Quotes App is quotes browsing app which is built with Quotable Free API completely in SwiftUI.




Quotes App is quotes browsing app which is built with Quotable Free API completely in SwiftUI. You can watch the whole journey of building this app from scratch on my instagram handle here , I've tried to break a whole process of building an Full app in some parts there! I hope you enjoy that!

My Motivation

My motivation behind this app is to able learn and able to taught you guys, how to build a full fledge app using SwiftUI especially how to handle Networking using ViewModels and important property wrappers like ObservedObject, Published , StateObject etc. ( Learn more about these here ) This project is for Intermediate iOS developers ( You need to know the basics! ). And I hope this app helps you to build something great!

Progress Glance

Stuck Somewhere or having trouble ?

Drop me mail @ dheerajsh123456@gmail.com

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© Dheeraj kumar sharma - 2021

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