Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch

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Concurrency Async


Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible

Now more than syntactic sugar for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift

Async sugar looks like this:

Async.userInitiated {
}.background {
	"Score: \($0)"
}.main {
	label.text = $0

So even though GCD has nice-ish syntax as of Swift 3.0, compare the above with: .userInitiated).async {
	let value = 10 .background).async {
		let text = "Score: \(value)"
		DispatchQueue.main.async {
			label.text = text

AsyncGroup sugar looks like this:

let group = AsyncGroup()
group.background {
    print("This is run on the background queue")
group.background {
    print("This is also run on the background queue in parallel")
print("Both asynchronous blocks are complete")


Swift Package Manager

Add To Your Project In Xcode 11:

File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency

Add As A Dependency In Package.swift:
dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "2.1.0"),


pod "AsyncSwift"


github "duemunk/Async"


  1. Avoid code indentation by chaining
  2. Arguments and return types reduce polluted scopes

Things you can do

Supports the modern queue classes:

Async.main {}
Async.userInteractive {}
Async.userInitiated {}
Async.utility {}
Async.background {}

Chain as many blocks as you want:

Async.userInitiated {
	// 1
}.main {
	// 2
}.background {
	// 3
}.main {
	// 4

Store reference for later chaining:

let backgroundBlock = Async.background {
	print("This is run on the background queue")

// Run other code here...

// Chain to reference
backgroundBlock.main {
	print("This is run on the \(qos_class_self().description) (expected \(qos_class_main().description)), after the previous block")

Custom queues:

let customQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "CustomQueueLabel", attributes: [.concurrent])
let otherCustomQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "OtherCustomQueueLabel")
Async.custom(queue: customQueue) {
	print("Custom queue")
}.custom(queue: otherCustomQueue) {
	print("Other custom queue")

Dispatch block after delay:

let seconds = 0.5
Async.main(after: seconds) {
	print("Is called after 0.5 seconds")
}.background(after: 0.4) {
	print("At least 0.4 seconds after previous block, and 0.9 after Async code is called")

Cancel blocks that aren't already dispatched:

// Cancel blocks not yet dispatched
let block1 = Async.background {
	// Heavy work
	for i in 0...1000 {
		print("A \(i)")
let block2 = block1.background {
	print("B – shouldn't be reached, since cancelled")
Async.main {
	// Cancel async to allow block1 to begin
	block1.cancel() // First block is _not_ cancelled
	block2.cancel() // Second block _is_ cancelled

Wait for block to finish – an ease way to continue on current queue after background task:

let block = Async.background {
	// Do stuff

// Do other stuff


How does it work

The way it work is by using the new notification API for GCD introduced in OS X 10.10 and iOS 8. Each chaining block is called when the previous queue has finished.

let previousBlock = {}
let chainingBlock = {}
let dispatchQueueForChainingBlock = ...

// Use the GCD API to extend the blocks
let _previousBlock = dispatch_block_create(DISPATCH_BLOCK_INHERIT_QOS_CLASS, previousBlock)
let _chainingBlock = dispatch_block_create(DISPATCH_BLOCK_INHERIT_QOS_CLASS, chainingBlock)

// Use the GCD API to call back when finishing the "previous" block
dispatch_block_notify(_previousBlock, dispatchQueueForChainingBlock, _chainingBlock)

The syntax part of the chaining works by having class methods on the Async object e.g. Async.main {} which returns a struct. The struct has matching methods e.g. theStruct.main {}.

Known bugs

Modern GCD queues don't work as expected in the iOS Simulator. See issues 13, 22.

Known improvements

The dispatch_block_t can't be extended. Workaround used: Wrap dispatch_block_t in a struct that takes the block as a property.


There is also a wrapper for dispatch_apply() for quick parallelisation of a for loop.

Apply.background(100) { i in
	// Do stuff e.g. print(i)

Note that this function returns after the block has been run all 100 times i.e. it is not asynchronous. For asynchronous behaviour, wrap it in a an Async block like Async.background { Apply.background(100) { ... } }.


AsyncGroup facilitates working with groups of asynchronous blocks.

