FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols

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FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a QR code.

FreeOTP implements open standards:

  • HOTP (HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm) RFC 4226
  • TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm) RFC 6238

This means that no proprietary server-side component is necessary: use any server-side component that implements these standards.

Download FreeOTP for iOS


Pull requests on GitHub are welcome under the Apache 2.0 license, see CONTRIBUTING for more details.

Install Build dependencies

You need to have Carthage installed for managing dependencies. In simple steps:

brew install carthage
carthage update --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS
  • Backup and Restore Codes

    Backup and Restore Codes

    Reported by stephenjudge on 8 Mar 2014 17:44 UTC Many sites that offer two factor authentication offer a method to recover access to your account should you loose your authentication device, this is usually SMS authentication or a set of printable codes. However some sites and OTP implementations don't have such a feature and if you loose your authentication device, you loose access to your account.

    An example of this is if you add the Google Authenticator plugin to a self-hosted Wordpress blog. The plugin does not provide a secondary method of authentication. In their FAQ there is this question:

    "'''Can I create backupcodes'''?

    ''No, but if you're using an Android smartphone you can replace the Google Authenticator app with Authenticator Plus. It's a really nice app that can import your existing settings, sync between devices and backup/restore using your sd-card. It's not a free app, but it's well worth the money.''"

    This proprietary app, Authenticator Plus, does look very nice and has some nice features, but the most beneficial I think is its ability to backup and restore codes.

    This could be a huge addition to FreeOTP and I would like to request that someone considers this feature and looks at a way of implementing it. I am not able to code myself.

    opened by npmccallum 23
  • Free OTP app not working on IOS12.1

    Free OTP app not working on IOS12.1

    Whenever I try to scan a bar code with freeOTP app it just blanks out and I am not able to get the OTP. I use this in conjunction to RedHat IdM for enabling MFA. I opened case with RedHat support, but I am told to open up an issue here.

    opened by sandeep1213 22
  • Fix dark mode issue and layout tweaks

    Fix dark mode issue and layout tweaks

    Hi. Recently I've started using this app and thought I could help a little. So I did the following:

    • New list layout. Modern look and improved UX.
    • Empty State.
    • Fixed dark mode issue.
    • Respect safe area.

    I didn't found any contributing guidelines. So if there's any issues, let me know :)


    | This PR | Current Version | |:-------------------------:|:-------------------------:| |Portrait | Current Version|

    |Splash | Empty State | |:-------------------------:|:-------------------------:| |Splash | Empty State|

    | Portrait | Portrait 2 | |:-------------------------:|:-------------------------:| |Portrait | Portrait 2|

    | Landscape | |:-------------------------:| | Landscape 1 | | Landscape 2 |

    opened by viniciussoares 19
  • iOS asking for Touch ID 3X in latest update

    iOS asking for Touch ID 3X in latest update

    When using token or copying to clipboard on iOS iPhone 6S, it asks for Touch ID 3 times

    To clarify, tokens ask you to use Touch ID 4 times in a row, while copying to clipboard asks 3 times in row.

    opened by OddHouseGames 17
  • FreeOTP stuck crashing at startup if name contains certain characters

    FreeOTP stuck crashing at startup if name contains certain characters

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Add a new OTP to the application
    2. Rename it to " (foobar) – TESTING"
    3. Make sure the string is long and contains the en dash character ("–"), not a simple hyphen or minus sign
    4. Save the edited name

    Actual results

    Application crashes and when trying to reopen the application, it keeps crashing every time. You will no longer be able to access your saved OTPs.

    Expected results

    The application can handle long names and special characters like the en dash.

    opened by markusm18 17
  • Free OTP crashes when importing QR with special characters in Account Name

    Free OTP crashes when importing QR with special characters in Account Name

    If a special characters in Account Name, FreeOTP for iOS crashes for Import QR Code and it is not longer possible to start FreeOTP. (crashes every time again when start FreeOTP) Tested with iPhone6 and 7plus, with iOS 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 Beta; FreeOTP Android works fine for same QR-Code

    It is reproducible with FreeOTP QR Code generator at (see att. Screenshot) screenshot 2017-07-03 14 47 28

    opened by SaSue 16
  • Manual secret entry (no camera)

    Manual secret entry (no camera)

    Thanks to the team for a very robust OTP tool. I have been using the earlier release and prefer to enter the secret manually, not via the camera QR code. In the latest release (which looks very nice by the way), that functionality is no longer available.

    Are there plans to add this functionality of manual secret key entry back ? I find it very useful to manually enter the secret and do not typically use the QR method.

