CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS, tvOS, and OS X that allows for easy fetching of weather data from various weather services.


Deprecated, consider using Jupiter instead.

Build Status Version Carthage compatible Platform License git-brag-stats

CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS, tvOS, and OS X that allows for easy fetching of weather data from various weather services.

What's New in v2.2.7

  • tvOS Support*.
  • Caching Support.
  • Support for historical and hourly data.
  • Request batching when using a weather service.
  • Improved request management when sending frequent requests.
  • Addition of more data, including humidity, wind speed, and more.

*Note: Features requiring MapKit are unsupported with tvOS.

Getting Started


Add the following to your Podfile:

    pod "CZWeatherKit"


Included in this project is a Swift playground, CZWeatherKit.playground, that will let you play around with CZOpenWeatherMapRequest. However if you're as lazy as I am, here are some code snippets to get you started:


Getting Current Conditions, Obj-C
#import <CZWeatherKit/CZWeatherKit.h>

CZWundergroundRequest *request = [CZWundergroundRequest newConditionsRequest];
request.location = [CZWeatherLocation locationFromCity:@"Seattle" state:@"WA"];
request.key = @"wundergroundApiKey";
[request sendWithCompletion:^(CZWeatherData *data, NSError *error) {
	CZWeatherCurrentCondition *condition = data.current;
	// dreams come true here
Getting Forecast Conditions, Swift
Void in if let weather = data { for forecast in weather.dailyForecasts { // dreams come true here } } }">
import CZWeatherKit

let request = CZWundergroundRequest.newForecastRequest()
request.location = CZWeatherLocation(fromCity: "Seattle", state: "WA")
request.key = "wundergroundApiKey"
request.sendWithCompletion { (data, error) -> Void in
    if let weather = data {
  		for forecast in weather.dailyForecasts {
  			// dreams come true here


Getting Current Conditions, Obj-C
#import <CZWeatherKit/CZWeatherKit.h>

CZOpenWeatherMap *request = [CZOpenWeatherMapRequest newCurrentRequest];
request.location = [CZWeatherLocation locationFromCity:@"Seattle" state:@"WA"];
[request sendWithCompletion:^(CZWeatherData *data, NSError *error) {
	CZWeatherCurrentCondition *condition = data.current;
	// dreams come true here
Getting Forecast Conditions, Swift
Void in if let weather = data { for forecast in weather.dailyForecasts { // dreams come true here } } }">
import CZWeatherKit

let request = CZOpenWeatherMapRequest.newDailyForecastRequestForDays(3)
request.location = CZWeatherLocation(fromCity: "Seattle", state: "WA")
request.sendWithCompletion { (data, error) -> Void in
    if let weather = data {
  		for forecast in weather.dailyForecasts {
  			// dreams come true here

Using a Weather Service

A weather service allows for the dispatching of weather data requests and allows for more fine-grained control over how requests are handled as opposed to the interface provided by CZWeatherDataRequest. An ideal use case for a weather service is powering a weather app.

Void in if let weather = data { // dreams come true here } }) ">
import CZWeatherKit

let service = CZWeatherService()
request = CZOpenWeatherMapRequest.newCurrentRequest()
request.location = CZWeatherLocation(fromCity: "Seattle", state: "WA")
service.dispatchRequest(request, completion: { (data, error) -> Void in
    if let weather = data {
        // dreams come true here

Supported Weather APIs

CZWeatherKit currently supports the following weather services:


CZWeatherKit supports Climacons out of the box. The Climacons Font is a font set created by Adam Whitcroft featuring weather icons.


