Reverie is a work-in-progress iOS app that displays your scrobbles for each past year, for the current date.



Build and Test

Your scrobbles, on this day, in years past.

Reverie Screenshots


Reverie is a work-in-progress iOS app that displays your scrobbles for each past year, for the current date.

It uses the Composable Architecture and is written in SwiftUI. It uses Swift Package Manager for dependency management.

Running the app

  • Ensure you have a API key. Before running, edit the 'Reverie' scheme, and set your key as an environment variable with the name LASTFM_API_KEY.


  • Apple Music playback
  • Spotify playback
  • Widgets
  • Push Notifications
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  • ApiClient expecting an array response but getting a dictionary

    ApiClient expecting an array response but getting a dictionary

    I noticed some of my date selections were crashing the app. I noticed an error in the console. So I thought I'd print out the error to see if it would show the response but no luck. I did however get the error that it doesn't like the dictionary response.

    ApiError(errorDump: "▿ Swift.DecodingError.typeMismatch\n  ▿ typeMismatch: (2 elements)\n    - .0: 
    Swift.Array<Any> #0\n    ▿ .1: Swift.DecodingError.Context\n      ▿ codingPath: 2 elements\n        - 
    CodingKeys(stringValue: \"recenttracks\", intValue: nil)\n        - CodingKeys(stringValue: \"track\", intValue: nil)\n      
    - debugDescription: \"Expected to decode Array<Any> but found a dictionary instead.\"\n      
    - underlyingError: nil\n", file: "ApiClient/ApiDecode.swift", line: 23, 
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    I did try to see if I could work out how to print out the API response, but my swift knowledge is limited and I couldn't work out how.

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