Custom rounded QR code with lots of customization.


RoundCode for iOS

License Swift 5 Twitter: @aslanyanhaik

RoundCode is custom circular QR code with lots of customization. Similar to Facebook messenger and Apple's App Clip Codes the RoundCode includes convenient camera scanner and decoder.

Different styles of RoundCode for iOS



pod 'RoundCode'

Swift Package Manager:

File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency

Usage example

import framework

import RoundCode


create coder and encode

let image = RCImage(message: "Hello World")
let coder = RCCoder()
do {
  imageView.image = try coder.encode(image)
} catch {
  //handle errors

You can also validate the messsage before encoding

let coder = RCCoder()
let isValidText = coder.validate("Hello world")


Create instane of RCCameraViewController and handle the delegate

class ViewController: UIViewController, RCCameraViewControllerDelegate {
  func scan() {
    let cameraController = RCCameraViewController()
    cameraController.delegate = self
    present(cameraController, animated: true)
  func cameraViewController(didFinishScanning message: String) {
    messageLabel.text = message

You can also decode a UIImage like this

let coder = RCCoder()
do {
  messageLabel.text = try coder.decode(UIImage(named: code)!)
} catch {
  //handle errors


You can change the appearance like this

var image = RCImage(message: "Hello world")
image.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 10, bottom: 4, right: 10)
image.attachmentImage = UIImage(named: "Profile")
image.size = 300
image.gradientType = .linear(angle: CGFloat.pi)
image.tintColors = [.red, .black]

If image is on dark background you should change scanning mode to darkBackground

let coder = RCCoder()
coder.scanningMode = .darkBackground

Advanced coding configuration

You can provide custom coding configuration in order to encode long text by reducing number of characters

let configuration = RCCoderConfiguration.shortConfiguration
let coder = RCCoder(configuration: configuration)
let configuration = RCCoderConfiguration(characters: " -abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
let coder = RCCoder(configuration: configuration)

⚠️ If you are encoding with custom configuration, then you should change the RCCameraViewController configuration ⚠️

let configuration = RCCoderConfiguration(characters: " -abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789")
let coder = RCCoder(configuration: configuration)
let camera = RCCameraViewController()
camera.coder = coder


Written in Swift 5 and requires Xcode 11.0

RoundCode is compatible with iOS 13.0+.

Screenshot of RoundCode for iOS



Copyright 2020 Haik Aslanyan.

Licensed under MIT License:

  • Decode not working from camera roll

    Decode not working from camera roll

    Love the package. Great work. I'm not able to get it working with codes generated by the package that are then loaded from my camera roll. I tested the example project in the repo which also failed with a generic decode error.

    if let message = try? coder.decode(camImage) {
      messageLabel.text = message
      messageLabel.isHidden = false
      DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
        self.messageLabel.isHidden = true
    opened by maxmzd 7
  • Android Clone

    Android Clone

    Hi, Do you know if one Android repo exists, like a clone of your project ?

    I want to use your code for one project, but i need to have the same with the android app, only to read it


    opened by ljs19923 4
  • Impressive! Some suggestion how to improve

    Impressive! Some suggestion how to improve

    I never thought that something that possible to do in Swift. Well done! 👍

    Here some ideas to improve performance of your algo:

    1. The slowest part of your algo it control point detector. If you will use simplest structure here, you will have better performance and it will be possible to process full image.
      static let lightBackgroundRange = UInt8(0)...UInt8(180) // simple compare better: pixel < 180 
      static let darkBackgroundRange = UInt8(100)...UInt8(255) // simple compare better: pixel > 100 

    I recommend to perform threshold separately. Accelerate framework can help

    let bit = pixelThreshold.contains(data[x, y]) ? :

    You probably don't need RCBit abstraction. typealias around bool will works better and pretty informative

    pixelPatterns[pixelPatterns.count - 1] = lastPattern

    This operation call lot of times. Just with change struct to class and you can remove this line

    2) Reed Solomon codes. Additional you will get error restoration. You have interesting idea with something like `hash` with `RCMatrix` (if I understand it right). To make orientation working, you can try 4 possible orientation on decode bits. It's stupid and simple solution.

    You awesome! =)

    opened by AlexandrGraschenkov 4
  • Increase number of accepted characters in textfield input

    Increase number of accepted characters in textfield input


    I would like to know if it possible to increase the number of input characters in the textfield where you put your string with the default configuration. I want to pass firebase UID but I can because they are too long.


    opened by EdwinJr13 4
  • Does the detection have to be on a white BG?

    Does the detection have to be on a white BG?

    Seems like it only works on the output generated image (White Background), not while on a black BG (using the example app). Could this be made configurable?

    I tried to apply a CIFilter(name: "CIColorInvert") to the pixelBuffer with not much luck.

    opened by naturalui 4
  • Limitation



    I know that it isn't issue per se but I have a question directly connected with the code encoder/decoder. May I ask for some data about limitation (especially in terms of character amount) and the "regen" level for damaged codes?

    opened by Rudzix77 0
  • darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    I am trying to decode a Round code with a white tint and black background and an image in the middle. I am running on iOS 14 . Regardless of what scanning mode I put It on, It only works for a dark Roundcode on a white background.

    opened by samuelail 0
  • coder.scanningMode = .darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    coder.scanningMode = .darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    I am trying to decode a Round code with a white tint and black background and an image in the middle. I am running on iOS 14 . Regardless of what scanning mode I put It on, It only works for a dark Roundcode on a white background.

    opened by samuelail 0
  • coder.scanningMode = .darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    coder.scanningMode = .darkBackground not working for iOS 14

    I am trying to decode a Round code with a white tint and black background and an image in the middle. I am running on iOS 14 . Regardless of what scanning mode I put It on, It only works for a dark Roundcode on a white background.

    opened by samuelail 0
  • Why is RoundCodes only compatible with iOS 13.0+?

    Why is RoundCodes only compatible with iOS 13.0+?

    The README states that RoundCodes is written in Swift 5, requires Xcode 11 and is compatible with iOS 13.0+. Does it not work below iOS 13? Which APIs do you use that are not available on, say, iOS 11?

    opened by mrousavy 1
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