Chronos is a collection of useful Grand Central Dispatch utilities



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Chronos is a collection of useful Grand Central Dispatch utilities. If you have any specific requests or ideas for new utilities, don't hesitate to create a new issue.


  • DispatchTimer - A repeating timer that fires according to a static interval, e.g. "Fire every 5 seconds".
  • VariableTimer - A repeating timer that allows you to vary the interval between firings, e.g. "Fire according to the function interval = 2 * count."


Quick Start


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Chronos-Swift'

Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "comyarzaheri/Chronos-Swift" "master"

Using a Dispatch Timer

import Chronos

var timer = DispatchTimer(interval: 0.25, closure: {
            (timer: RepeatingTimer, count: Int) in
                println("Execute repeating task here")

/** Starting the timer */
timer.start(true) // Fires timer immediately

/** Pausing the timer */

/** Permanently canceling the timer */

Using a Variable Timer

Double in return Double(2 * count) // Return interval according to function } /** Starting the timer */ timer.start(true) // Fires timer immediately /** Pausing the timer */ timer.pause() /** Permanently canceling the timer */ timer.cancel() ">
import Chronos

var variableTimer: VariableTimer = VariableTimer(closure: { 
            (timer: RepeatingTimer, count: Int) -> Void in
                println("Execute repeating task here")
        }) {(timer: VariableTimer, count: Int) -> Double in
                return Double(2 * count) // Return interval according to function

/** Starting the timer */
timer.start(true) // Fires timer immediately

/** Pausing the timer */

/** Permanently canceling the timer */


  • iOS 8.0 or higher
  • OS X 10.10 or higher


Chronos is available under the MIT License.


  • Build error -

    Build error -

    Hi, I must be doing something wrong.. I get the following error on lines 141 and 155:

    Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'dispatch_source_t' (aka 'OS_dispatch_source')

    Any help appreciated..

    opened by daviddelmonte 9
  • Crash on iphone 5

    Crash on iphone 5

    Hi! I been using this library for a while and I like, thanks. The start function crash in when call scheduleRepeating due an overflow

    open func start(_ now: Bool) {
            if OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(State.paused, State.running, &running) {
              timer.scheduleRepeating(deadline: startTime(interval, now: now), interval: DispatchTimeInterval.nanoseconds(Int(interval.multiplied(by: Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))))

    Also when you run the unit test in the iphone 5 you get this error message: "DispatchTimerTests.swift:38:96: Integer overflows when converted from 'UInt64' to 'Int'"

    I will make a pr for this issue. Thanks

    opened by ggiampietro 2
  • Build test error: Integer overflows

    Build test error: Integer overflows

    I got this error when build project with carthage.

    ChronosTests/DispatchTimerTests.swift:38:96: error: integer overflows when converted from 'UInt64' to 'Int' return DispatchTime(uptimeNanoseconds: Int(5 * NSEC_PER_SEC)))

    opened by lesslucifer 2
  • Not building with Carthage

    Not building with Carthage

    I am having building issues when trying to build with Carthage

    $ carthage bootstrap --platform iOS
    *** Checking out Chronos-Swift at "f6c02db716bdbc5404108fc06a6e61abcef4963e"
    *** Skipped building Chronos-Swift due to the error:
    Dependency "Chronos-Swift" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

    Any thoughts?

    opened by schie 2
  • How to add a label to update

    How to add a label to update

    I can't get a label counter working with this lib, how to set it up?. I have a separate function which does the label update with NSTimer I used

    func fireProgress(timer: NSTimer) {
        self.valueLabel.text = self.timeRemaining

    how can I do the same with this lib?

    opened by heshanlk 2
  • Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README

    This pull requests corrects the spelling of CocoaPods 🤓

    opened by ReadmeCritic 0
  • VariableTimer not repeating in background with delay greater than 5.0

    VariableTimer not repeating in background with delay greater than 5.0

    When delay <= 5.0 I get timer repeating forever as expected when app is in background. When I set delay larger, it fires once in background and then never repeats. (iOS10, Xcode8, Swift3)

    self.runLoopTimer = VariableTimer(closure: {
                    (timer: RepeatingTimer, count: Int) -> Void in
                    <do stuff>
                }) {(timer: VariableTimer, count: Int) -> Double in
                    DDLogVerbose("RunLoopMode -> \(self.runLoopMode):\(self.runLoopMode.rawValue)")
                    return self.runLoopMode.rawValue
    opened by bruce-lumo 0
  • DispatchTimer not using interval

    DispatchTimer not using interval

    No matter what I set the duration value to, it repeats as fast as possible, like every microsecond. (iOS10, Xcode8, Swift3)

    self.runLoopTimer = DispatchTimer(interval: 5.0 , closure: {
                    (timer: RepeatingTimer, count: Int) in
                    <do stuff>
    opened by bruce-lumo 0
  • Adds OneShotTimer and OneShotDispatch Timer

    Adds OneShotTimer and OneShotDispatch Timer

    It might be a good idea to have a OneShotTimer, i.e. a timer that can only be run once after a certain delay.

    I've done some refactoring to RepeatingTimer in order to change the type of the closure. , so now there are 2 closure types:

    The closure to execute when the timer fires.
    - parameter timer:   The timer that fired.
    - parameter count:   The current invocation count. The first count is 0.
    public typealias RepeatedExecutionClosure = ((RepeatingTimer, Int) -> Void)
     The closure to execute when the timer fires.
     - parameter timer:   The timer that fired. 
    public typealias OneShotExecutionClosure = ((OneShotTimer) -> Void)

    I realise that this is a non-trivial change, but I'd welcome any feedback.

    opened by JeanAzzopardi 3
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