An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.

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JSON ModelRocket


Build Status Carthage compatible CocoaPods Compatible License Platform

An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift (because it totally rules!)


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.3
  • Swift 2.2


Embedded frameworks require a minimum deployment target of iOS 8


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following commands:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate ModelRocket into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "ovenbits/ModelRocket"

Then, run carthage update.

Follow the current instructions in Carthage's README for up-to-date installation instructions.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

CocoaPods 0.36 adds supports for Swift and embedded frameworks. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate ModelRocket into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'ModelRocket'

Then, run pod install.

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a dependency management tool provided by Apple, still in early design and development. For more infomation check out its GitHub Page.

You can use the Swift Package Manager to install ModelRocket by adding it as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "PROJECT_NAME",
    targets: [],
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", versions: "1.2.3" ..< Version.max)


Creating a custom object

class Vehicle: Model {
	let make  = Property<String>(key: "make")
	let model = Property<String>(key: "model", required: true)
	let year  = Property<Int>(key: "year") { year in
		if year < 2015 {
			// offer discount
	let color = Property<UIColor>(key: "color", defaultValue: UIColor.blackColor())

NOTE: As with all Swift variables, let should always be used, unless var is absolutely needed. In the case of Model objects, let should be used for all Property[Array|Dictionary] properties, as it still allows the underlying value to be changed, unless you truly need to reassign the property

Supported Types

  • String
  • Bool
  • Int
  • UInt
  • Double
  • Float

In addition to the core types above, ModelRocket also supports serialization for several other classes out of the box:

  • NSDate — ISO8601-formatted string (2015-05-31T19:00:17.000+0000)
  • UIColor — hex-color string (#f6c500)
  • NSURL — any url string (
  • NSNumber — any number, can be used in place of Double, Float, Int, and UInt

Creating an object with a typed array

// `Model` subclasses get `fromJSON` and `toJSON` implementations on `JSONTransformable` for free,
// but explicit `JSONTransformable` conformance is still required
extension Vehicle: JSONTransformable {}

class Vehicles: Model {
    let vehicles = PropertyArray<Vehicle>(key: "vehicles")

PropertyArray conforms to CollectionType, therefore, the .values syntax is not necessary when iterating through the values. For example:

let allVehicles = Vehicles(json: <json>)

// using `.values` syntax
for vehicle in allVehicles.vehicles.values {

// using `CollectionType` conformance
for vehicle in allVehicles.vehicles {

Creating an object with a typed dictionary

class Car: Vehicle {
	let purchasedTrims = PropertyDictionary<Int>(key: "purchased_trims")

PropertyDictionary conforms to CollectionType, therefore, the .values syntax is not necessary when iterating through the keys and values. For example:

let vehicle = Vehicle(json: <json>)

// using `.values` syntax
for (key, trim) in vehicle.purchasedTrims.values {

// using `CollectionType` conformance
for (key, trim) in vehicle.purchasedTrims {

NOTE: All object in the dictionary must be of the same type. If they're not, the app won't crash, but values of different types will be discarded

Initializing and using a custom object

// instantiate object
let vehicle = Vehicle(json: json)

// get property type
println("Vehicle make property has type: \(vehicle.make.type)")

// get property value
if let make = vehicle.make.value {
	println("Vehicle make: \(make)")

Model objects also contain a failable initializer, which will only return an initialized object if all properties marked as required = true are non-nil.

// instantiate object, only if `json` contains a value for the `make` property
if let vehicle = Vehicle(strictJSON: json) {
	// it's best to avoid implicitly unwrapped optionals, however, since `vehicle` is initialized iff `make` is non-nil, if can be force-unwrapped safely here
	println("Vehicle make: \(vehicle.make.value!)")
else {
	pintln("Invalid JSON")

Subclassing a custom object

class Car: Vehicle {
    let numberOfDoors = Property<Int>(key: "number_of_doors")

Adding a custom object as a property of another object

The custom object must conform to the JSONTransformable protocol by defining the following variables/functions

  • class func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> T?
  • func toJSON() -> AnyObject
class Vehicle: Model {
	let manufacturer = Property<Manufacturer>(key: "manufacturer")

class Manufacturer: Model {
    let companyName = Property<String>(key: "company_name")
    let headquarters = Property<String>(key: "headquarters")
    let founded = Property<NSDate>(key: "founded")

extension Manufacturer: JSONTransformable {
    class func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> Manufacturer? {
        return Manufacturer(json: json)
    func toJSON() -> AnyObject {
        return self.json().dictionary

Using an enum as a property

ModelRocket supports enum types for Property[Array|Dictionary] properties, as long as the enum conforms to the JSONTransformable protocol.

