An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.



Version Platform


iOS 8.0+


JLPermissions is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add any or all of the following lines to your Podfile:

pod "JLPermissions/Calendar"
pod "JLPermissions/Camera"
pod "JLPermissions/Contacts"
pod "JLPermissions/Facebook"
pod "JLPermissions/Health"
pod "JLPermissions/Location"
pod "JLPermissions/Microphone"
pod "JLPermissions/Notification"
pod "JLPermissions/Photos"
pod "JLPermissions/Reminders"
pod "JLPermissions/Twitter" 

Only add the pod for the permissions you plan on using. Apple rejects apps that include Healthkit API's but do not use them.


To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install, then open JLPermissionsExample.xcworkspace.

The method for asking for each type of permission (other than push notifications) is virtually identical. Here is an example of the API:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, JLAuthorizationStatus) {
  JLPermissionNotDetermined = 0,

typedef void (^AuthorizationHandler)(bool granted, NSError *error);

- (JLAuthorizationStatus)authorizationStatus;
- (void)authorize:(AuthorizationHandler)completion;
- (void)authorizeWithTitle:(NSString *)messageTitle
                   message:(NSString *)message
               cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle
                grantTitle:(NSString *)grantTitle
- (void)displayErrorDialog;


JLPermissions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • App Store rejection - HealthKit

    App Store rejection - HealthKit

    We just got an App Store rejection:

    We found that your app uses public APIs in a manner not prescribed by Apple, which is not in compliance with the iOS Developer Program License Agreement, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

    In particular, section 3.3.1 of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement specifies:

    "Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs"

    Specifically, we found your app uses a HealthKit API (HKHealthStore) with no HealthKit features or functionality.

    We actually don't use HealthKit - it's not imported as a framework or in our app's 'Capabilities'. The only mention of HealthKit is in JLPermissions. I suspect the problem is similar to this issue from another project: - i.e., merely the mention of HealthKit is enough to upset Apple's reviewers.

    For now, I'm going to remove JLPermissions from my Podfile, and use a custom version which does not refer to HealthKit (for safety, I may also remove references to Calendar, Reminders, Microphone, and Locations)

    opened by cannyboy 10
  • UIUserNotificationSettings permissions only

    UIUserNotificationSettings permissions only

    Hey there,

    I'm trying to get this to work with UIUserNotificationSettings permissions only (I don't want/need remote notifications, just local ones). I'm using Swift, this is what I'm doing:

    JLNotificationPermission.sharedInstance().remoteNotificationType = UIRemoteNotificationType.None
    JLNotificationPermission.sharedInstance().userNotificationSettings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: UIUserNotificationType.Sound | UIUserNotificationType.Alert, categories: nil)

    After that I call the authorizeWithTitle() method. If I don't allow the permission, I get the expected behaviour. But as soon as I allow system permissions, I don't get anything printed. When I check for the authorizationStatus(), it is set to JLPermissionDenied.

    Any ideas what possibly needs changing?

    opened by jyounus 7
  • Updated for iOS 8.

    Updated for iOS 8.

    Includes permission checks for Facebook, Microphone Access and Health the same way as all the other checks. Also fixes warnings related to notification and location access.

    opened by sachinkesiraju 7
  • Fixed a bug where permissions were not checked properly for Notifications

    Fixed a bug where permissions were not checked properly for Notifications

    Notifications were not checked against the system API. Instead, they were only being checked against what the library stored in NSUserDefaults, rendering the result unreliable most of the time.

    This commit fixes that issue.

    opened by rahuljiresal 5
  • Make authorization fail if location services is disabled.

    Make authorization fail if location services is disabled.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Enable location services, ask user for location permission, and gained.
    2. Disable location services, restart app, ask user for location permission, still gained, but failed to get the location data.

    Should we do this? I don't know if we can conflate the location services enabled and authorized state .

    opened by VincentSit 4
  • Adding override for custom settings

    Adding override for custom settings

    We have interactive notifications in our app and need to supply custom settings to register for notifications. I preserved old functionality, and added an overload. Want to take a look and merge?

    Thanks! Justin

    opened by jfyles 4
  • JLNotificationPermission -- needs to call [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications]?

    JLNotificationPermission -- needs to call [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications]?

    I was having issues grabbing the device's push token from - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(nonnull NSData *)deviceToken and I found out that it only worked after calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications].

    Doesn't JLNotificationPermission need to call [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications] in order to retrieve the device's push token for remote notifications? Let me know if I'm doing this wrong. Thanks for the great work @jlaws!

    opened by kevinnguy 3
  • Ensure UIAlertView show on main thread.

    Ensure UIAlertView show on main thread.

    Recently I found a problem, if I check user permissions in the background thread, UIAlertView will not be displayed.

    Although this is common sense, I think the library should do some appropriate precautions to prevent such problems(rather than let users to do this).

    opened by VincentSit 3
  • Push Notifications

    Push Notifications

    I'm trying to get my head around the push notification part of JLPermissions.

    From what I can see [[JLPermissions sharedInstance] notificationsAuthorized] will return NO if my app has notifications enabled in a previous version, which didn't use JLPermissions.

    MyApp 1.1 (NO JLPermissions)
    (user agrees to permissions)
    MyApp 1.2 (WITH JLPermissions)
    (JLPermissions assumes user has not agreed)

    Should I also check the systems's push notification status ( using this answer on stack overflow ) before attempting with either of the authorizeNotifications methods?

    opened by cannyboy 3
  • `completionHandler` gets called twice.

    `completionHandler` gets called twice.

    @jlaws apparently this piece of code

    [library enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupAll
              usingBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *assetGroup, BOOL *stop) {
                  *stop = YES;
                  self.photosCompletionHandler(true, nil);

    Gets called more than once; apparently the *stop = YES; is not working as expected (I'm assuming).

    But on my tests I'm showing the custom UIAlertView; after tapping "allow" I'm getting the system's dialog (so far so good); upon allowing again the photosCompletionHandler gets called twice. (at least).

    opened by esttorhe 3
  • Fixed iOS 7 microphone permission

    Fixed iOS 7 microphone permission

    The microphone permission would always return not determined when calling authorizationStatus. Fixed a few other things such as the labels in the example and the missing auto layout for the last three permissions.

    opened by pmairoldi 2
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