RealityKitSampler is a sample collection of basic functions of RealityKit, Apple's AR framework for iOS.
How to build
1, Download or Clone this project and open in xcode.
2, Please change the "Team" field of xcode Signing and Capabilities to your account.
3, Build on your actual device. This project can not be used in Simulators.
Put the box
The simplest way to use the ModelEntity and AnchorEntity.
Gigant Robots
Use USDZ models and animations.
Big monitor
How to select a video from your album and paste it as a texture.
Building blocks
How to place objects of different shapes and colors.
Speech Balloon
Visualiing facial expressions and what you say.
Special Move
Interact body and AR object.
Face Cropper
Detect a face then crop.
AR Hockey
Multi Device AR Game.
Hand Interaction
AR with Vision Framework.
What you can learn
Content | Technical Elements |
Put the box | ARView in SwiftUI, Scene, Entity, Anchor, MeshResource, Material. |
Big Robots | USDZ, Animation |
Big Monitor | VideoMaterial, SceneEvent |
Building Block | Ray Cast, Hit Test, Handle Gestures, Physics, Collision, TextureResource |
Speech Balloon | Face Anchor, ARSessionDelegate, Deal with RealityComposer |
Special Move | Body Anchor |
Face Cropper | Image Anchor |
AR Hockey | Collaborative Session |
Hand Interaction | addForce, use with Vision |
Daisuke Majima
Freelance iOS programmer from Japan.
BLOGS: Medium
Special Thanks
Inspired by: ARKit-Sampler
Sound effect: zapsplat