As a simple example, the material type of a vehicle's interior could use an enum like this:

enum VehicleInterior: String {
    case Fabric = "fabric"
    case Leather = "leather"

extension VehicleInterior: JSONTransformable {
    static func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> VehicleInterior? {
        return VehicleInterior(rawValue: json.stringValue)
    func toJSON() -> AnyObject {
        return rawValue

class Vehicle: ModelRocket {
   let interior = Property<VehicleInterior>(key: "interior")

Property postProcess hook

The Property postProcess closure (also available on PropertyArray and PropertyDictionary) provides a mechanism for work to be done after all properties of a Model object have been initialized from JSON but before the Model object has finished initializing.

class Vehicles: Model {
    let vehicles = PropertyArray<Vehicle>(key: "vehicles") { (values) -> Void in
        for vehicle in values {
            println("postHook vehicle: \(vehicle.make.value!)")

.value accessor usage pattern

A ModelRocket property is of type Property<T>. When accessing the property's value, you go through Property.value, e.g.:

let vehicleMake = make.value

It is perfectly acceptable to to utilize Propertys and access the property value directly. However, you may want a different public API for your model objects.

private let _make = Property<String>(key: "make")
public var make: String {
  get {
    return make.value ?? "unknown make"
  set {
    make.value = newValue

This usage pattern enables:

  • A cleaner public API
  • A public API that makes the type more proper: we expect "make" to be a string, not a Property
  • value is optional because it must be for general applicability, but your API may be more correct to have non-optional. Of course, if your API wants an optional, that's fine too.
  • The ability to process or convert the raw JSON value to other values more proper to your object's public API
  • Whereas a Property.value could be set, you could omit the set accessor for a read-only property, again helping to expose exactly the API for your object that you desire.
  • This usage of the bridge pattern enables ModelRocket to become an implementation detail and minimize dependencies and long-term maintenance.

Implementing a class cluster

Override the modelForJSON(json: JSON) -> Model function

class Vehicle: Model {
    let make = Property<String>(key: "make")
    let model = Property<String>(key: "model")
    let year = Property<Int>(key: "year")
    let color = Property<UIColor>(key: "color")
    let manufacturer = Property<Manufacturer>(key: "manufacturer")
    override class func modelForJSON(json: JSON) -> Vehicle {
        switch json["type"].stringValue {
        case "car":
            return Car(json: json)
        case "plane":
            return Plane(json: json)
        case "bike":
            return Bike(json: json)
            return Vehicle(json: json)

Then to access subclass-specific properties, use a switch-case

let vehicle = Vehicle.modelForJSON(vehicleJSON)
switch vehicle {
case let car as Car:
	// drive the car
case let plane as Plane:
	// fly the plane
case let bike as Bike:
	// ride the bike
	// do nothing

Obtaining the object's JSON representation

Calling the json() function on a Model subclass returns a tuple containing:

  • dictionary: [String : AnyObject]
  • json: JSON
  • data: NSData

Obtaining a copy of a custom object

Call copy() on the object, and cast to the correct type. Example:

let vehicleCopy = vehicle.copy() as! Vehicle


ModelRocket is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Add ability to check for `null` in JSON with `is NSNull`.

    Add ability to check for `null` in JSON with `is NSNull`.

    The inability for us to check if a key exists, but is null, in the JSON was kind of a bummer, so I wrote this up.

    Note that this is different for checking if a key doesn't exist, which is where you'd use json["not_a_key"].isNil. Instead, if you have an object in the JSON as such…

        "can_be_null": null

    Then you check if that object is null using the change in this PR by asking

    json["can_be_null"].isNull // returns true
    json["can_be_null"].isNil // returns false, because the key is there, but is not nil; it's null

    This PR comes complete with unit test addition!

    opened by kreeger 8
  • Extended JSON to RawRepresentable protocol

    Extended JSON to RawRepresentable protocol

    This provides anyone using this library as a simple JSON parser the ability grab the object property directly from a JSON instance. The setter is still private.

    opened by jlalvarez18 3
  • Internal property description clash when overriding

    Internal property description clash when overriding

    Hello all! Nice library :)

    Can't use let description = PropertyArray<String>(key: "description")

        "description": [
            "4 claras de huevo revueltas con ½ taza de espinaca y ½ taza de champiñones",
            "1 tortilla de maíz",
            "½ toronja"

    I know, is a collection of ingredients and it should be named different. Anyhow, in the case that something really need the name description, like in a blogpost ?


    opened by argentounce 3
  • Ask ModelRocket's failable init to return nil when JSON is nil.

    Ask ModelRocket's failable init to return nil when JSON is nil.

