❇️ Feature flagging framework in Swift sauce



RealFlags makes it easy to configure feature flagsin your codebase.
It's designed for Swift and provides a simple and elegant abstraction layer over multiple providers you can query with your own priority.
It also comes with an handy UI tool to browse and alter values directly at runtime!


Features | What You Get | Flags Browser & Editor | Tests | Documentation | Requirements | Installation | Powered Apps | Support & Contribute | License

Features Highlights

  • 💡 Simple & Elegant: Effectively describe and organize your own flags with a type-safe structure. It will abstract your implementation and consistently reduce the amount of code to manage your feature flags
  • 💡 Extensible: You can use one of the default data providers or create your own. We support Firebase Remote and Local configurations too
  • 💡 Complete: Feature Flags supports all primitive datatypes and complex objects: Int (and any numeric variant), String, Bool, Data, Date, URL, Dictionary, Array (values must conform to FlagProtocol), Optional Values and virtually any object conforms to Codable protocol!
  • 💡 Configurable: Enable, disable and customize features at runtime
  • 💡 Integrated UI Tool: the handy UI Tool allows you to customize and read flags at glance

What You Get

Our goal making RealFlags is to provide a type-safe abstract way to describe and query for feature flags.

The first step is to describe your collection of flags:

// Define the structure of your feature flags with type-safe properties!
struct UserFlags: FlagCollectionProtocol {
    @Flag(default: true, description: "Show social login options along native login form")
    var showSocialLogin: Bool
    @Flag(default: 0, description: "Maximum login attempts before blocking account")
    var maxLoginAttempts: Int
    @Flag(key: "rating_mode", default: "at_launch", description: "The behaviour to show the rating popup")
    var appReviewRating: String

This represent a type-safe description of some flags grouped in a collection. Each feature flags property is identified by the @Flag annotation. It's time load values for this collection; using a new FlagsLoader you will be able to load and query collection's values from one or more data provider:

// Allocate your own data providers
let localProvider = LocalProvider(localURL: fileURL)
let fbProvider = FirebaseRemoteProvider()

// Loader is the point for query values
let userFlagsLoader = FlagsLoader(UserFlags.self, // load flags definition
                                  providers: [fbProvider, localProvider]) // set providers

Now you can query values from userFlagsLoader by using the UserFlags structure (it suppports autocomplete and type-safe value thanks to @dynamicMemberLookup!).
Let me show it:

if userFlagsLoader.showSocialLogin { // query properties as type-safe with autocomplete!
    // do some stuff

Values are obtained respecting the order you have specified, in this case from Firebase Remote Config service then, when no value is found, into the local repository.
If no values are available the default value specified in @Flags annotation is returned.

This is just an overview of the library; if you want to know more follow the documentation below.

Flags Browser & Editor

RealFlags also comes with an handy tool you can use to browse and edit feature flags values directly in your client! It can be useful for testing purpose or allow product owners to enable/disable and verify features of the app.

Checkout the doc for more infos!


RealFlags includes an extensive collection of unit tests: you can found it into the Tests directory.


The following documentation describe detailed usage of the library.


RealFlags can be installed in any platform which supports Swift 5.4+ including Windows and Linux. On Apple platform the following configuration is required:

  • iOS 12+
  • Xcode 12.5+
  • Swift 5.4+


To use RealFlags in your project you can use Swift Package Manager (our primary choice) or CocoaPods.

Swift Package Manager

Aadd it as a dependency in a Swift Package, add it to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/immobiliare/RealFlags.git", from: "1.0.0")

And add it as a dependency of your target:

targets: [
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
        .product(name: "https://github.com/immobiliare/RealFlags.git", package: "RealFlags")

In Xcode 11+ you can also navigate to the File menu and choose Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency..., then enter the repository URL and version details.


RealFlags can be installed with CocoaPods by adding pod 'RealFlags' to your Podfile.

pod 'RealFlags'

Powered Apps

RealFlags was created by the amazing mobile team at ImmobiliareLabs, the Tech dept at Immobiliare.it, the first real estate site in Italy.
We are currently using RealFlags in all of our products.

If you are using RealFlags in your app drop us a message, we'll add below.



Made with ❤️ by ImmobiliareLabs and Contributors

We'd love for you to contribute to RealFlags!
If you have any questions on how to use RealFlags, bugs and enhancement please feel free to reach out by opening a GitHub Issue.


