A simple macOS app to read code from images, written purely in Swift using Vision Framework.


Swift 5.4


A simple macOS app to read code from images, written purely in Swift using Vision Framework.


  1. Drag an image Drag an image
  2. Click the convert button Click Convert


Converted by Storyboard to Swift Converter - https://swiftify.com/converter/storyboard2swiftui
import Swiftul
import Introspect
// TODO: install 'SwiftUI-Introspect package from https://github.com/siteline/SwiftUI-Introspect
// DefaultViewController
struct DefaultView: View {
@State private var fullText: String
var body: some View
Stack( alignment: topLeading)
GeometryReader { geometry
TextField( "Placeholder", text: $fullText)
introspectTextField (customize: { textField in
textField.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
extField. backgroundColor = UIColor. systemTeal
textField. minimumFontSize = 17. 1
textField. superview?. frame = CGRect(x: DynamicSizeHelper.get0ffsetX(20), y:
DynamicSizeHelper-get0ffsetY(274), width: DynamicSizeHelper. getWidth(280), height:
. frame (width: DynamicSizeHelper. getWidth(280), height:
. font (. system(size: , weight: . regular))
.offset(x: DynamicSizeHelper.getoffsetX(20), DynamicSizeHelper.get0ffsetY(274))
TextField( "Placeholder", text: $fullText)
prospectTextField ( customize: t textField in
textField. backgroundColor UIColor. systemRed
textField. clearButtonMode = . whileEditing
mFontSize = 17.0
textField. uperview?. frame = CGRect (x: DynamicSizeHelper. getOffsetX(20), y:
DynamicSizeHelper-get0ffsetY(202), width: DynamicSizeHelper.getWidth(280), height:
 frame(width: DynamicSizeHelper-getwidth(280), height :
font (. system(size: 14, weight: . regular))
offset(x: DynamicSizeHelper.get0ffsetX(20), y: DynamicSizeHelper.getOffsetY(202))
TextField("Placeholder", text: $fullText)
introspectTextField( customize: { textField in
textField. adjustsFontSizeToFitwidth = true
textField. backgroundColor: : UIColor. systemPurple
textField. minimumFontSize = 17. 0
textField. superview?. frame = CGRect (x: DynamicSizeHelper.getOffsetX(20), y:
DynamicSizeHelper-getoffsetY(136), width: DynamicSizeHelper.getWidth(280), height:
frame (width: DynamicSizeHelper.getWidth(280), height:
font ( .
(size: 14. weight: .regular))
.offset(x: DynamicSizeHelper.get0ffsetX(20), y: DynamicSizeHelper.getOffsetY(136))
TextField( "Placeholder", text: $fullText)
introspectTextField(customize: textField in
textField. backgroundColor = UIColor. systemOrange
textField.clearButtonMode= always
textField.minimumFontSize = 17.0
frame(width: DynamicsizeHelper-getWidth(280), height:
font (. system (size: 14, weight: regular))
.offset (x: DynamicSizeHelper.get0ffsetX(20), y: DynamicSizeHelper.getOffsetY(75))
. frame(width: DynamicSizeHelper. getwidth(320), height: DynamicSizeHelper.getHeight(568))
. background( Color (. systemBackground))
struct DefaultView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View
Dynamic Size Helper
struct DynamicSizeHelper {
static private let baseViewWidth: CGFloat = 320.0
static private
t baseViewHeight:
static func getHeight (_ height: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
return (height baseViewHeight) * UIScreen. main. bounds. height
static func getWidth(_ width: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
return (width baseViewWidt
in. bounds. width
static func get0ffsetX(_ x: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
return (x / baseViewWidth) * UIScreen. main. bounds. width
static func get0ffsetY(_  y: CGFloat) CGFloat
return ( y / baseViewHeight)
a. bounds. height

Build Requirements


macOS Catalina

Download the App directly. https://github.com/Ibrahimhass/CodeReader/releases/download/1.0.2/CodeReader.zip


Md Ibrahim Hassan, mdibrahimhassan@gmail.com


CodeReader is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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