Multiple dispatch blocks with GCD:

let group = AsyncGroup()
group.background {
    // Run on background queue
group.utility {
    // Run on utility queue, in parallel to the previous block

All modern queue classes:

group.main {}
group.userInteractive {}
group.userInitiated {}
group.utility {}
group.background {}

Custom queues:

let customQueue = dispatch_queue_create("Label", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT)
group.custom(queue: customQueue) {}

Wait for group to finish:

let group = AsyncGroup()
group.background {
    // Do stuff
group.background {
    // Do other stuff in parallel
// Wait for both to finish
// Do rest of stuff

Custom asynchronous operations:

let group = AsyncGroup()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
    // Do stuff
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
    // Do other stuff in parallel
// Wait for both to finish
// Do rest of stuff


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Due Munk

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • CocoaPods Trunk

    CocoaPods Trunk

    I was wondering if you intended to push this library to Cocoapod's trunk. There is currently an Async library that would conflict with this one so a name change might be needed. This would allow users to use pod 'AsyncSwift' in their Podfile

    Guide to get setup on trunk

    Thanks for the amazing work :+1:

    help wanted question 
    opened by nanoxd 17
  • Travis CI not running tests

    Travis CI not running tests

    I can't make Travis CI work (spoiler: I haven't used it before). Check it our here.

    For every single test, the log states:

    Test did not run: the test bundle stopped running or crashed before the test suite started.

    The tests are only run for the OS X target.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by duemunk 16
  • Arguments and return values to blocks

    Arguments and return values to blocks

    Currently Async supports passing parameters through an external var like:

    var date: NSDate?
    Async.background {
        date = NSDate()
    }.main {
        // Access date 

    Possible syntax for a better solution:

    Async.background {
        let date = NSDate()
    }.main(date) {
        // Access date

    I have no idea if or how this is possible – please let me know if you do!

    enhancement help wanted question 
    opened by duemunk 15
  • AsyncSwift.podspec is outdated

    AsyncSwift.podspec is outdated

    When I try to install that framework using CocoaPods then 2.0.1 version will be installed. Any particular version is not specified in my Podfile. Furthermore, the latest version should contain the recent changes related to Swift 4 support.

    help wanted 
    opened by vldalx 14
  • Support for dispatch_group

    Support for dispatch_group

    Wait for multiple blocks to finish

    let block1 = Async.utility {}
    let block2 = Async.background {}
    Async.main(when: block1, block2) {}

    using dispatch_group()

    opened by duemunk 12
  • Does not compile with Xcode 9 and Swift 4

    Does not compile with Xcode 9 and Swift 4

    let block = DispatchWorkItem(block: {
        reference.value = block()
    // AsyncSwift/Sources/Async.swift:264:37: Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

    Side note: I also tried to convert the Async project with Xcode 9 + Swift 4 but we get a bunch of errors due to Void => () conversion which requires declaring closure params explicitly, very annoying. Not sure if that's a swift 4 beta bug or something that needs to be worked on.

    opened by ldiqual 11
  • Async for non-GCD async operations

    Async for non-GCD async operations

    It can be very useful if Async can use with async operations.

    Right now, I think Async can use only with sync operations.

    Async.background {
      // do some "sync" stuff 1
    }.background {
      // do some "sync" stuff 2 after sync stuff 1

    But if I use some async operations such as Alamofire to upload files. Now the chain is just not wait for an upload to be finished.

    Async.background {
      // async upload
      Alamofire.upload(.POST, "", file: fileURL)
        .reponseJSON { (_, _, JSON, _) in
            // upload done!!
    }.background {
      // do some stuff S after upload done!! ------>> Sorry S() is doing right away and not wait

    An idea for accomplish this is something like passing a done block and waiting for done() to be called to continue to the next Async chain. I saw Quick/Nimble use this for waitUntil operation here.

    So, here is a use case proposal.

    Async.background { done in
      // async upload
      Alamofire.upload(.POST, "", file: fileURL)
        .reponseJSON { (_, _, JSON, _) in
            // upload done!!
    }.background {
      // do some "sync" stuff S1 after upload done!!
    }.background { done in
      // do some "async" stuff A1 after S1
      A1 { done() }
    }.main {
      // All uploading, S1 and A1 are done, updates UI here

    The Async is now very smart and every operations (.background, .main, .utility, etc..) can take a parameterless block for sync operations and a "one parameter block" (that parameter is another block expose as parameter name done) for async operations.

