IRCCloud iOS App


The official iOS app for

Chat on IRC from anywhere, and never miss a message.

  • All your chats and logs are stored in the cloud. Access them on the go
  • Push notifications on highlights and PMs
  • Fully syncs with on the web
  • Works on iPhone and iPad

Join our #ios channel on for feedback and suggestions so we can improve the app. You can also email us on or find us on Twitter @irccloud.

IRCCloud for iOS is available in the App Store.




A code signing key from Apple is required to deploy apps to a device. Without a developer key, the app can only be installed on the iPhone/iPad Simulator.

  • CocoaPods
  • Xcode 11.3
  • iOS 13 SDK
  • An iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch running iOS 8.0 or newer

Run the following command from the Terminal to install the required libraries, and then open the generated IRCCloud.xcworkspace file to build and run the app.

$ pod install


Copyright (C) 2020 IRCCloud, Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Can't upload from phone

    Can't upload from phone

    iPhone 6+ here. Both taking a photo and choosing a photo won't let me upload anything, I get "Upload Failed An error occured while uploading the file. Please try again."

    What's the deal here?

    opened by lukeify 3
  • Buffer switch after sent message

    Buffer switch after sent message

    Sending a message, then switching to a different buffer while the message is still grey can lead to you getting switched back to the initial buffer once the message is confirmed.

    opened by jwheare 3
  • Text behind status bar (iOS 7)

    Text behind status bar (iOS 7)

    Using iOS 7 I am getting the text going behind the status bar, yes I am using a jailbreak however I have now disabled all UI affecting tweaks installed and it is still occuring. I am not sure if a buffer for the status bar size needs to be added or something? The attached image is from yesterday prior to me disabling all my UI affecting tweaks. The main problem this causes is the inability to close the notification. bkxhxblceaafg1p

    opened by itzeddie 3
  • Opening links/images and returning restores an acknowledged chatter bar

    Opening links/images and returning restores an acknowledged chatter bar

    Go to a buffer with a chatter bar, tap it to scroll up, then slowly scroll down to read backlog, every time you open a link or image and come back, the chatter bar shows up again. Possibly only triggered after loading at least one extra page of backlog to get to the last seen eid.

    opened by jwheare 3
  • Missing unread message indicators

    Missing unread message indicators

    Lately I've been regularly waking up and opening the app to see no bolded/indicated unread channels in the sidebar when I know I've had highlights or know there's always activity. Opening individual channels reveals the messages are there, with the --New messages-- lines and everything, but no markers in the channel list.

    Don't know if this is related to stream resume thresholds, but this seems to only be happening when I open the app after a night of not using it.

    bug release blocker 
    opened by jwheare 2
  • Clear push notifications if they've been checked on another device

    Clear push notifications if they've been checked on another device

    It appears to be possible now to clear notifications from the lock screen if they've been checked on another device using a silent push notification.

    opened by pkqk 2
  • [iOS7] Pane open/close message view issues

    [iOS7] Pane open/close message view issues


    1. Go to a passworded channel (e.g. #dev)
    2. Scroll up a bit
    3. Tap the topic to open the info pane (or any other pane, e.g. ban/ignore lists)
    4. Cancel to close it


    • Messages view scrolls down one message
    • Lock icon in title moves around a bit
    opened by jwheare 2
  • iOS 7 support

    iOS 7 support

    • [x] Pressing enter doesn't work in popup alert prompts
    • [x] Text area doesn't expand while typing
    • [x] Check the new iOS global font size setting - it's way too big, not going to use it
    • [x] Investigate the new background multitasking mode
    • [x] iPad main view doesn't fill the the status bar area
    • [x] Adjust size of login screen text fields - Fixed in the latest iOS 7 beta
    • [x] The lock icon is too close to the title text on iPad portrait layout
    • [x] Offset the splash screen logo to match the launch image on iOS 7 so it looks right on all versions
    • [x] When the keyboard disappears while a drawer is visible, the drawer doesn't resize correctly
    opened by c99koder 2
  • Reconnect timer is too long

    Reconnect timer is too long

    It shouldn't be based on the idle timeout either. The web app uses the following logic:

    If the stream dies due to an error, increment failCount

    // this.start takes a value in seconds for how long to wait before retrying
    switch (failCount) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
        if (failCount < 10) {
        } else {

    When the stream manages to reconnect and receives any data, reset failCount.

