Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier.



Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier.

With Alter, you don't need to create CodingKey to manually mapping key and property.

Alter using propertyWrapper and reflection to achive key property mapping.

codebeat badge build test SwiftPM Compatible Version License Platform


  • Swift 5.1 or higher
  • iOS 10.0 or higher



Alter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Alter', '~> 1.2.9'

Swift Package Manager from XCode

  • Add it using xcode menu File > Swift Package > Add Package Dependency
  • Add as Swift Package url
  • Set rules at version, with Up to Next Major option and put 1.2.9 as its version
  • Click next and wait

Swift Package Manager from Package.swift

Add as your target dependency in Package.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.9"))

Use it in your target as Alter

    name: "MyModule",
    dependencies: ["Alter"]


Nayanda Haberty,


Alter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Basic Usage

For example, if you need to map User JSON to Swift Object, you just need to create User class/struct and implement Alterable protocol and then mark all the property you need to map to JSON with @Mapped attributes.

struct User: Codable, Alterable {
    var name: String = ""
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

or just use AlterCodable which is typealias of Alterable & Codable:

struct User: AlterCodable {
    var name: String = ""
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

and then you can parse JSON to User Swift Object or vice versa like this

let user: User = getUserFromSomewhere()

//to JSON
let jsonObject: [String: Any] = try! user.toJSON()
let jsonString: String = try! user.toJSONString()
let jsonData: Data = try! user.toJSONData()

//from JSON
let userFromJSON: User = try! .from(json: jsonObject)
let userFromString: User = try! .from(jsonString: jsonString)
let userFromData: User = try! .from(jsonData: jsonData)

The Alterable actually just a simple protocol which will work with full functionality if paired with Codable. The only extendable function from Codable is that the Alterable will be use reflection to get all Mapped attributes and using it to do two way mapping.

public protocol Alterable

Since AlterCodable conform Codable, you could always do decode using codable decoder or encode using codable encoder just like Codable

let user: User = getUserFromSomewhere()
let propertyListData = try! PropertyListEncoder().encode(user)
let decodedPropertyList = try! PropertyListDecoder().decode(User.self, from: propertyListData)

let jsonData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(user)
let decodedJsonData = try! JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: jsonData)

The real power of Alterable is the mapping feature which eliminate the requirement of enumeration CodingKey when doing key mapping manually. If the property name of Decoded data is different with property in Swift object, then you can pass the name of that property at the attribute instead of creating CodingKey enumeration. Those properties then will be mapped using those key.

struct User: AlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "full_name")
    var fullName: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

You could always do decode and encode manually by implement init(from:) throws and func encode(to:) throws. Alterable have some extensions to help you implement decode and encode manually

struct User: AlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "full_name")
    var fullName: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    var image: UIImage? = nil
    required init() {}
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        // this will automatically decode all Mapped properties and return container which you could use to decode property that not mapped
        let container = try decodeMappedProperties(from: decoder)
        // you could decode any type as long is Codable and passing String as a Key
        let base64Image: String = try container.decode(forKey: "image")
        if let imageData: Data = Data(base64Encoded: base64Image) {
            self.image = UIImage(data: imageData)
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        // this will automatically encode all Mapped properties and return container which you could use to encode property that not mapped
        var container = try encodeMappedProperties(to: encoder)
        if let base64Image = self.image.pngData()?.base64EncodedString() {
            // you could encode any type as long is Codable and passing String as a Key
            container.encode(value: base64Image, forKey: "address")

Manual Mapping

If you use non Codable type for property, or maybe you want to represent different data in Swift property other than real property, you could use @AlterMapped attribute instead of @Mapped and pass TypeAlterer as converter. With this method, you don't need to implement init(from:) throws and func encode(to:) throws manually.

struct User: AlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "full_name")
    var fullName: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    // manual mapping
    @AlterMapped(alterer: Base64ImageAlterer(format: .png))
    var image: UIImage = .init()
    // manual mapping with key
    @AlterMapped(key: "birth_date", alterer: StringDateAlterer(pattern: "dd-MM-yyyy"))
    var birthDate: Date = .distantPast

If your data type is optional, array or both, you can use optionally computed property or forArray computed property or even the combination of both, since the property is the extension of the TypeAlterer protocol. The order of the property call will affect the result of TypeAlterer type.

struct User: AlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "full_name")
    var fullName: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    @AlterMapped(key: "birth_date", alterer: StringDateAlterer(pattern: "dd-MM-yyyy"))
    var birthDate: Date = .distantPast
    // optional
    @AlterMapped(alterer: Base64ImageAlterer(format: .png).optionally)
    var image: UIImage? = nil
    // array
    @AlterMapped(key: "login_times", alterer: UnixLongDateAlterer().forArray)
    var loginTimes: [Date] = []
    // array optional
    @AlterMapped(key: "crashes_times", alterer: UnixLongDateAlterer().forArray.forOptional)
    var crashesTimes: [Date]? = nil
    // array of optional
    @AlterMapped(key: "some_times", alterer: UnixLongDateAlterer().forOptional.forArray)
    var someTimes: [Date?] = []

There are native TypeAlterer from Alter which you could use:

  • UnixLongDateAlterer which for converting Date into Int64 or vice versa
  • StringDateAlterer which for converting Date into patterned String or vice versa
  • Base64DataAlterer which for converting Data into Base64 String or vice versa
  • Base64ImageAlterer which for converting UIImage into Base64 String or vice versa

If you want to implement your own TypeAlterer, just create class or struct that implement TypeAlterer. Value is the property value type, AlteredValue is encoded value, should be implement Codable.

public struct MyOwnDataAlterer: TypeAlterer {
    public typealias Value = Data
    public typealias AlteredValue = String
    public init() { }
    public func alter(value: Data) -> String {
    public func alterBack(value: String) -> Data {
        Data(base64Encoded: value) ?? .init()

Nested Property

Alter can map nested property by using . example

instead of doing this:

struct Event: AlterCodable {
    var title: String = ""
    var ticket: Ticket = .init(price: 0)
    struct Ticket: AlterCodable {
        var price: Double = 0

you can skip Ticket object by using "ticket.price" key instead:

struct Event: AlterCodable {
    var title: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "ticket.price")
    var price: Double = 0


In most case we don't want our model to be mutable, But since Alter need the property to be mutable so it could be assigned on object creation, you could just make the setter private.

struct User: AlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "full_name")
    private(set) var fullName: String = ""
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    private(set) var userName: String = ""
    private(set) var age: Int = 0

There's some extras if you want to have mutable ability to treat Alterable as Dictionary. Any object that implement MutableAlterable protocol can be treated like Dictionary.

struct MutableUser: MutableAlterable {
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String? = nil

or by using MutableAlterCodable which is typealias of MutableAlterable & Codable

struct MutableUser: MutableAlterCodable {
    @Mapped(key: "user_name")
    var userName: String? = nil

Then you could just treat it like dictionary

let user = MutableUser()
user[mappedKey: "user_name"] = "this is username"

// will print "this is username"

let userName: String = user[mappedKey: "user_name"] ?? ""

// will print "this is username"

The subscript can accept any type as long the type can be cast into property real type or altered type.

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