    I've tried just about every other permutation of ModelRocket(strictJSON:) that I could, and maybe I'm using it wrong, but I've got a dilemma around optional JSON nodes that map to other ModelRocket subclasses. Basically, the child property object gets initialized, even if there is no node for it.

    I've got two models: a Document and a Category.

    class Document: ModelRocket {
        var category: Category? {
            return _category.value
        private let _category = Property<Category>(key: "category")
        var categoryIdentifier: String? {
            return category?.identifier
    class Category: ModelRocket {
        var identifier: String! {
            return _identifier.value!
        private let _identifier = Property<String>(key: "id")

    A Document's Category is optional, but a Category's identifier is required (provided the category exists).

    If I pass in JSON like this…

      { "document": {
          "category": {
              "id": "1-category"
      { "document": { } }

    For what it's worth, these is my JSONTransformable extensions for each.

    extension Document: JSONTransformable {
        typealias T = Document
        static func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> Document? {
            return Document(strictJSON: json)
        func toJSON() -> AnyObject {
            return self.json().dictionary
    extension Category: JSONTransformable {
        typealias T = Category
        static func fromJSON(json: JSON) -> Category? {
            return Category(strictJSON: json)
        func toJSON() -> AnyObject {
            return self.json().dictionary

    The first Document gets created with a Category just fine, and the document's categoryIdentifier property is a-ok. The second Document gets created, but when I hit categoryIdentifier, I expect to get nil back; instead, I get a fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value crash, inside of the Category's identifier property. The Category object should never have been created if there was no "category" node in the JSON.

    This pull request slightly modifies the strictJSON-based fail-able initializer so that if the json passed in is nil, then the object returned is also nil. It's only after I make this change that everything initializes (or doesn't) like I expect it to.

    opened by kreeger 3
  • ModelRocket's performance

    ModelRocket's performance


    I was wondering about ModelRocket's performance compared to a few other popular JSON mapper libraries:

    However, due to the way of creating the class variables (e.g. let title = Property(key: "title"), I'm not sure how I can add ModelRocket to do a comparison.

    Looks like I will need to write an extension on these classes and member values:

    • ModelObjects/Program.swift
    • ModelObjects/Recording.swift

    Any suggestions?

    opened by falcon4ever 2
  • Nested JSON

    Nested JSON

    It would be great to see a couple more example in the Readme. I am looking to create model for the following JSON:

    "pricing": {
            "USD": {
                "price": 42
            "CAD": {
                "price": 60
            "MXN": {
                "price": 510

    the currency codes are not predictable. Can be anything.

    opened by oscarmorrison 2
  • Add check for null value using hasValue; rename isNil to hasKey.

    Add check for null value using hasValue; rename isNil to hasKey.

    This pull request supersedes #8 and more or less continues the discussion from there.

    The ability for us to check if a key exists is written as !isNil, but no check currently exists for when the key is present, but the resulting value is nil (when deserialized using NSJSONSerialization, these are brought into the object as NSNull).

    What this PR does is allow JSON to respond to .hasKey and .hasValue (the former being a newly-revised version of isNil, the latter checking for object is NSNull). So now, if you have an object in the JSON as such…

        "can_be_null": null

    Then you check if that object is null using the change in this PR by asking

    json["can_be_null"].hasKey // returns true
    json["can_be_null"].hasValue // returns false
    // Additionally...
    json["not_a_key"].hasKey // returns false
    json["not_a_key"].hasValue // returns false

    This PR comes complete with unit test addition!

    opened by kreeger 2
  • Typed array models don't work as documented

    Typed array models don't work as documented

    According to the examples in the readme, this is how you create a typed array model:

    class Vehicle: Model {
        let make  = Property<String>(key: "make")
        let model = Property<String>(key: "model", required: true)
        let year  = Property<Int>(key: "year") { year in
            if year < 2015 {
                // offer discount
        let color = Property<UIColor>(key: "color", defaultValue: UIColor.blackColor())
    class Vehicles: Model {
        let vehicles = PropertyArray<Vehicle>(key: "vehicles")

    However, this results in error "Type 'Vehicle' does not conform to protocol 'JSONTransformable'

    Adding the "JSONTransformable" protocol to Vehicle fixes the issue.

    opened by thatjuan 1
  • Unexpected type required property

    Unexpected type required property


    { "model": 15 } // This should be a string, but due to a server side bug, this is now an int.


    class Vehicle: Model {
        let model = Property<String>(key: "model", required: true)

    Expected behavior Since "model" is not of type String, but of type Int, I expect the the model property to become nil and since model is required I expect the vehicle object not to be initialized.

