CarBode : Free & Opensource barcode scanner & generator for SwiftUI





Free and Opensource Barcode scanner & Barcode generator for swiftUI


Why you must use CarBode

  1. CarBode have both Barcode Scanner and Barcode Generator
  2. CarBode is a lightweight components
  3. CarBode build on AVFoundation it will supported all of barcodes types that AVFoundation supported
  4. CarBode can turn on the torch light and it can toggle between front and back camera

Supported Barcode



The preferred way of installing SwiftUIX is via the Swift Package Manager.

Xcode 11 integrates with libSwiftPM to provide support for iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms.

  1. In Xcode, open your project and navigate to FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the repository URL ( and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select Branch (with branch set to 2.1.2 ).
  4. Click Finish.

Example project


Carbode Example project

How to use Scanner View

SwiftUI QRCode Scanner

Add camera usage description to your info.plist

<string>This app needs access to the camera, to be able to read barcodes.</string>

Simple Scanner

import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan

struct ContentView: View {

    var body: some View {

                supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
                scanInterval: .constant(5.0) //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
                //When the scanner found a barcode
                print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)


Draw box around the barcode

import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
                supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
                scanInterval: .constant(5.0) //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
                //When the scanner found a barcode
                print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
            onDraw: {
                print("Preview View Size = \($0.cameraPreviewView.bounds)")
                print("Barcode Corners = \($0.corners)")
                //line width
                let lineWidth = 2 

                //line color
                let lineColor = 

                //Fill color with opacity
                //You also can use UIColor.clear if you don't want to draw fill color
                let fillColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0.2, alpha: 0.4)
                //Draw box
                $0.draw(lineWidth: lineWidth, lineColor: lineColor, fillColor: fillColor)

How to turn torch light on/off

import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan

@State var torchIsOn = false

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

        Button(action: {
            self.torchIsOn.toggle() //Toggle On/Off
        }) {
            Text("Toggle Torch Light")
                supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
                scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
                torchLightIsOn: $torchIsOn // Bind a Bool to enable/disable torch light
                //When the scanner found a barcode
                print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)

Switch to front camera

import SwiftUI
import CarBode
import AVFoundation //import to access barcode types you want to scan

@State var torchIsOn = false

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

        @State var cameraPosition = AVCaptureDevice.Position.back

        // Click to Toggle camera
        Button(action: {
            if cameraPosition == .back {
                cameraPosition = .front
                cameraPosition = .back
        }) {
            if cameraPosition == .back{
                Text("Swicth Camera to Front")
                Text("Swicth Camera to Back")
                supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
                scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
                cameraPosition: $cameraPosition  //Bind to switch front/back camera
                //When the scanner found a barcode
                print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)

Test on iOS simulator

The iOS simulator doesn't support the camera yet but you can set a mock barcode for iOS simulator.

No need to remove the mock barcode from the production app it will only use for iOS simulator.

        supportBarcode: .constant([.qr, .code128]), //Set type of barcode you want to scan
        scanInterval: .constant(5.0), //Event will trigger every 5 seconds
        mockBarCode: .constant(BarcodeData(value:"Mocking data", type: .qr))
        //When you click the button on screen mock data will appear here
        print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)

Barcode Types Support

Read here

How to use barcode generator view

SwiftUI QRCode Scanner

Example code

import SwiftUI

struct ModalBarcodeGenerator: View {
    @State var dataString = "Hello Carbode"
    @State var barcodeType = CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
    @State var rotate = CBBarcodeView.Orientation.up

    var body: some View {
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                CBBarcodeView(data: $dataString,
                              barcodeType: $barcodeType,
                              orientation: $rotate)
                    .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 400, maxHeight: 400, alignment: .topLeading)

Barcode type you can generate

//QR Code
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
//Code 128
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.barcode128
//Aztec Code
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.aztecCode
// CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.PDF417

@State var barcodeType = CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
CBBarcodeView(data: ..... ,
                barcodeType: $barcodeType ,
                orientation: ... )

Rotate your barcode

/*Youcan rotate 4 directions

@State var rotate = CBBarcodeView.Orientation.left
CBBarcodeView(data: ..... ,
                barcodeType: ..... ,
                orientation: $rotate)


CarBode welcomes contributions in the form of GitHub issues and pull-requests.