    For set_shard, always reconnect immediately, there should never be a timer. For temp_unavailable, the web app uses a constant 30 second timer.

    opened by jwheare 2
  • Logout and login with a separate account issues

    Logout and login with a separate account issues

    Logging out and in again with a different account leads to a bad state. The last selected bid from the previous user persists, with the previous title and an unending spinner. The buffer list drawer keeps shutting itself when you try to open it.

    opened by jwheare 2
  • Regression:  Topics truncated at random lengths

    Regression: Topics truncated at random lengths

    Issue: Regression: Topics truncated at random lengths

    Environment: iPhone 13 Mini + iOS 16.0.3 + IRCCloud 4.25 client


    1. Login using iOS client
    2. Join various channels with topics set, ex: on #gnucash , #MacOS; on irccloud: #feedback

    Expected: full topic is shown (or a way to view full topic is always provided)

    Actual: topics are randomly truncated, ex: #gnucash is truncated at “please” (51 chars), #MacOSX is truncated at “Security Updates: http://“ (207 chars). #feedback truncated at “email” (261 chars)

    Troubleshooting: IRCCloud desktop client on MacOS 12.5.1 + Chrome v107 doesn’t exhibit issue (even with window size set at minimum possible size)

    opened by bkmdev 1
  • Support messaging users in irc: and ircs: URL handlers

    Support messaging users in irc: and ircs: URL handlers

    opened by mjgardner 0
  • Clear iOS notification when message is read on other platform

    Clear iOS notification when message is read on other platform

    The iOS notifications (for mentions, etc.) are delivered very quickly. If I'm at my computer and I am logged in to irccloud there, it would be nice if the notifications would go away once the message is read on the other screen. This would be similar to how other chat programs work.


    opened by dmlloyd 0
  • Search?


    There doesn't seem to be a search. Also not on desktop.

    Is the only way to search via browser-search? What if I have a very long history? How would u search than?

    opened by berot3 1
  • I keep getting logged out

    I keep getting logged out

    I keep getting logged out after a while. Then I have to retype my entire email address for an access link (alternatively my username and password) on my tiny phone keyboard. As a result, I don't like using irccloud on my phone. I'd appreciate a fix, either by increasing the logout time (I don't see any reason why the app should ever log out at all) or by at least memorizing my email so that I can get an access key without retyping my email address.

    opened by wilhelmy 0
  • Ability to snooze notifications

    Ability to snooze notifications

    A feature request. Would be great if there was a slack-esque "snooze notifications" feature where you can set a timeout or indefinitely. I know this can currently be done via blocking notifications in iOS settings, but it's not elegant.

    opened by joedborg 0
  • RELEASE_4.26(Dec 16, 2022)

    • Quickly jump between channels • Share sheet suggestions • Typing indicators on supported networks • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.25(May 30, 2022)

    • Add some additional lines to the WHOIS dialog • Emoji 14 :emocode: shortcuts • Improve the next/previous keyboard shortcuts • Automatically focus the message text field when typing on an external hardware keyboard • Reply thread indicators are now visible on messages that include an image attachment • Channels and conversations can now be pinned / unpinned from the gear button menu • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.24(May 30, 2022)

    • Paste only the URL when the pasteboard contains both an image and a URL • Fix a crash when opening a menu on iOS 12 • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.23(Mar 18, 2022)

    • Experimental support for macOS 12 (Monterey) on Apple Silicon • Add a network easily from the channels drawer • Improved support for pasting multiple text strings • Improved iPad layout • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.22.1(Oct 4, 2021)

  • RELEASE_4.22(Sep 16, 2021)

    • Add a prompt to remove downloaded log exports before logging out • Fix usermask field in WHOWAS dialog • Fix unread indicator on devices with notches • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.21(Jul 15, 2021)

    • Emoji 13.1 :emocode: shortcuts • Improved display of messages sent by the IRC server • Fixed missing image thumbnail when sharing photos • Fixed code blocks embedded in multi-line message threads • Fixed an issue when switching between themes on iPad • Fixed display of >quotes in single line message layout • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.20(Feb 9, 2021)

  • RELEASE_4.19(Jan 11, 2021)

    • Fixed an issue where the share extension couldn't send to channels containing an ampersand symbol • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.18(Dec 14, 2020)