    Any thought or possibility?

    opened by 0angelic0 10
  • Fix missing CFBundleVersion when built with Carthage (Reconfigured the whole project as Universal Target)

    Fix missing CFBundleVersion when built with Carthage (Reconfigured the whole project as Universal Target)

    Fixes #106

    See Carthage/Carthage#517 for details.

    The test target setting was causing unnecessary build for AsyncTest scheme.

    AsyncTest/Info.plist's CFBundleVersion is "$(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)", which ended-up with empty string ("") because AsyncTest/Async target's CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION is empty string ("").

    That means all carthage users had been using the wrong target. Scary...

    opened by toshi0383 9
  • Async.background reports/uses queues other than background

    Async.background reports/uses queues other than background

    I made a new Swift project (single view controller) and added Async.swift file. I used the following sample code in my viewDidLoad:

    Async.background {
        println("A: This is run on the \(qos_class_self().description) (expected \(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND.description))")
    }.main {
        println("B: This is run on the \(qos_class_self().description) (expected \(qos_class_main().description)), after the previous block")

    Running the project multiple times, the results I get are either:

    A: This is run on the User Initiated (expected Background)
    B: This is run on the Main (expected Main), after the previous block


    A: This is run on the Main (expected Background)
    B: This is run on the Main (expected Main), after the previous block

    Never do I get the first block reporting that it is running on the background queue.

    Xcode 6.1.1 (6A2008a)

    opened by damonjones 9
  • Adding dynamic framework target for Async

    Adding dynamic framework target for Async

    Adding a dynamic framework target for better linking into swift projects.

    Now that iOS8 supports dynamic frameworks, this is the ideal way to link in Swift projects. This is not yet supported by Cocoapods, however a PR for Swift frameworks exists.

    The following adds:

    • a new xCode project with framework target for iOS
    • exposes Async interface to framework
    • Adds iOS unit tests to the framework target tests (however these are currently broken both in the framework and the iOS app example)

    To dynamic link against the new framework, follow the instructions here, but reference to Async.framework instead

    opened by mowens 9
  • Implementing parameters and return between blocks

    Implementing parameters and return between blocks

    Implementing issue #3 .

    The Async is a generic struct with two types: In, Out.

    • The In is the parameter that it's blocks receive.
    • The Out is the parameter that it's return

    Chain blocks can receive the Out parameters from previous block or ignore it and return a new type if needed.

    All previous code should work without any change.

    Usage example:

    Async.background { () -> Int in
                return 10
            }.main { (i: Int) -> (String) in
                //Do something with i
                    return "Test"
            }.background { (s: String) -> (Double) in
                //Do something with s
                    return 10
            }.main { (d: Double) -> () in
                //Do something with d

    The only problem is that we have to specify the types on the blocks because I didn't find how to constraint a method to not accept Void type as parameter.

    Problem example:

    Async.background { () -> Int in
                return 10
            }.main { (i) -> (String) in
                //Do something with i
                    return "Test"

    Error because the compiler can not choose between type Int or Void to parameter i

    I'm waiting for your feedback and available to try fix anything that you find wrong.

    opened by BrunoMazzo 8
  • Crash build on Linux

    Crash build on Linux

    There is a problem when trying to build a project on Linux

    .build/checkouts/Async/Sources/Async/Async.swift:735:18: error: cannot find type 'qos_class_t' in scope
    public extension qos_class_t {
    .build/checkouts/Async/Sources/Async/Async.swift:767:45: error: cannot find 'qos_class_main' in scope
            case DispatchQoS.QoSClass(rawValue: qos_class_main())!: result = .main
    opened by bordunosp 1
  • Lacking CocoaPods support

    Lacking CocoaPods support

    CocoaPods support has been missing for a long time (#29, #124, and more), and last time I gave it a shot, CocoaPods didn't play nice. I don't use it, so I'm considering just removing support for it completely.

    Any thoughts? cc @colemcampbell @Coledunsby

    help wanted 
    opened by duemunk 3
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