🥷 High-performance polyline simplification library - port of simplify.js



High-performance polyline simplification library

SwiftSimplify is a tiny high-performance Swift polyline simplification library ported from Javascript's Simplify.js. Original work come from Leaflet, a JS interactive maps library by Vladimir Agafonkin.

It uses a combination of Douglas-Peucker and Radial Distance algorithms. Works both on browser and server platforms.

Polyline simplification dramatically reduces the number of points in a polyline while retaining its shape, giving a huge performance boost when processing it and also reducing visual noise. For example, it's essential when rendering a 70k-points line chart or a map route in the browser using MapKit.



  • iOS 8.0, watchOS 2.0, tvOS 9.0
  • Swift 5.x+


  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.


SwiftSimplify is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwiftSimplify"


Usage is pretty straightforward: in fact you need just call the SwiftSimplify's class method simplify by passing your configuration:

let allPoints: [Point2DRepresentable] = ...
let simplifiedPoints = SwiftSimplify.simplify(allPoints, tolerance: tolerance)

Allowed parameters are:

  • points: An array of points. SwiftSimplify supports Swift's generic so you can pass an array of objects which are conforms to Point2DRepresentable protocol (both CGPoint and CLLocationCoordinate2D objects supports it).
  • tolerance: (1 by default) Affects the amount of simplification (in the same metric as the point coordinates)
  • highQuality: (false by default) Excludes distance-based preprocessing step which leads to highest quality simplification but runs ~10-20 times slower.

❤️ Your Support

Hi fellow developer!
You know, maintaing and developing tools consumes resources and time. While I enjoy making them your support is foundamental to allow me continue its development.

If you are using SwiftSimplify or any other of my creations please consider the following options:


SwiftSimplify is compatible with Swift 5.x+ under iOS (11+) and macOS platforms.

You can install it via CocoaPods:

pod 'SwiftSimplify'

or SPM in your Package.swift:

import PackageDescription

  let package = Package(name: "YourPackage",
    dependencies: [
      .Package(url: "https://github.com/malcommac/SwiftSimplify.git", majorVersion: 0),

Consider ❤️ support the development of this library!


  • If you need help or you'd like to ask a general question, open an issue.
  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.

Copyright & Acknowledgements

SwiftSimplify is currently owned and maintained by Daniele Margutti.
You can follow me on Twitter @danielemargutti.
My web site is https://www.danielemargutti.com

This software is licensed under MIT License.

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  • Tolerance not working as intended?

    Tolerance not working as intended?

    Hi all I'm currently using SwiftSimplify to reduce the number of coordinates while running, I'm testing runs that go on for about 1 KM but after using Simplify and giving it about 20 points, all it does is return start and end coordinates.

    Simplify is currently like this. SwiftSimplify.simplify(self.activityPolyline!, tolerance: 10, highQuality: false)

    Giving it an array of coordinates like this: [(37.330075379999997, -122.02126848), (37.330058049999998, -122.02100589), (37.33000706, -122.02074717000001), (37.329941720000001, -122.02053031), (37.329871330000003, -122.0202987), (37.329823259999998, -122.02006170999999), (37.329705570000002, -122.01986866), (37.329525689999997, -122.01982409), (37.329339840000003, -122.01980544), (37.329133579999997, -122.0197871), (37.328938319999999, -122.01979684), (37.328738469999998, -122.01980584), (37.328532039999999, -122.0198032), (37.32833935, -122.01980995), (37.32814552, -122.01983108), (37.327952580000002, -122.01982651), (37.327758189999997, -122.01980315), (37.327560220000002, -122.01974095), (37.327370989999999, -122.01972170000001), (37.327185819999997, -122.01971872), (37.326979710000003, -122.01972916)]

    After simplify I get this: [(37.330075379999997, -122.02126848), (37.326979710000003, -122.01972916)]

    What am I doing wrong? The location manager is currently configured as follows: locationManager.activityType = .fitness locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyKilometer locationManager.distanceFilter = 20

    Appreciate the help.

    opened by sungkim23 4
  • Use generic type conforming Point2DRepresentable for all public interfaces

    Use generic type conforming Point2DRepresentable for all public interfaces

    This PR changes all public interfaces for library to accept parameters with generic types conforming Point2DRepresentable protocol, which makes return type of the function SwiftSimplify.simplify(_:tolerance:highestQuality:) equals the type of the first parameter points.

