Feel free to tell me if I was doing wrong :), but from my point of view this was a mistake that could lead to problems.

    opened by rvi 0
  • Update cocoapod to require ios 7

    Update cocoapod to require ios 7

    The startAnimation method uses + (void)animateWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration delay:(NSTimeInterval)delay usingSpringWithDamping:(CGFloat)dampingRatio initialSpringVelocity:(CGFloat)velocity options:(UIViewAnimationOptions)options animations:(void (^)(void))animations completion:(void (^)(BOOL finished))completion NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0); which is only available in iOS7 but the cocoapod specifies only ios6 is required.

    opened by theill 1
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