    • Updated :emocode: shortcuts • Fixed an issue where certain emoji could cause colorised mentions to appear in the wrong position • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.17(Sep 2, 2020)

    • Collapsed join/part/quit lines now display the correct timestamp • Fixed thumbnail previews for IRCCloud uploads in notifications • Ban list no longer shows editing controls in channels without permission to modify the list • Fix /whois menu on networks with hidden servers • Improved iPad landscape layout on iOS 13 • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.16(May 4, 2020)

    • Fix an issue that could cause the incorrect avatar to appear briefly while sending a message • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.15(Apr 21, 2020)

    • Pinned channels and conversations • Support for uploading and managing avatars for 3rd party IRCv3 servers • Support for uploading files in reply threads • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.14(Mar 2, 2020)

    • Emoji 12.1 :emocodes: • Sort nick completion suggestions by highlights, recently spoken, and then alphabetically • Fix centering of gifv animations in the image viewer • Fix "Share URL" menu action on iPad • Fix long press gesture unexpectedly opening URLs • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.13(Nov 20, 2019)

    • Fix an issue that prevented the cursor from being dragged in various alert dialogs on iOS 13 • Improve the background color of inline image thumbnails on Dawn and Midnight themes • Speed up backlog loading times for Slack connections • The reconnect countdown timer no longer displays negative values • Tapping an avatar will now display a larger version • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.12(Oct 22, 2019)

    • Add an option to automatically switch between Dawn and Midnight themes based on the current iOS dark mode setting • Fix status bar overlapping the navigation bar when rotating from landscape to portrait on some devices • Fix an issue that could messages to show the wrong avatar while being sent • Image thumbnails can no longer unexpectedly appear in the wrong channel • Fix scroll position when showing/hiding the keyboard • Fix opening e-mail verification and access link URLs on iOS 13 • Improved detection of hyperlinks • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.11(Sep 25, 2019)

    • The loading spinner on the archives header should no longer appear unexpectedly when resuming the app • Adjust some menu positions on iPad • Backlog no longer automatically reloads after using the /clear command • Fix a crash that could occur when displaying alert and prompt dialogs on iOS 13 • Show join/parts channel setting now correctly overrides the global join/part setting • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.10(Sep 12, 2019)

    • Automatically detect phone numbers and addresses in chat messages • Fix an issue where the users show/hide button would appear incorrectly on iPad • Prompt before joining channels when tapping a hyperlink • Support for channel keys in irc:// URLs • Improve playback of imgur MP4 / GIFV URLs • Fix the last line of collapsed join/part/quits occasionally being truncated • Colourised mentions now appear correctly when the message contains emoji • Fix missing 'Done' button when viewing a thread on iPad or large screen iPhones • Fix truncated labels in settings dialog on iPad • Support for Split View and Dark Mode on iOS 13 • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.9(Jun 11, 2019)

    • Edited messages no longer get detached from their reply thread • Fix a crash when tapping on an invalid Pastebin or Photo link • Support for iOS 12 notification grouping and improved hidden notification content on iOS 11 • Add a deep link to the app's setting from the iOS 12 notification settings screen • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.8(May 3, 2019)

    • Add an option to disable displaying IRC colors per-channel and globally • PNGs uploaded through the Share Extension no longer get converted to JPEGs • Improved performance while scrolling and displaying channels with a large number of collapsed joins/parts/quits • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.7(Mar 29, 2019)

    • Add an option to mute notifications for individual channels and conversations • Fixed image thumbnails not responding to taps if the filename contained an invalid URL character • Fixed bottom unread bar appearing in the wrong position after the keyboard appears/disappears • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.6(Mar 4, 2019)

    • Added collapsible networks • Added the ability to start a new private conversation with any nickname when you press and hold in the network list • Improved the VoiceOver description for chat messages • Improved the text input font • Fixed an issue that could cause the "add a connection" screen to appear unexpectedly when resuming the app • Fixed missing text on parts and quits • The text input field can now be focused by pressing the tab key on Bluetooth keyboards • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.5(Nov 19, 2018)

