Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes.



Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes.


  • πŸ• πŸ₯— View
    • You can see recipes divided into categories (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert) to simplify your search for what to cook! πŸ˜‹
  • βž• Add
    • New recipes can be added by clicking plus βž• button in any category or in favorites.
    • You need to fill in main information for the recipe and add at least one ingredient and one direction to be able to save new recipe.
  • πŸ“ Edit
    • You can edit any existing recipe by clicking Edit button while viewing the recipe.
    • When you are done press Save.
  • ❀ Favorite
    • You can favorite and unfavorite any recipes that you like by clicking heart button while viewing them.
    • Favorite recipes can be easily accessed via "Favorite" tab.
  • πŸ’” Unfavorite
    • You can unfavorite recipes in bulk by clicking edit button in Favorite Recipes tab and deleting any recipes that you don't want to see there anymore.
    • They will not be deleted from the app.
  • πŸ™… Delete
    • To delete recipe click edit in any category and delete recipes that you don't like.
    • They will be deleted from the app permanently.
  • 🎨 Customise
    • Don't like green? You can edit colors used in the app in Settings!
    • There you can also hide optional steps in recipes if you don't have time for that.


License: MIT

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