    Behaviour The vehicle object is initialized while the model property is nil. This causes a crash when I unwrap the model property: print("Vehicle make: \(vehicle.make.value!)")

    opened by pimnijman 1
  • Any samples of using this with Alamofire?

    Any samples of using this with Alamofire?

    I like the syntax of this lib better then Argo's, however, I am not sure how to use this with Alamofire (3.0)? Do you have any suggestions? I've been trying to use the json 'response' data to fill out my ModelRocket models.

    Nevermind, figured it out:

    Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])
                .responseJSON { response in
                    let jsonData: NSData =!
                    let json = JSON(data: jsonData)
                    if let test = Test(strictJSON: json) {
                        if let url = test.url.value {
                            print("url: \(url)")
                        if let origin = test.url.value {
                            print("origin: \(origin)")
    class Test: Model {
        let origin  = Property<String>(key: "origin")
        let url  = Property<String>(key: "url")
    opened by falcon4ever 1
  • JSONTransformableDateFormatter doesn't transform dates properly

    JSONTransformableDateFormatter doesn't transform dates properly

    The current NSDateFormatter for transforming ISO8601 appears to have some issues with regards to the date format:

    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"

    First putting the 'Z' in single quotes seems to escape it so that it always assumes the date string is in GMT therefore ignoring timezone offset included in the string.

    For example if I use ModelRocket to parse the following date string from my JSON: "2015-10-04T01:00:00.000Z"

    I actually end up with: "2015-10-04T05:00:00.000Z"

    This is because by default NSDateFormatter uses the local timezone of the device (in my case EST) so when this combines with the escaped Z the time is off by 4 hours.

    This can be corrected by eliminating the single quotes around the Z so it accepts the offsets properly.

    Additionally having the SSS means that the example string 2015-05-31T19:00:17+00:00 from the documentation will fail to parse because its missing milliseconds.

    The last thing is that its recommended to add the following just in case the device is not using the gregorian calendar:

    formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")

    opened by tomparkp 1
  • 1.2.4(Feb 13, 2016)


    • RawRepresentable conformance to JSON
      • This includes a failable initializer with a single AnyObject argument and a compute property named rawValue of type AnyObject
    • Function for converting a JSON object back to raw NSData
    do {
       let data = try json.rawData(.PrettyPrinted)
       // do something with data
    catch let error = JSON.DataError {}
    catch {}
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 1.2.3(Jan 20, 2016)

  • 1.2.2(Nov 18, 2015)


    • Built-in date formatter to accept non-GMT date formats. ISO8601 formatting (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ) is still required, but a future release will contain support for more formats. In the meantime, you can use this pattern if your models require a different format:
    private let dateFormatter = {
       let formatter = NSDateFormatter()
       formatter.format = "yyyy-MM-dd"
       return formatter
    private let _date = Property<String>(key: "date")
    public var date: NSDate? {
       guard let date = _date.value else { return nil }
       return dateFormatter.dateFromString(date)


    • Issue where time zones weren't respected while parsing JSON to/from NSDate objects
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.1(Oct 29, 2015)


    • An issue with the default implementation of fromJSON for Model types. The implementation worked without issue in simulator builds, but caused crashing on device builds. Attempting to access the dynamicType on Self currently causes problems on device builds, so dynamicType is no longer used; however, fromJSON can still be overridden in the subclass if needed.


    • The convenience initializers on Model are now designated initializers. This allows these initializers to be overridden in subclasses.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2(Oct 27, 2015)


    • hasValue and hasKey to JSON (replaces isNil). The behavior of isNil was not always clear, in cases where the JSON contained a valid key but a null value. hasValue and hasKey clears this up.
    let json: JSON = [
       "string" : NSNull()
    json["string"].hasValue   // false
    json["string"].hasKey     // true


    • Issue where subclassing a Model subclass resulted in broken JSONTransformable conformance.
    let json: JSON = [
        "cars" : [
                "model" : "BMW",
                "year" : 2015,
                "number_of_doors" : 4
    class Vehicle: Model, JSONTransformable {
        let model = Property<String>(key: "model")
        let year = Property<Int>(key: "year")
    class Car: Vehicle {
        let numberOfDoors = Property<Int>(key: "number_of_doors")
    class Garage: Model {
        let cars = PropertyArray<Car>(key: "cars")
    let garage = Garage(json: json)
    // previously   // nil
    // now   // valid Car object
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1(Sep 17, 2015)


    • Swift 2 support!
    • Default implementations for Model and RawRepresentable (String and Int) types.
    • isNil property on JSON


    • Conformance to Equatable for JSON, Property, PropertyArray, and PropertyDictionary


    • ModelRocket class to Model, to fix a namespacing issue caused by the framework and class sharing the same name.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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