First of all, I hear some asserted that the mod works since the 1.61 update.
But I can say that there is a problem and I will try to be precise because the goal is not to just say "it doesn't work".
Already I certify that without this mod (and with others mods like "Always First Equip" and "Improved Minimap Zoom" who will use Mod settings), I can start the game and see the Mod Settings menu and all submenu for the mods and the game work well.
NB: I dont have RedMod DLC installed (because i dont use any mod for this)
I have all this dependencies:
- Cyber Engine Tweaks (1.21.0)
- Native Settings UI (1.9)
- RedScript (0.5.9)
- RED4ext (1.9.0)
- ArchiveXL (1.1.6)
- Mod Settings (0.0.9)
- Input Loader (0.0.7)
- TweakXL (1.0.8)
- CTD Helper (0.0.4)
I have all this mods:
- Accurate Speedometer (1.0)
- Always First Equip (1.10.1)
- Better Explosions And Fire Smooth (2.5)
- Better Surfaces Textures (1.00)
- Better Vending Machine Hacking (1)
- Corrupt NCPD (1.3)
- Cyber Vehicle Overhaul (1.6)
- Cybergirls Ads - All-In-One (4)
- Disable 2D & 3D Effects for UI & Chromatic Abberation (1.2)
- Extended & Improved Headlights (1.1)
- FreeFly & NoClip (2.0)
- Hide Distant 2D Cars (0.1)
- Hide Read Shards (0.3)
- Improved Minimap Zoom (1.7.4)
- Judy Romanced Enhanced (1.3)
- Legendary Cyberware Collection (1.6)
- Let There Be Flight (0.1.8)
- Let There Be Flight - Azerty (0.1.7)
- More Eddies Found In NightCity (1.0)
- No Intro Videos (0.3)
- Pet The Cat (1.0)
- Ragdoll Physics Overhaul (1.2)
- Ranged Attack Speed Damage Fix (2.0)
- Real Vendor Names (1.3.0)
- Silent Silencers & Throwing Knives (1.2.1)
- Simple Flashlight (2.2)
- Simple XP Multiplier (2.2)
- Spicy HUDs - Cyber Punk'ed (2.2)
- Talk to Me (1.2)
- Untrack Quest By Right Click (1.1)
- V's Edgerunners Mansion (1.5)
- Water 2077 (1.0)
For testing, i had reset all the files of the game to the most vanilla state.
I will test the game with only Mod Settings, RedScript and Red4Ext (for check if all work before add the mod file)
The game work fine, and Mod Settings menu appear with the false menu filled with : testestestestest and label label label

Now if I add the mod files (and nothing else) in the lastest version : 0.0.5, and restart the game, in this case, the Mod Settings menu no longer appears and the game crash if i try to load a save or start a new game.

I can even prove that I have all installed correctly and that there is only him present.
Here is the list of game files with only the mod, after i have try to start: Pastebin
- RedScript (0.5.9)
- Red4ext (1.9.0)
- Mod Settings (0.0.9)
- In-World Navigation (0.0.5)
I can't do a safer test and yet it doesn't work with this instructions.
I don't understand how some people said the mod work (without tell what version or type of installation) because I tried really hard to get the mod to work, I created several copies of the base game folder (verified by Steam) and tested many various way.
Really, there is something wrong.
I am attaching all the log files that were generated after trying to launch the game with ONLY this mod.
I don't think we need the dump file that the game generated after the crash (but i have zip all these in the zip)