IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.

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Image uiimage-dsp
UIImage Image Processing extensions using the vDSP/Accelerate framework. 

Fast Image Blur/Sharpen/Emboss/Matrix operations for UIImage. 

REQUIRES IOS 4.0 and The Accelerate framework.

I was in desperate need of a fast blur operation for UIImages and the OpenGL 
solutions I've seen are a little complicated for my needs, these aren't quite 
as fast but are potentially very powerful and still quite fast relative to 
hand coding loops. 

- Ensure your project is set with a base and deployment target > 4.0
- Include the Accelerate Framework in your project
- Copy the UIImage+DSP.h and UIImage+DSP.m classes into your project
- In any class where you wish to use the functions import UIImage+DSP.h
- Call the imageByApplying... methods, these return an auto-released UIImage.

blur example:
 UIImage* src = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"];
 UIImage* blurred = [src imageByApplyingGaussianBlur3x3];

Please feel free to send any bugfixes/pull requests on if you've got something good!
  • Black border around edges

    Black border around edges

    When applying any effect it also adds a black border around the edges of the image. For example, it seems the more gaussian blur is added the wider the black border becomes. I hope you get the time to look at this and thanks for the great work!

    opened by bjornsallarp 2
  • Please add semantic version tags

    Please add semantic version tags

    I’ve recently added uiimage-dsp to the CocoaPods package manager repo.

    CocoaPods is a tool for managing dependencies for OSX and iOS Xcode projects and provides a central repository for iOS/OSX libraries. This makes adding libraries to a project and updating them extremely easy and it will help users to resolve dependencies of the libraries they use.

    However, uiimage-dsp doesn't have any version tags. I’ve added the current HEAD as version 0.0.1, but a version tag will make dependency resolution much easier.

    Semantic version tags (instead of plain commit hashes/revisions) allow for resolution of cross-dependencies.

    In case you didn’t know this yet; you can tag the current HEAD as, for instance, version 1.0.0, like so:

    $ git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "Tag release 1.0.0"
    $ git push --tags
    opened by andrefgneves 0
  • Fix warnings

    Fix warnings

    I removed the -(UIImage*) imageByApplyingDiagonalMotionBlur7x7; method in the .h since it is not implemented.

    An other option would be simply to implement it :)

    opened by gcamp 0
  • Corrected my Bugfix.

    Corrected my Bugfix.

    Hi, my initial pull request freed too much of the memory. I apologize for the buggy commit! Additionally I added the dealloc method to the image view in the test project. Cheers!

    opened by Krizzzn 0
  • Found a small memory issue..

    Found a small memory issue..

    ...and implemented a fix. This was a problem when blurring bigger images, like the camera output of an iPhone 4. Also removed a few retains, because the retains are added automatically by the properties.

    opened by Krizzzn 0
  • Create CocoaPod, accompanying sample app

    Create CocoaPod, accompanying sample app

    1. Created a CocoaPod out of this UIImage category
    2. Created a sample app which uses the Pod
    3. Brought up to latest Apple recommendations (ARC, storyboard, etc)
    opened by ssoper 0
  • Motion Blur almost non-noticable

    Motion Blur almost non-noticable

    How can I make a stronger Motion Blur effect?

    Something that will look more like the train in this image:

    opened by YogevSitton-zz 0
  • Gaussian Blur give images a black border on left and right side

    Gaussian Blur give images a black border on left and right side

    When applying a gaussian blurr to images, the returned image has two black bands on each side.

    This must have something to do with difficulty to apply the filter at the edge of the image but I don't really know how to deal with it...

    Any idea?

    opened by nilsou 5
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