- 2.1.2 When scan on difference barcode scanner will ignore the delay time
- 2.1.1 Fixed bugs
- 2.1.0 You can draw a box around the barcode
- 2.0.1 Fixed bugs
- 2.0.0 I learned many more things about SwiftUI then I decide to restructure the scanner I hope you will like it. And this version you can switch front and back camera.
- 1.5.0 Fixed bugs and you can read the barcode type when scanner found it
- 1.4.0 Rename component and add new barcode generator view component
- 1.3.0 You can set a mock barcode when running with an iOS simulator.
- 1.2.0 Add feature allows to turn torch light on or off.
- 1.0.1 Fixed bug camera delay 10 seconds when use on modal.
  • View takes long Time (async)

    View takes long Time (async)

    Hello, the View to load the Scanner takes long time till to init the cam. is there a way to init the cam after the view is presenting? hope you know what i mean. Like Async

    opened by lutzmuschischutz 6
  • Slow closing of camera

    Slow closing of camera


    I am using the scanner in a NavigationView -> NavigationLink. If I open the camera from here it works fine. When I want to close it by clicking the back arrow in NavigationView, it takes about 5 secs to close (showing the gray background meanwhile). Do other experience this also - or do I have (probably) some error in my code? :)

    Thanks, Jens

    opened by ghost 6
  • Incorrect Camera Orientation in Landscape on iPhone and iPad

    Incorrect Camera Orientation in Landscape on iPhone and iPad

    I saw there was a previously closed issue about camera orientation, but I am having an issue with version 2.2.2 where if I start a scan while the device is in landscape mode, the camera will be sideways. If I start a scan in portrait and rotate to landscape on an iPhone, the camera appears to rotate the image to the correct orientation. If I test on an iPad (12.9" Pro running 14.6), the camera is always sideways in landscape mode.

    I'm happy to help test and do anything I can to track down this bug. Thanks.

    opened by MikeMilzz 5
  • Exporting Barcode Image

    Exporting Barcode Image

    Hello! Thanks so much for adding code in 2.2 to access the image file... however, I can't seem to actually get it to save to the camera roll... I'm trying with a very basic Button(action: { UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(self.barcodeImage!, nil, nil, nil) } and it asks for camera access and completes the action, but nothing actually shows up in the camera roll... Can I not access the image this way? I'm sorry for my confusion, I'm relatively new to swift and can't figure out how to access the QR code to export it out of the app (which I'm assuming is something you want it to be able to do!) Thanks, Zack

    opened by zfisher323 5
  • Export Generated Barcode to Printer or Camera Roll

    Export Generated Barcode to Printer or Camera Roll

    Hi! Love the code... quick question. I would really like to be able to export the generated barcode to a printer or camera roll...

    Is that something you could add? I was hoping I could just use something like the following extension: extension UIImage { convenience init(view: CBBarcodeView) { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(view.frame.size) view.layer.render(in:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!) let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() UIGraphicsEndImageContext() self.init(cgImage: image!.cgImage!) } }

    And then turn CBBarcodeView into an image that I could export, but CBBarcodeView doesn't have a size or layer for the UIGraphiucsBeginImageContext call...

    Thoughts? Thanks again! Zack

    opened by zfisher323 3
  • iOS 14 beta

    iOS 14 beta

    I've tried my app on iOS 14 beta and is working in a strange way.

    If I open the View that contains Carbode it takes a photo immediately, is not waiting to recognize de barcode.

    I think that you should probably know.

    opened by beboprich 3
  • 10 second delay when showing CarBode view using modal .sheet()

    10 second delay when showing CarBode view using modal .sheet()

    I get a 10 second delay before the CarBode view is displayed when launched from a modal .sheet(). The sheet is implemented in what appears to be the standard way with a @State variable and a button to set the boolean to launch the modal sheet.

    I've got the CarBode view in a separate struct and it all works fine when the view is eventually displayed.

    I've even tried putting the view code 'in line' in my .sheet() but either way there is always a 10 sec delay before the view is shown.

    Anyone else seen this? Any suggestions for how to get rid of the 10 sec delay? john

    opened by johncneal 3
  • 'AVMetadataObject' is only available in Mac Catalyst 14.0 or newer

    'AVMetadataObject' is only available in Mac Catalyst 14.0 or newer

    Please consider to upgrade to .iOS(.v14)

    opened by L1cardo 2
  • box around found codes?

    box around found codes?

    Thanks for creating this, it really helps me out!!

