LCWebImage - An asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking.



LCWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking, which supports memory and disk caching, and provides functions such as custom caching, custom image decoding, and custom network configuration.

Animation playback is not supported by default. If you need to support animation, you can implement custom decoding (such as YYImage).


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • AFNetworking 4.0+


Load image

// UIImageView
[imageView lc_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://xxx"]];

// UIButton
[button lc_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://xxx"] forState:(UIControlStateNormal)];

Custom decoding playback animation

Use YYImage to implement custom decoding

// custom
[(LCAutoPurgingImageCache *)[LCWebImageManager defaultInstance].imageCache setCustomDecodedImage:^UIImage * _Nonnull(NSData * _Nonnull data, NSString * _Nonnull identifier) {
    return [[YYImage alloc] initWithData:data scale:UIScreen.mainScreen.scale];

Load image

YYAnimatedImageView *imageView = [[YYAnimatedImageView alloc] init];
[imageView lc_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"https://xxx"]];

Note: There is a display problem with YYImage above iOS 14. The source code of YYAnimatedImageView needs to be modified as follows:

- (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)layer {
    // modified code
    UIImage *currentFrame = _curFrame;
    if (currentFrame) {
        layer.contentsScale = currentFrame.scale;
        layer.contents = (__bridge id)currentFrame.CGImage;
    } else {
        // If we have no animation frames, call super implementation. iOS 14+ UIImageView use this delegate method for rendering.
        if ([UIImageView instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(displayLayer:)]) {
           [super displayLayer:layer];

    // source code
//    if (_curFrame) {
//        layer.contents = (__bridge id)_curFrame.CGImage;
//    }



To integrate LCWebImage into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'LCWebImage'


  1. Download everything inside the LCWebImage folder;
  2. Add (drag and drop) the source files in LCWebImage to your project;
  3. Add AFNetworking/NSURLSession code.


LCWebImage is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.

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