Core Description
CZWeatherService Asyncronously dispatches requests, caches responses, and simplifies key management when making frequent API calls.
CZPINWeatherDataCache An implementation of the CZWeatherDataCache protocol that uses PINCache for caching weather data.
Model Type Description
CZWeatherLocation Represents a location to retrieve weather data for.
CZWeatherData Top-level container for all other weather data.
CZWeatherCurrentCondition Contains data for current conditions.
CZWeatherForecastCondition Contains data for a day's forecasted conditions.
CZWeatherHourlyCondition Contains data for an hour's conditions.
CZWeatherRequest The abstract base class for all request classes.
CZWundergroundRequest Used for calling the Wunderground API.
CZOpenWeatherMapRequest Used for calling the OpenWeatherMap API.
CZForecastioRequest Used for calling the API.
CZWorldWeatherOnlineRequest Used for calling the World Weather Online API.
API Type Description
CZWundergroundAPI Wunderground API class.
CZOpenWeatherMapAPI OpenWeatherMap API class.
CZForecastioAPI Forecastio API class.
CZWorldWeatherOnlineAPI WorldWeatherOnline API class.
Protocols Description
CZWeatherAPI The protocol for weather API classes.
CZWeatherDataCache The protocol for a cache used by a CZWeatherService.
Headers Description
CZClimacons Contains mappings for Climacons to chars.
CZWeatherKitTypes Contains varions type definitions.


If you would like to contribute to the development of CZWeatherKit, please take care to follow the style conventions and please include unit tests in your pull request.

For feature requests or general questions, feel free to post an issue.


  • Climacons not displaying in UILabel

    Climacons not displaying in UILabel

    I tried following the example on the cocoapods page as well as general advice on custom fonts and iOS etc, but no dice. It just shows the char mapped to the climacon, not the actual icon. See

    opened by MadeByDouglas 7
  • -[NSNull objectForKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x195fede70

    -[NSNull objectForKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x195fede70

    We got a crash in -[CZOpenWeatherMapService parseCurrentConditionsFromJSON:](in MyWeatherCenter) (CZOpenWeatherMapService.m:146)

    What is the best way to handle this? Is it enough to check JSON for Null value in parseCurrentConditionsFromJSON?

    Thanks Sascha

    opened by souhl 7
  • ClimaconCharacter change with Language

    ClimaconCharacter change with Language


    The ClimaconCharacter isn't the same when you change the language for the same city. For example: When I set the language to english, the ClimaconCharacter is '$'. But in French for the same city and the same time, the ClimaconCharacter is 'I'. But the summary is translate well. bug

    Best regards

    opened by authiatr 6
  • Added World Weather Online as a service, and a few minor tweaks

    Added World Weather Online as a service, and a few minor tweaks

    I added World Weather Online as an available weather service, and updated one or two comments to be more descriptive/correct. I made the changes a while ago, but forgot to create a pull request and all.

    I've also merged the latest changes from your master branch back in, of course.

    opened by sebj 5
  • Feature/location class

    Feature/location class

    Hey, its stlunatic102 from reddit! I liked the work that you did and really wanted to see the change that I had mentioned integrated into your lib.

    I created a class called CZWeatherLocation that is used while creating the request. Each service is responsible for generating the query based on the state of this object right now, but it'd be great to see each service implement a protocol to serialize this object. Might generate some more maintainable code down the line rather than the giant if-else block that does the logic.

    Let me know what you think!

    opened by eliperkins 5
  • 2.2.3 doesn't work (same code works on 2.2.1)

    2.2.3 doesn't work (same code works on 2.2.1)

    Hello. It's me again.

    Well... Something is wrong with 2.2.3. It doesn't complete the weather request. Have no idea what is going on. Btw, I can show you my code.

    I'm going to work with 2.2.1 because it works fine. Need any help with debuggin? Just tell my how to help

    CZOpenWeatherMapRequest *request = [CZOpenWeatherMapRequest newCurrentRequest];
    request.location = [CZWeatherLocation locationFromCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(52.9661803, 87.9315624)];
    request.key = @"SOME KEY. DON'T WANT TO SHOW MINE";
    [request sendWithCompletion:^(CZWeatherData *data, NSError *error) {
        if (error == nil)
            NSMutableDictionary *weather = [NSMutableDictionary new];
            [weather addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"temperature":[NSNumber numberWithFloat:data.current.temperature.c]}];
            [weather addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"humidity":[NSNumber numberWithFloat:data.current.humidity]}];
            [weather addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"windspeed":[NSNumber numberWithFloat:data.current.windSpeed.kph / 3.6f]}];
            [weather addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"climacon":[NSNumber numberWithInt:data.current.climacon]}];
            [weather addEntriesFromDictionary:@{@"date":[NSDate date]}];
            [[VKManager instance] setWeather:weather];
            [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:weather forKey:@""];
            [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
            static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
            dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
                [[VKManager instance] requestWeather];
    opened by iwheelbuy 4
  • CZWeatherKit does not support historical data

