11t is an iOS and Android app for connecting to Mastodon, written in Flutter.

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Audio 11t
  • Last version missing in releases/ ?

    Last version missing in releases/ ?

    Playstore reports version 1.5, but https://github.com/jeroensmeets/releases ends at v1.3.28. Could you please add the latest release here as well? Otherwise, this project's Readme is wrong, stating it would be available in my repo :wink:

    opened by IzzySoft 8
  • Show profile pictures that are animated GIFs

    Show profile pictures that are animated GIFs

    On Android, when I scroll through the public timeline, if a tooter has an animated gif as their profile picture, it kind of "floats" awkwardly as I scroll up and down. They also get drawn in front of the menu bar, while non-animated images get correctly drawn behind the menu bar.

    opened by mkosler 5
  • Name question: isn't it Matador?

    Name question: isn't it Matador?

    The README didn't make it completely if you did this on purpose, but the profession where someone fights a bull (or other bovine) is called a matador, not a matodor.

    Just wondering if it was on purpose.

    opened by SpacyRicochet 3
  • responsiveness issues

    responsiveness issues

    top bar of options, toot, home, notifications and public timeline, do not respond quickly or informatively. almost as if they are lagging.

    faving or boosting a toot has a similar problem: no change in icon or anything, i rarely know if i actually faved the toot

    opened by ghost 2
  • no visual feedback from repost/favourite buttons

    no visual feedback from repost/favourite buttons

    1. the favourite and repost buttons don't show we are waiting for a confirmation from the server
    2. the icons do not change when the action have finished successfully
    opened by jeroensmeets 2
  • Add clarifying text to

    Add clarifying text to "Connect to Mastodon" start screen

    The "Connect to Mastodon" screen that one sees prior to authenticating the app with their Mastodon server isn't too clear about what the user should do with it and/or what they should type into its textarea.

    Maybe change

    "To use Mastodon, you connect to an instance. This is the Mastodon server where you created your account."


    "To use Mastodon, connect to an instance. Type below the URL of the Mastodon server where you created your account."

    Additionally, maybe include the filler text of "e.g. mastodon.social" in the textarea.

    This also assumes that the user already has an account, so for users without accounts, you may want to add a way of showing where they can currently register for accounts and load that in the webview.

    opened by tenkabuto 1
Jeroen Smeets
@jeroensmeets on Mastodon & Twitter.
Jeroen Smeets
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