RealFlags is licensed under the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.

  • Providers not respecting order defined

    Providers not respecting order defined

    Bug Report

    | Q | A | | ------------------- | ------ | | BC Break | no | | Version | 1.3.1 |


    I'm setting providers: [FeatureFlagLocalProvider(), FirebaseRemoteProvider()]. for this property

    default: True localProvider: True firebase: False

    Current behavior

    The flag resolves as false, somehow deciding to choose firebase over the localProvider

    How to reproduce

    unsure, it seems like it should just work if you do [localProvider, firebaseProvider]

    Expected behavior

    the flag should resolve as True, respecting the local provider over the firebase provider

    opened by AndrewSB 3
  • Define resources explicitly for SPM package

    Define resources explicitly for SPM package

    I generated a Xcode project from the Swift Package and imported the generated Xcode into my workspace.

    I get the following error when compiling my workspace

    Screenshot 2022-04-10 at 3 19 56 PM

    My main use case is to be able to use this library together with tuist. The discussion about this use case is here

    opened by antranapp 2
  • Reset values for LocalProvider and per flag in every writable provider

    Reset values for LocalProvider and per flag in every writable provider

    Feature Request

    Allows reset of values inside a collection both via call and inside the browser of flags.
    This feature should be also implemented to reset a single flag.
    The scope is to reset any writable provider (ie. for LocalProvider it will remove the dictionary serialized file) and so on.

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | BC Break | no

    opened by malcommac 1
  • Give the opportunity to alter the default value of a Flag

    Give the opportunity to alter the default value of a Flag

    Feature Request

    Give the opportunity to alter the default value of a Flag.
    Sometimes you may need to alter the default value specified inside the property wrapper signature. This happens if you want to define a single collection file used in several targets of your project where one or more flags have different default values.
    In this case you can avoid to replicate the same collection blueprint but just change the default value.

    A new call setDefaultValue() is therefore provided to allows this change.

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | BC Break | no

    opened by malcommac 1
  • FlagProvider's flagValue(from:fallback) function ignores fallback setting

    FlagProvider's flagValue(from:fallback) function ignores fallback setting

    Feature Request

    By calling flagValue(from:fallback) function from any FlagLoader concrete implementation value obtained ignores the fallback parameter which means "return the default value if nothing found on any provider".
    Fallback is always returned when loader's reference is not available, while in case everything is setup correctly and no values were found the returned value is nil instead of defaultValue.

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | no | BC Break | yes

    opened by malcommac 0
  • Release 1.2.1

    Release 1.2.1

    Added the following features:

    • #15 Give the opportunity to alter the default value of a Flag by using setDefaultValue() (example: loader.nested.$flagInt.setDefault(100, providers: [...]))
    • #16 Reset values for LocalProvider and per flag in every writable provider (using resetValue() for Flag and resetAllData for LocalProvider.
    • #15 Added more unit tests
    opened by malcommac 0
  • Make the Flags Browser more user friendly for general purpose users

    Make the Flags Browser more user friendly for general purpose users

    Feature Request

    While it's more complete, especially for debug purpose, the flags browser interface is far from being simple. Especially if you want to expose it to your non-tech managers the resulting experience is really poor.

    We'll work on the following issues:

    • [x] Simplify the initial flags collection list showing only the relevant informations (without describing the type of collection but exposing a metadata section event for FlagsCollection type).
    • [x] Allowing in-place toggle for the most common used data type: the boolean. When you open a flags collection you should be able to change the value of boolean flags directly from list. This should works only if flag has one or more writable providers (the toggle operation will affects all the writable data providers like the LocalProvider).
    • [x] Show relevant errors when set the value of a flag

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | BC Break | no

    The following screenshots describe the expected result:

    Screenshot 2022-01-22 at 13 19 21 Screenshot 2022-01-22 at 13 19 16 enhancement 
    opened by malcommac 0
  • LocalProvider fail to throw error if something went wrong saving local flags

    LocalProvider fail to throw error if something went wrong saving local flags

    Bug Report

    LocalProvider class fails to throw errors when saving internal flags dictionary inside a local file making the error catching really difficult.

    | Q | A | | ------------------- | ------ | | BC Break | yes | | Version | 1.1.0 |

    How to reproduce

    Just allocate a new LocalProvider pointing to an URL of a directory instead of a file.

