🎀 A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS.


Ribbon 🎀

Supported Platforms Carthage compatible Pod Version codebeat badge Swift Version GitHub license PRs Welcome


A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS.
Written in Swift.

Looking for...

  • A type-safe, XPC-available SourceKitten (SourceKit) interface with some sugar? Check out Sylvester 😼 .
  • A Floating Action Button for macOS? Check out Fab. 🛍️ .
  • An Expanding Bubble Text Field for macOS? Check out BubbleTextField 💬 .
  • An integrated spotlight-based onboarding and help library for macOS? Check out Enlighten 💡 .


🎡 Try: Includes an iOS & macOS demo.

  • Provide items either programmatically or from a JSON configuration file.
  • Dark mode.
  • + more!



  • Supports push, action, & segmented control toolbar items.
  • Provides NSMenuItems for each item.


  • iOS 10.0+ (12.0+ for dark mode)
  • macOS 10.12+ (10.13+ for full functionality)


Ribbon is available for installation using Carthage or CocoaPods.


github "chriszielinski/Ribbon"


pod "Ribbon"

iOS 13

Building for iOS 13 requires Xcode 11 and modifying iOS13.xcconfig:

// Uncomment to build Ribbon for iOS 13.
// - Note: Requires Xcode 11.



There are two ways of integrating Ribbon into your project:

Configuration File

🔥 The recommended approach.

The configuration file makes for a quick & easy integration. The default configuration filename is ribbon-configuration.json and should be copied into the target's bundle resources (in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase).

The JSON below defines a single action item and toolbar configuration—which is only relevant for the macOS platform.

🧐 See: Demos/Shared/ribbon-configuration.json for a more comprehensive example.

    "items": [
            "action": "actionItemHandler",
            "controlKind": "action",
            "identifier": "action-item-identifier",
            "imageName": "NSActionTemplate",
            "keyEquivalent": "a",
            "keyEquivalentModifier": ["command", "shift"],
            "title": "Action Item",
            "toolTip": "The action button's tool-tip.",
            "subitems": [
                    "action": "firstActionSubitemHandler",
                    "identifier": "first-action-subitem",
                    "imageName": "hand.thumbsup",
                    "keyEquivalent": "1",
                    "keyEquivalentModifier": ["command"],
                    "title": "First Action Subitem",
                    "toolTip": "The first action's tool-tip."
                    "action": "secondActionSubitemHandler",
                    "identifier": "second-action-subitem",
                    "imageName": "hand.thumbsdown",
                    "keyEquivalent": "2",
                    "keyEquivalentModifier": ["command"],
                    "title": "Second Action Subitem",
                    "toolTip": "The second action's tool-tip."
    "toolbar": {
        "displayMode": "iconOnly",
        "sizeMode": "regular",
        "identifier": "toolbar-identifier",
        "defaultItems" : ["NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem", "action-item-identifier"]

Integration into your view controller is as simple as:

📌 Note: The code below is an abstraction and will not compile.

import Ribbon

class YourViewController ... {

    var ribbon: Ribbon!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        ribbon = try! Ribbon.loadFromMainBundle(target: self)

        #if canImport(UIKit)
        textView.inputAccessoryView = ribbon
    #if canImport(AppKit)
    override func viewWillAppear() {
        view.window?.toolbar = ribbon.toolbar

    func actionItemHandler() { }

    func firstActionSubitemHandler() { }

    func secondActionSubitemHandler() { }



📌 Note: The code below is an abstraction and will not compile.

import Ribbon

class YourViewController ... {

    var ribbon: Ribbon!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let firstActionSubitem = RibbonItem(subItemTitle: "First Action Subitem")
        firstActionSubitem.action = #selector(firstActionSubitemHandler)
        let secondActionSubitem = RibbonItem(subItemTitle: "Second Action Subitem")
        secondActionSubitem.action = #selector(secondActionSubitemHandler)

        let actionItem = RibbonItem(controlKind: .action,
                                    title: "Action Item",
                                    subitems: [firstActionSubitem, secondActionSubitem])
        actionItem.action = #selector(actionItemHandler)
        ribbon = Ribbon(items: [actionItem], target: self)

        #if canImport(UIKit)
        textView.inputAccessoryView = ribbon
    #if canImport(AppKit)
    override func viewWillAppear() {
        view.window?.toolbar = ribbon.toolbar

    func actionItemHandler() { }

    func firstActionSubitemHandler() { }

    func secondActionSubitemHandler() { }


// ToDo:

  • Add documentation.
  • Implement UIKeyCommand.


  • Found a bug? Open an issue.
  • Feature idea? Open an issue. Do it yourself & PR when done 😅 (or you can open an issue 🙄 ).
  • Want to contribute? Submit a pull request.



Frameworks & Libraries

Ribbon depends on the wonderful contributions of the Swift community, namely:


Ribbon is available under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more information.

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