    opened by tackgyu 2
  • Support for Swift 5.3

    Support for Swift 5.3

    • Use implicit returns
    • Remove unnecessary explicit references to self
    • Use enum instead of struct for namespacing to restrict initialization
    • Update .gitignore file
    • Add resources to test target in Package.swift
    • fileprivate -> private
    opened by Coledunsby 1
  • Extensions not public

    Extensions not public

    Referencing instance method 'simplify(tolerance:highestQuality:)' on 'Array' requires the types 'CLLocationCoordinate2D' and 'Point2DRepresentable' be equivalent

    When the lib is added to a project via CocoaPods, the extensions on CLLocationCoordinate2D etc are not visible.

    opened by sobri909 1
  • Pod doesn't work

    Pod doesn't work

    After installing the pod I tried calling it like I would another pod (say like Alamofire) and the methods were not accessible. It did work, however, if I simply added it to my project.

    opened by jasonwiener 1
  • [Enhancement]check count before func simplify

    [Enhancement]check count before func simplify

    In func simplifyRadialDistance, it use force unwrap var prevPoint: T = points.first! and var point: T = points[1]. This would cause crash when input parameter points is just 0 or 1 count. Although I add something like guard line.count > 1 before use SwiftSimplify.simplify to avoid crash, hope this check could add, thank you very much.

    opened by Faydee1220 0
  • Generics support improvement

    Generics support improvement

    Add simple SimplifyValue protocol to add support to simplify any type which supports this protocol. CGPoint and CLLocationCoordinate2D support this protocol already

    opened by OverSwift 0
  • Use projected coordinates when simplifying CLLocationCoordinate2D data

    Use projected coordinates when simplifying CLLocationCoordinate2D data

    If you do calculations based on latitude/longitude, then:

    1. You get different scales on the x/y-axis which leads to weird simplification logic
    2. You can't relate to the tolerance value

    The solution would be to e.g. convert it to MKMapPoints before simplification and if the data points are MKMapPoints you could interpret the tolerance value as meters and it would be both correct (1 above) and use a tolerance that you can relate to (2 above).

    opened by gunnarblom 0
  • Elapsed time calculated in Seconds, but shown as Milliseconds

    Elapsed time calculated in Seconds, but shown as Milliseconds

    You show time in milliseconds /* Returns the current CoreAnimation absolute time. This is the result of

    • calling mach_absolute_time () and converting the units to seconds. */

    @available(iOS 2.0, *) public func CACurrentMediaTime() -> CFTimeInterval

    opened by ansinyutin 0
  • Supports mandatory points to be

    Supports mandatory points to be

    I added the property isMandatory to Point2DRepresentable. This allows to mark certain points as mandatory - so that regardless of the simplification process, they're always included in the result.

    I'm not sure it's the most efficient way of doing this - for our use case it works very well: We're optimisation a large collection of coordinates (x: latitude, y: longitude) and some coordinates must be included in the optimised collection (i.e. isMandatory = true).

    opened by ChristianSteffens 1
  • SPM Target Integrity Warning: range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99

    SPM Target Integrity Warning: range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99

    SwiftSimplify/Package.swift The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.5.99.

    Should we an easy fix.

    opened by andreyz 0
  • Returned array with only two values

    Returned array with only two values

    Hi, I'm using the pods and when I try to simplify my [CCLocation2D] consisting in 2125 points the function return my an array with only 2 values.

    I'm doing this:

    let simplifiedCoordinates = SwiftSimplify.simplify(coordinates!, tolerance: 1.75) (I've tried also with 1 tolerance, but nothing change)

    opened by nicosmazz 3
  • Error or less-than-ideal-naming on distance functions

    Error or less-than-ideal-naming on distance functions


    These appear to be returning a standard Pythagoras result, but the result is not square rooted. AFAIK this is not meant to be the case but I haven't had time to dig (I only know the DP algorithm at a distance).

    If this is meant to be a linear distance, it looks like it needs to be square rooted. Else it might help to modify the function names to indicate that this is a squared result - otherwise it looks like a straightforward distance calculation function.

    opened by ALTinners 0
  • API for using ArraySlice

    API for using ArraySlice

    For my work I needed to keep array copies at a minimum (dealing with arrays with 100s of 1000s of points) and modified the code here to include an ArraySlice API for dealing with large subsets of the big arrays

    Any interest in a pull request for that API? I wasn't sure how to handle the highestQuality parameter - in my use case I took it out to prevent an array copy but I think the simplifyRadialDistance method could be overloaded to slice the input array even thinner.

    opened by ALTinners 1
Daniele Margutti
Senior Mobile Engineer/Tech Lead - "Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"
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