is a SwiftUI view which can create a magnifier
How it works
MagnifierView(isMagnifying: $isMagnifying, scale: .constant(1.8)) {
Text("Hello world")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
isMagnifying: Binding<Bool>, // control the visibility
scale: Binding<CGFloat> = .constant(2.0),
glassShape: AnyShape = AnyShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12.0)),
@ViewBuilder _ content: () -> Content
Methods for magnifying glass
// Config the size of the magnifying glass
func magnifyingGlassSize(_ size: CGSize)
// Config the shape of the magnifying glass
func magnifyingGlassShape(_ shape: AnyShape)
// Set the scale of the handle width
func handleWidthRatio(_ ratio: CGFloat)
// Set the height of the handle
func handleHeight(_ height: CGFloat)
// Set the outline color of the magnifying glass
func outlineColor(_ color: Color)
// Set the outline width of the magnifying glass
func outlineWidth(_ width: CGFloat)
// Enable or disable interactions in the magnifying glass
func enableHitInMagnifyingGlass(_ enabled: Bool)
Methods for mask
// Set the background color of the mask
func maskBackgroundColor(_ color: Color)
// Set the size of the close button
func closeButtonSize(_ size: CGSize)
// Set the foreground color of the close button
func closeButtonColor(_ color: Color)
// Enable or disable(or hide) close button
func enableCloseButton(_ enabled: Bool)
Execute Xcode's Product > Build Documentation
and go to SimpleMagnifyingView
's documentation for more details.
Swift >= 5.0
SimpleMagnifyingView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SimpleMagnifyingView'
# Note that if cocoapods cannot find `SimpleMagnifyingView`, please try the command below
# pod `SimpleMagnifyingView`, :git => ''
SimpleMagnifyingView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.