A directory demo app written with SwiftUI, Core Data, and Alamofire



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A directory demo app written with SwiftUI, Core Data, and Alamofire

Getting Started

  1. Clone (or fork) this repo: git clone [email protected]:hbmartin/Directory-SwiftUI.git
  2. Open Directory.xcworkspace in XCode
  3. Build and run!

Additional tooling:

  • Install SwiftLint with brew intall swiftlint for command line linting
  • Pods are committed in the repo, but can be reinstalled pod install
  • Install gyb with brew install nshipster/formulae/gyb and follow the steps in Secrets.swift for securing API keys

Built With

  • Sync - Keep Core Data updated with API result
  • Kingfisher - Image loading and caching
  • Shift - Animated background gradient
  • Alamofire - Network API request
  • SFSafeSymbols - Static typed access to SF Symbols
  • SwiftLint - Enforce Swift style and conventions


Open an issue to report bugs or make feature requests. Pull requests are very welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Code of Conduct

Treat other people with helpfulness, gratitude, and consideration! See the Python Community Code of Conduct.



Apache License 2.0

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