    Expected behavior

    public func setValue<Value>(_ value: Value?, forFlag key: FlagKeyPath) throws -> Bool where Value: FlagProtocol support throws but the saveToDisk() function does not throw, instead it uses optional throw via try?.

    Just remove it to fix the issue.

    opened by malcommac 0
  • wrappedTypeFromOptionalType() function in FirebaseRemoteProvider works only with optional type, fails with non-optional

    wrappedTypeFromOptionalType() function in FirebaseRemoteProvider works only with optional type, fails with non-optional

    Bug Report

    FirebaseRemoteProvider's wrappedTypeFromOptionalType() function does not work correctly with non optional type and fails returning nil values even for available flags. This causes wrong behaviour by querying remote provider for set values.


    Fix includes fallback value for wrappedTypeFromOptionalType which allows us to return the unwrapped value correctly:

    public func wrappedTypeFromOptionalType(_ type: Any.Type) -> Any.Type? {
        (type as? OptionalProtocol.Type)?.wrappedType ?? type
    opened by malcommac 0
  • Bundle for FlagsControllerBrowser's storyboard failed to instantiate via CocoaPods

    Bundle for FlagsControllerBrowser's storyboard failed to instantiate via CocoaPods

    Bug Report

    Bundle is currently loaded by getting Bundle(for: Self.self) in extension of Bundle inside the package.
    However Bundle's path is set to:


    but now the bundle is inside RealFlags.bundle.

    How to reproduce

    Using the package via CocoaPods and instantiate a new controller via the default create() of the controller.


    Allows the bundle function to search inside the package itself if generated:

    extension Bundle {
        private static let internalBundle = Bundle(for: FlagsBrowserController.self)
        internal static var libraryBundle: Bundle {
            #if SWIFT_PACKAGE
                Bundle(url: internalBundle.bundleURL.appendingPathComponent("RealFlags.bundle")),
            ].lazy.compactMap({ $0 }).first ?? Bundle.main
    opened by malcommac 0
  • Support for Computed value in annotated feature flag

    Support for Computed value in annotated feature flag

    This PR add support for computed value for annotated @Flag properties.
    This feature allows you to define a closure function which may return a custom value for an annotated flag.
    If value returned from callback is not nil this is the value of the flag and no other checks are made.
    If the value returned is nil the flow continues by asking to any provider specified (in order) and eventually returning the fallback return value.

    This is an example:
    Suppose you have a feature flag called hasPublishButton: it should return true only when the app's language is set to it. This is how we should define this behaviour:

    public struct MiscFlags: FlagCollectionProtocol {
        // MARK: - Flags
        @Flag(default: false, computedValue: MiscFlags.computedPublishButton, description: "")
        var hasPublishButton: Bool
        // MARK: - Computed Properties Functions
        public init() { }
        private static func computedPublishButton() -> Bool? {
            Language.main.code == "it"
    documentation enhancement 
    opened by malcommac 0
  • Firebase 10 support - Fork Link

    Firebase 10 support - Fork Link

    What problem are you facing?

    Ive added a fork to support firebase 10.0. This was needed to resolve captcha issues with the simulator and firebase auth captcha


    Other Information

    No response

    opened by tr736-reclip 0
  • Add iOS 11 support

    Add iOS 11 support

    @malcommac Thanks for the great package. My app is currently supporting iOS 11+

    I see it's quite trivial to change the codebase a bit to support iOS 11. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't do that.

    Hope I haven't overseen something here 😬

    opened by antranapp 0
  • A Sample App would be nice

    A Sample App would be nice

    Feature Request

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | RFC | no | BC Break | no


    First of all, thank you for the great library. It looks modern and easy to use.

    I'd suggest to add a simple demo app into this library, so that other can easily start play around with the library immediately without initial setup.

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by antranapp 1
  • Better presentation for optional data inside the flags browser

    Better presentation for optional data inside the flags browser

    Feature Request

    At this time all the optional data is showed using Optional(Value) string inside the browser. This is just the debug description form coming from the Swift runtime. We should optimize it by showing the data if available eventually with a small icon to inform about the optional nature.

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes

    opened by malcommac 0
  • Support for Optimizely data provider

    Support for Optimizely data provider

    Feature Request

    http://optimizely.com as Firebase Remote Config allows you to configure A/B test and feature flags. It should be a great new data provider to add.

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | RFC | no | BC Break | no

    opened by malcommac 0
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