    CZWeatherKit does not support historical data

    Would love to see CZWeatherKit support querying historical weather data (cf I may add this for my own purposes if it is not already planned…

    opened by quicklywilliam 4
  • days property's value becomes 0 after CZWeatherRequest is copied

    days property's value becomes 0 after CZWeatherRequest is copied

    I was getting only 4 days of forecast no matter what i typed inside this method: CZOpenWeatherMapRequest.newDailyForecastRequestForDays(7)

    I noticed in CZWeatherRequest class // dispatchWithAPI method the [self copy] only retains feature string.

    opened by alperg9 3
  • CZOpenWeatherMapRequest with location

    CZOpenWeatherMapRequest with location

    When using CZopenWeatherMapRequest with LocationFromCoordinate the API URL is incorrectly formatted,lon=-0.7763&lang=en&mode=json&APPID=XXXXX The lat and lon should be separated by an & not a ,

    I think the problem is componentForLocation in CZopenWeatherMapAPI

    opened by paulgee31 3
  • Crash when archiving CZWeatherCurrentCondition, CZWeatherForecastCondition, CZWeatherHourlyCondition & CZWeatherLocation

    Crash when archiving CZWeatherCurrentCondition, CZWeatherForecastCondition, CZWeatherHourlyCondition & CZWeatherLocation

    When archiving a CZWeatherCurrentCondition, CZWeatherForecastCondition, CZWeatherHourlyCondition or CZWeatherLocation object the application crash. The crash is due to a bug when archiving structs.

    Execution of:

    [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:weatherData toFile:[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingString:@"archive"]];

    Result in the following exception:

    Assertions: failed: caught "NSInvalidArgumentException", "*** -[NSKeyedArchiver encodeValueOfObjCType:at:]: this archiver cannot encode structs"
        0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010cc1df45 __exceptionPreprocess + 165
        1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000010c697deb objc_exception_throw + 48
        2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000010cc1de7d +[NSException raise:format:] + 205
        3   Foundation                          0x000000010c302a32 -[NSKeyedArchiver encodeValueOfObjCType:at:] + 311
        4   Foundation                          0x000000010c329b4a -[NSValue encodeWithCoder:] + 317
        5   Foundation                          0x000000010c328f22 -[NSConcreteValue encodeWithCoder:] + 297
        6   Foundation                          0x000000010c2916c7 _encodeObject + 1259
        7   CZWeatherKit                        0x00000001167380e8 -[CZWeatherLocation encodeWithCoder:] + 284
        8   Foundation                          0x000000010c2916c7 _encodeObject + 1259
        9   Foundation                          0x000000010c2cc442 +[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:toFile:] + 241

    The part the cause this crash is:

    NSValue *coordinateValue = [NSValue value:&_coordinate
    [aCoder encodeObject:coordinateValue forKey:@"coordinate"];

    It's correct to do this, but it's seams to be a knowing bug (rdar://8631663).

    An existing workaround is to archive/unarchive the values of the struct manually.

    Something like this:

    NSNumber *latitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:self.coordinate.latitude];
    NSNumber *longitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:self.coordinate.longitude];
    [aCoder encodeObject:latitude forKey:@"latitude"];
    [aCoder encodeObject:longitude forKey:@"longitude"];

    The problem is exactly the same with the structs CZHumidity, CZTemperature and CZWindDirection.

    I'm going to fix it on my side, and create a PR.

    Also if you know any better solution, said it!

    opened by awph 2
  • Duplicate case value: 'ClimaconFahrenheit' and 'ClimaconShowers' both equal '39'

    Duplicate case value: 'ClimaconFahrenheit' and 'ClimaconShowers' both equal '39'

    Duplicate case value: 'ClimaconFahrenheit' and 'ClimaconShowers' both equal '39'

    ClimaconFahrenheit = ''', ClimaconShowers = ''',

    opened by iwheelbuy 2
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