    • Fixed login issues on iOS 12 • Fixed missing navigation bar after previewing channel information via 3D touch • Added support for editing and deleting messages on IRCCloud Teams and Slack connections • Prevented bold text from unexpectedly being sent in messages when the "bold text" system accessibility option is enabled • The "unread messages" bar no longer prevents channels from scrolling when receiving new messages • Disabled Instagram previews, since they weren't showing videos or multi-part posts properly. • Improved iPhone X layout • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.4(Sep 6, 2018)

    • Added a setting on iPad for hiding the members list • Improved the layout in landscape mode on iPhone 6+ and iPhone X • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to disconnect when receiving a large amount of data • Mentions now appear in the correct position on lines containing quote formatting • Timestamps are now properly aligned when shown on the left • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.3(May 23, 2018)

    • Reply threads on Slack connections and IRCCloud team servers • Mentions can now optionally be colourised • Show Gravatar avatars if available for users with an email address in their real name field if an IRCCloud public avatar hasn't been uploaded • Channel suggestions no longer insert a @ on Slack connections • Per-channel collapse join/part/quit setting now correctly overrides the global setting • Fixed pasting images from the clipboard • Removed gap between text area and software keyboard on iPhone X • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.2(Feb 13, 2018)

    It's been a while! We've got quite a few fixes in this version as well as a new feature we're trying out.

    Public Avatars

    You can now choose an image to use as a public avatar visible to other IRCCloud users. Take a photo or choose a picture from your account settings screen and make sure you have both the "User icons" and "Avatars" settings enabled in the "Message Layout" settings.

    Faces can make IRC a friendlier place, but feel free to just use a picture of your dog or favourite eldritch symbol if you prefer!

    Fixes and improvements

    • Improved support for connecting to Slack IRC gateways, including support for multi-person DMs and Slack-style mentions • Channel URLs are now visible in the Channel Info dialog • Support for Unicode 10 :emocode:s • Added a new setting to remember the IRC color after sending messages • Embedded imgur and instagram descriptions are now auto-linkified • Conversations and channels you’ve left can now be renamed • Adjusted the spacing between nicks and mode symbols when using the monospace font • Fixed: The backspace key should work correctly while editing a channel topic • Fixed: Messages could overlap and thumbnails could have a large empty space below them • Fixed: The app could hang when displaying certain emoji combinations • Fixed: The scroll position should no longer jump when loading thumbnails • Fixed: The in-call / tethering banner should display correct on iOS 11 • Fixed: The bottom unread indicator no longer covers the last channel in the sidebar • Fixed: The text input field should no longer unexpectedly clear when resuming the app • Fixed: The unread messages bar has the correct background color on the Dawn theme • Fixed: The youtube player now releases the Control Center media controls after playback ends • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.1(Oct 23, 2017)

    • Topic editing now displays how many available characters are remaining • Fixed an issue with loading text snippets in the app • Fixed a crash caused by certain formatting characters • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.0(Sep 19, 2017)

    Images from external services are now displayed inline if you turn on "Embed external media" in Display Options. You can change the default behaviour everywhere from the Settings screen. These settings will match your preferences in the web/desktop client.

    You can also now format your messages with bold, italics, underline, and colors. Select the message text you want to format then use the edit menu buttons. You can even paste preformatted text copied from elsewhere. code spans, code blocks, and > quoted messages work too.

    • Share photos and documents via drag-and-drop on iOS 11 • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to logout unexpectedly • Support for page up / page down scrolling on external keyboards • Added support for iPhone X screens • Improved animated GIF performance • Added support for viewing WEBP images • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_3.12(Jul 28, 2017)

    You can now download logs to your device as a zip file, and sync with iCloud Drive. You can then open them with any app that can extract zip files.

    • Sped up nickname and emoji suggestions. If it's still too slow in larger channels, you can now turn off "Suggest nicks as you type" for a channel in Display Options. • Fixed tab navigation of nick suggestions when using an external keyboard • Fixed display of certain unicode characters when using the monospace font • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_3.11(Jul 3, 2017)

    • Fix the "Show joins/parts" and "Collapse joins/parts" settings in the Display Options dialog • Unicode 9 :emocodes: • Automatically close the image viewer when tapping a notification • Hide the in-call / tethering banner when playing videos • Fix display of kick messages • Show the correct symbol for Opers in the users list • Fix a crash when selecting "Save Image" from the share sheet • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
IRCCloud Ltd.
Chat on IRC from anywhere, and never miss a message
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