A CoreML model which classifies images of food
Food101 for CoreML Description This is the Food101 dataset implemented in Apple's new framework called CoreML. The Food101 dataset can predict foods f
Predict handwritten digits with CoreML
MNIST for CoreML (CNN) Description This is the MNIST dataset implemented in Apple's new framework CoreML. The MNIST dataset can predict handwritten (d
The MobileNet neural network using Apple's new CoreML framework
MobileNet with CoreML This is the MobileNet neural network architecture from the paper MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile
ImageClassification - Usage The MobileNetv2 CoreML Model with StoryBoard
Image Classification with The MobileNetV2 MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Li
Train a ML Model to detect faces. (Image classifier)
face-recognition-match Train a CoreML Model to detect faces in IOS. (Image classifier) Requeriments conda create --name face_recog python=3.6
conda ac
iOS multi-functional AI camera: portrait cartoon, ageing and rejuvenation, beauty, filters, artistic effects, etc.
Magic Camera is an iOS AI camera app based on SwiftUI and CoreML that implements the following features: Portrait Cartoonization, which turns your photos into cartoon avatars Portrait Style Migration, which makes your photos older, younger, hair color, etc Beauty Camera, which supports peeling
JXA and swift code that can perform some macOS situational awareness without generating TCC prompts.
Spotlight Enumeration Kit Repo of Swift and JXA projects to leverage macOS Spotlight db data for the following: TCC folder permissions (TCC-Checker.js
Includes CreateML and other learning materials (day 26-35) in 100 days of SwiftUI
SwiftUI Day 26 to 35 Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.12.-.2021-12-25.at.21.1