Better Easing for SpriteKit in Swift


SpriteKitEasingSwift: Better Easing for SpriteKit in Swift.

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This easing library began life as a port of buddingmonkey's Objective C SpriteKit Easing library to Swift.

This library extends upon the basic easing equations available in the SpriteKit framework by Apple.

Sprite Kit Easing makes available the following standard easing equations as SKActions.


Use SKEase methods to tween properties of an SKNode, such as:

  • move
  • scale
  • scaleX
  • scaleY
  • rotate
  • fade
  • tweenLabelColor
  • tweenShapeFillColor

If you want to tween a variable, use:

  • createPointTween
  • createFloatTween
  • createColorTween

The SKEase functions return an SKAction that performs the ease. You can then run the SKAction in the same manner you would any other SKAction in SpriteKit.

//eg an SKLabelNode(which extends SKNode) flies in from the right with an elastic tween:
//first create an SKNode, let's create a label node
let titleLabel = SKLabelNode(fontNamed:"Avenir-Light")
titleLabel.text = "Hello world"
titleLabel.fontSize = 65
titleLabel.fontColor = UIColor.white
titleLabel.position = CGPoint(x:self.frame.midX, y:self.frame.midY)
//perform elastic ease .curveTypeElastic,
easeType: .easeTypeOut,
time: 2,
from: CGPoint(x: frame.width+titleLabel.frame.width/2, y: titleLabel.position.y),
to:CGPoint(x: -titleLabel.frame.width/2, y: titleLabel.position.y)))


via CocoaPods

SpriteKitEasingSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SpriteKitEasingSwift'

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Don't forget to import the Pod where you would like to use it:

import SpriteKitEasingSwift

via Github:

Clone the project at Github ( You will find an example project there as well. To use the framework drag the SpriteKitEasingSwift/Classes folder to your project.


Craig Grummitt

Again, credit and thanks go to SpriteKitEasing and AHEasing and the legend of easing, Robert Penner.


SpriteKitEasingSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Installation using Carthage does not work

    Installation using Carthage does not work

    Xcode 8.2.1

    Nominal cartfile command:

    github "craiggrummitt/SpriteKitEasingSwift"


    *** Fetching SpriteKitEasingSwift
    *** Checking out SpriteKitEasingSwift at "0.10"
    *** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/58/hyg_pchn4_30kg9m492kb1hw0000gr/T/carthage-xcodebuild.r2qTKq.log
    *** Building scheme "SpriteKitEasingSwift" in SpriteKitEasingSwift.xcworkspace
    ** BUILD FAILED **
    The following build commands failed:
    	CodeSign /<SOME_USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpriteKitEasingSwift-epniaidvjimhcqhkddmmjehnoybt/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/SpriteKitEasingSwift.bundle
    (1 failure)
    A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /<SOME_PROJECT>/Carthage/Checkouts/SpriteKitEasingSwift/Example/SpriteKitEasingSwift.xcworkspace -scheme SpriteKitEasingSwift -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,id=528DD4DD-9FE8-434E-9F93-B4C0BDE5F3AA" -destination-timeout 3 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65:
    ** BUILD FAILED **
    The following build commands failed:
    	CodeSign /<SOME_USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SpriteKitEasingSwift-epniaidvjimhcqhkddmmjehnoybt/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/SpriteKitEasingSwift.bundle
    (1 failure)
    wontfix pending 
    opened by ghost 4
  • Cocoapods uses tag 0.10 instead of master

    Cocoapods uses tag 0.10 instead of master

    Hi Craig,

    you fixed "Silencing warnings by changing M_PI to .pi" on your master, but in the podspecs you are telling to use tag 0.10. Could you maybe update the file?

    Thx! :)

    opened by SonOfCrypto 2
  • Do not use SKNode as target parameter

    Do not use SKNode as target parameter

    In action method, SKNode target parameter is used to retrieve node property. Thus chain actions cannot be done because SKNode properties change along actions.

    In place, remove this parameter and replace it by the needed property. For example, for scaleToWithNode, as the needed property is scale use initialScale:CGFloat as parameter.

    opened by ghost 2
  • SPM Support and dropping iOS 8

    SPM Support and dropping iOS 8

    Had to drop support for iOS 8 because Quick & Nimble used in the tests only support iOS 9 and up. Also, Xcode doesn't support iOS 8 anymore.

    The version also needed to be 0.15.0 instead of 0.15 to make it work for SPM

    opened by simonsalomons 1
  • Variable easing

    Variable easing

    hello, your lib works great, feels like flash.

    one wish, I need a way to ease a variable. in Tweener theres an nice option to ease everything.


    opened by bluelemonade 1
  • Add a license

    Add a license

    Hey @craiggrummitt, I'm interested in using the library in one of my projects. Would you mind adding a license file to the repo, so I know under which conditions I may reuse the code? Thank you!

    opened by snorpey 1
  • Wrong parameter type in move  methods

    Wrong parameter type in move methods

    In all move methods there is a parameter of CGVectortype to designate from or to data. This parameter suppose this is a delta from a given position but in methods this parameter is used as a position data.

    So CGPointwill better suit for parameter type.

    opened by ghost 1
Craig Grummitt
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