    One question, how difficult would it be to draw a rectangle around found codes? Using transformedMetadataObject on the previewLayer like explained here ?


    opened by VoordeMensen 2
  • When  input the first character with Chinese would cause nil error

    When input the first character with Chinese would cause nil error


    CarBode/CBBarcodeView.swift:84: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    Code Snapshot:

        @State private var dataString = ""
        @State private var barcodeType = CBBarcodeView.BarcodeType.qrCode
        @State private var rotate = CBBarcodeView.Orientation.up
     TextEditor(text: $dataString)
    CBBarcodeView(data: $dataString,
                                 barcodeType: $barcodeType,
                                 orientation: $rotate,
                                 onGenerated: { image in
                                            //log.debug("barcodeType: \(barcodeType), image.size: \(image.size)")

    TextEditor display "" and I continue to append one Chinese character from keyboard IMG_6982 截圖 2021-08-24 18 09 15

    opened by leotu 1
  • Support

    Support "CODABAR" barcode type

    Does this library support the "Codabar" type?

    I couldn't find this type on this library. Would you have the plan to support this type of barcode?

    Thank you

    opened by xperad 1
  • iPhone 14 Pro Minimum Focus Distance Scanning Issues

    iPhone 14 Pro Minimum Focus Distance Scanning Issues

    The minimum focus distance on the default camera in the iPhone 14Pro has changed and can result in barcodes that are too far away to successfully scan. This Apple Developer forum thread links to a 2021 WWDC session and sample code for addressing this issue.

    opened by MikeMilzz 3
  • Hang Risk warning from Xcode in CBScanner.swift

    Hang Risk warning from Xcode in CBScanner.swift

    Xcode warns on this line: uiView.session?.startRunning() -[AVCaptureSession startRunning] should be called from background thread. Calling it on the main thread can lead to UI unresponsiveness

    opened by Binzinz 2
  • Scanner instance persist in hierarchy even when pop VC from navigation

    Scanner instance persist in hierarchy even when pop VC from navigation

    After getting back from this screen, Scanner still scanning in background

                        supportBarcode: .constant(supportedCodeTypes()),
                        torchLightIsOn: $torchIsOn,
                        scanInterval: .constant(3.0)
                        print("BarCodeType =",$0.type.rawValue, "Value =",$0.value)
                        self.codeString = $0.value
                        self.vm.barcodeValue = self.codeString
                        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.2) {
                            self.result = GeneralResult.success
                            self.pushed = false
                    onDraw: {
                        print("Preview View Size = \($0.cameraPreviewView.bounds)")
                        print("Barcode Corners = \($0.corners)")
                        //line width
                        let lineWidth = 2
                        //line color
                        let lineColor =
                        //Fill color with opacity
                        //You also can use UIColor.clear if you don't want to draw fill color
                        let fillColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0.2, alpha: 0.4)
                        //Draw box
                        $0.draw(lineWidth: CGFloat(lineWidth), lineColor: lineColor, fillColor: fillColor)
                    .border(, width: 10)
                        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                        .frame(width: screenWidth / 2)
                    VStack {
                        HStack {
                            ZStack {
                                    .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
                                    .onTapGesture {
                                        userDefaults.setValue(self.torchIsOn, forKey: Defaults.isTorchOn)
                                Image(systemName: torchIsOn ? "lightbulb.fill" : "lightbulb")
                                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                                    .frame(width: 35, height: 35)
                            .padding([.trailing, .top], 35)
    opened by asar1 0
  • The code is not scannable

    The code is not scannable

    This one is generated by CarBode-Barcode-Scanner-For-SwiftUI DF1D830B-7D04-4AA8-9A85-2DB9D78CAE08

    This one is generate by myself with code 58688B43-38FD-49EE-8C3E-A61049854A3B

    func generateQRCode(from string: String) -> UIImage? {
        let data = String.Encoding.ascii)
        if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
            filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
            if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
                return UIImage(ciImage: output)
        return nil

    And here is my question:

    1. The one generated by CarBode-Barcode-Scanner-For-SwiftUI looks weird, like there is some offset in every dot.
    2. And it can’t be scannable. :(

    Any idea please?

    opened by L1cardo 0
  • Xcode 13: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.

    Xcode 13: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.

    I am getting an error "'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead." when trying to get my app ready for iOS 15.

    Line 186 - CameraPreview.swift

    opened by CptCorporate 0
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