ReactionButton is a control that allows developers to add this functionality to their apps in an easy way.


Since Facebook introduced reactions in 2016, it became a standard in several applications as a way for users to interact with content. ReactionButton is a control that allows developers to add this functionality to their apps in an easy way.


  • Support of Dark Mode
  • Customizable layout using ReactionButtonDelegateLayout
  • Extensible DataSource for the control
  • Layout support for scrolling interfaces (UICollectionView/UITableView)
  • Codable initializer for usage on storyboards
  • Events


  • iOS 13.0+
  • Swift 5.0+



1. Basic Instance

There are multiple ways to instantiate a ReactionButton, using a frame, storyboards, or an empty convenience initializer.

Example Code

let buttonSample = ReactionButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
buttonSample.dataSource = self

Basic usage

Images from Trump reactionpacks style.

2. Delegate

The ReactionButton has a delegate to communicate events of option selection, option focus, and cancel of actions. To use it, set the ReactionButtonDelegate conform as a delegate.

let buttonSample = ReactionButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
buttonSample.delegate = self

Delegate example

Images from Trump reactionpacks style.

3. Custom layout instance

ReactionButton allows customization of the layout with the help of ReactionButtonDelegateLayout. To use it, please conform to that protocol and set it as delegate (Same pattern as UICollectionView).

func ReactionSelectorConfiguration(_ selector: ReactionButton) -> ReactionButton.Config {
  ReactionButton.Config(spacing: 2,
                        size: 30,
                        minSize: 34,
                        maxSize: 45,
                        spaceBetweenComponents: 30)

You can custom your selector with the following variables, used in the




Jorge Ovalle,

  • selectedOption never get called

    selectedOption never get called

    Hi, I am trying your example however, I see that the selectedOption here never gets called so I don't get chance to check if user select something. Overtime, its showing "User cancelled".

    opened by satyamub 15
  • Inconsistent with familiar user experience

    Inconsistent with familiar user experience

    Of course this is a familiar user experience on Facebook: While the difference is small - it is important in this control user has to:

    • click once to activate view
    • click a second time to pick emoji While on FB user (long presses) once and immediately the toolbar is activated and shown I believe as an alternative implementation a long press event is more familiar.
    opened by emouawad 2
  • iOS 7

    iOS 7

    Can you please change JOTextField.podspec

    s.platform = :ios, '7.0'

    It seems to work perfectly on iOS 7 but I can't use it via cocoapods until that line is changed.

    opened by pjebs 1
  • Add features for V4.0.0

    Add features for V4.0.0

    This PR adds:

    • Support to Swift 5
    • Increase target to iOS 13
    • Add support to Tableview and CollectionView usage
    • Improve interface
    • New DataSource and layout protocols
    • Update CocoaPod version
    • Support for DarkMode and multiple traits
    opened by lojals 0
  • Can we select emojis with out moving finger?

    Can we select emojis with out moving finger?

    We want to hold the emoji view on the screen and then select without dragging a finger. Like Facebook and LinkedIn do.

    Your support would be appreciated.


    opened by vish0289 2
  • Reactions does not show up in presented view controller

    Reactions does not show up in presented view controller

    Here is the reproducible example.

    opened by mzeeshanid 3
  • 4.0.0(Nov 1, 2020)

    • Support to Swift 5
    • Increase target to iOS 13
    • Add support to Tableview and CollectionView usage
    • Improve interface
    • New DataSource and layout protocols
    • Update CocoaPod version
    • Support for DarkMode and multiple traits
    • Add support for Swift Package Manager
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Jorge Ovalle
∆ Sr. iOS Engineer @ Uber  ∆ | he/him | My commits are my own | Oppa
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