    Thanks again for a great product, hoping this functionality will become available again,

    opened by RobGitH 14
  • FreeOTP will not run after latest iphone update

    FreeOTP will not run after latest iphone update

    I updated my iPhone Xs from 15.1 to 15.2 *latest update and went to use my FreeOTP and the application goes to start and just has a full screen white with the application icon in the center of the screen, and nothing happens. I removed the app and put it back on and still nothing.

    opened by jon2100 13
  • Share code clipboard function hidden behind bluetooth request, and 'copy to clipboard' text hidden behind black bar.

    Share code clipboard function hidden behind bluetooth request, and 'copy to clipboard' text hidden behind black bar.

    In the latest update you have to close/dismiss the bluetooth request box just to be able to get to the copy locally button.

    When you get to the local option, the 'copy to clipboard' text, it is almost completely blacked out, like a very dark grey, almost impossible to read.

    The local copy to clipboard needs to not be hidden behind a bluetooth request, and the copy to clipboard text needs to have the BG colour adjusted so it is visible.

    opened by OddHouseGames 13
  • Does not work on IOS 12.1 and before that was buggy

    Does not work on IOS 12.1 and before that was buggy

    This app used to work well, till about 6 months ago.

    Problem is that this app no longer asks for camera permission.

    Till ios 12, one could start the app, het the QR code for scanning, that would crash the app. But it would appear in the list for devices that asked for permission. Going in that list and tap allow would work around the issue.

    In ios 12.1 the app freezes, but also does not appear in the list anymore, resulting in no camera permission, resulting in an app that does not work.

    This is a serious issue for us, as we have rolled it out to some 700 users, and now new users or users with new phones cannot use this anymore.


    opened by barrydegraaff 13
  • Look at the icon

    Look at the icon

    I have one I can which is signed by a lock. I have no idea to open this I can. So I’m not able to enter my email account. Can somebody explain me what to do? Thank you.

    opened by AgentMulder006 11
  • I can’t access to my code into app IPHONE

    I can’t access to my code into app IPHONE

    Hi i changed my iphone and when i restored my new iphone the app is crashed , don’t show the code , any solution My Phone : iphone 13 pro IOS : 16.1.1


    opened by leon1412bode 6
  • I can’t see the authentification code

    I can’t see the authentification code

    After a factory reset of my iphone, I can’t see my code there is a lock icon. I can see the account but not the authentification code. How can i recover my code plz ?

    opened by Troy766 2
  • problem


    I have a problem with the app

    I can enter the app normally but when I click on a code it usually comes up with faceID to verify me but it doesn't come up anymore.

    I am afraid that if I uninstall the app I will not get the codes anymore.

    Ok they don't work anymore but at least I can see the accounts but I don't get the codes anymore because I can't authenticate myself.

    Can someone help me with this?

    opened by Pklahre 1
  • Authentic I cation problems

    Authentic I cation problems

    Hello! I am using this app for a two factor authentification for a work program. Unfortunately ever since I moved abroad and started using the eduroam WiFi, the program doesnt let me use the code given by this app for authentification.. could there be a correlation? Can you possibly enable the opportunity for me to authentificate within this WiFi please? Thanks in advance Best regards Tamara Akbar

    opened by TAkbarSchoen 0
  • Cannot import tokens from Google Authenticator QR codes

    Cannot import tokens from Google Authenticator QR codes

    "Invalid URI!" when scanning Google Authenticator transfer QR code

    version 2.3.2 of the iOS app. I tried with exporting all 3 of my accounts (tokens), then tried just one. I get this error each time. Tried it from a QR code from two different phones from various distances.

    opened by mokahless 1
  • v2.3.2(Jul 14, 2022)

    Release v2.3.2

    • Added Manual Add Scene - @igor2890
    • Added token description to deletion notice - @igor2890
    • Fixed appearance in light mode - @igor2890
    • Fixed truncation Close button title on the About screen - @igor2890
    • Made long description fully visible - @igor2890
    • Rename header text "Brands" to "Choose an Icon" - @igor2890
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.3.1(Jan 31, 2022)

    • Handle Photo Library privacy settings correctly
    • Use xcframeworks in conjunction with Carthage by @jdandrea
    • Update TinyConstraints version by @jdandrea
    • Implement Close Button for About Modal by @merktassel
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.3(Mar 18, 2021)

  • v2.2.1(Dec 2, 2020)

  • v2.2(Nov 16, 2020)

  • v2.1(Jul 7, 2020)

    Vini Soares(1)

    • Improve and modernize tokens list UI

    Justin Stephenson(5)

    • Add FaceID biometric unlock support
    • Add about FreeOTP informational scene
    • Fix collection view crash upon device rotation
    • Fix system color in copy to clipboard UI
    • Use system gray background for migrated tokens
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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