You can easily start up a little breaking game by one line.



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JDBreaksLoading Based on simple UIView and SpriteKit.

You can easily start up a little breaking game by one line.

By the way, don't make user wait too long to play the game~

Thanks for using.

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To add JDBreaksLoading to your view, just give it a frame and addSubview.

  let jdbreaksLoading:JDBreaksLoading = JDBreaksLoading(frame: frame)



 platform :ios, '8.0'
 pod 'JDBreaksLoading'

Game Configuration

The default [ Ball, Block , Paddle -> All white, Block count: 3 ]

If you want to chagnge some game setting (color, block...etc).

You will need to set 'JDBreaksGameConfiguration'

  let config:JDBreaksGameConfiguration = JDBreaksGameConfiguration(paddle_color: UIColor.white, ball_color:  UIColor.white, block_color:  UIColor.white, blocks_count: 3)
  let jd:JDBreaksLoading = JDBreaksLoading(frame: frame, configuration: config)


JamesDouble –

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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    @jamesdouble Love this project. I'm going to have it so that when a user presses a button this activity loader will pop up. What code would I put in the sender:any object to present the loader and second, I want this loader to dismiss once everything was sent to the server, how can I do that instead of declaring a single value for the time that the loader will be presented.

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