Fully functional music player which is written in swift programming language

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Audio Music-Player

Music Player Source Code

Fully functional Music Player Application Source code that is written in Swift 4.1, Xcode 9.3

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Music Player for iOS devices. Support from iOS 8+, compiled with latest Swift 4.1. It has beautiful minimalistic desing and 4 different unique theme background. Check out preview video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FJzGqrUI3k

How to use

Extremely easy to use. Clone prohect from github and just import your .mp3 files, album artwork and fill out .plist file. For further instruction see "readme.pdf" file in project.


Free for commercial or personal usage


Feel free to fetch and improve the project.


My name is Bahtiyar, freelance mobile developer based in Istanbul. Feel free to contact me for hiring or collabration. Contact email: bpolat@live.com

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