Assignment 2 - A fully functional example in the CardinalKit-Example directory


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All Contributors

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  • Informed consent process using ResearchKit.
  • Track day-to-day adherence with CareKit.
  • Monitor health data with HealthKit.
  • Collect and upload EHR data.
  • CoreMotion data demo.
  • Awesome SwiftUI templates.
  • Zero-code customizable configuration file.
  • GCP Firebase Integration.

Build your App with CardinalKit

This repository contains a fully functional example in the CardinalKit-Example directory that you can use as a starting point for building your own app. To get started, clone this repository and follow our simple setup instructions.

Feel free to join our Slack community or attend one of our workshops or buildathons for help customizing your app! Learn more at

Contribute to CardinalKit

Head on over to to get onboarded to our open source community ⚑️

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Santiago Gutierrez


Varun Shenoy



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Zhiyu Zhu/ζœ±ζ™Ίθ―­


Vishnu Ravi


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


CardinalKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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